8 research outputs found

    Using Workload Prediction and Federation to Increase Cloud Utilization

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    The wide-spread adoption of cloud computing has changed how large-scale computing infrastructure is built and managed. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds consolidate different separate workloads onto a shared platform and provide a consistent quality of service by overprovisioning capacity. This additional capacity, however, remains idle for extended periods of time and represents a drag on system efficiency.The smaller scale of private IaaS clouds compared to public clouds exacerbates overprovisioning inefficiencies as opportunities for workload consolidation in private clouds are limited. Federation and cycle harvesting capabilities from computational grids help to improve efficiency, but to date have seen only limited adoption in the cloud due to a fundamental mismatch between the usage models of grids and clouds. Computational grids provide high throughput of queued batch jobs on a best-effort basis and enforce user priorities through dynamic job preemption, while IaaS clouds provide immediate feedback to user requests and make ahead-of-time guarantees about resource availability.We present a novel method to enable workload federation across IaaS clouds that overcomes this mismatch between grid and cloud usage models and improves system efficiency while also offering availability guarantees. We develop a new method for faster-than-realtime simulation of IaaS clouds to make predictions about system utilization and leverage this method to estimate the future availability of preemptible resources in the cloud. We then use these estimates to perform careful admission control and provide ahead-of-time bounds on the preemption probability of federated jobs executing on preemptible resources. Finally, we build an end-to-end prototype that addresses practical issues of workload federation and evaluate the prototype's efficacy using real-world traces from big data and compute-intensive production workloads

    Prebaked µVMs: Scalable, Instant VM Startup for IaaS Clouds

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    Abstract-IaaS clouds promise instantaneously available resources to elastic applications. In practice, however, virtual machine (VM) startup times are in the order of several minutes, or at best, several tens of seconds, negatively impacting the elasticity of applications like Web servers that need to scale out to handle dynamically increasing load. VM startup time is strongly influenced by booting the VM's operating system. In this work, we propose using so-called prebaked µVMs to speed up VM startup. µVMs are snapshots of minimal VMs that can be quickly resumed and then configured to application needs by hot-plugging resources. To serve µVMs, we extend our VM boot cache service, Squirrel, allowing to store µVMs for large numbers of VM images on the hosts of a data center. Our experiments show that µVMs can start up in less than one second on a standard file system. Using 1000+ VM images from a production cloud, we show that the respective µVMs can be stored in a compressed and deduplicated file system within 50 GB storage per host, while starting up within 2-3 seconds on average

    Traffic generation for benchmarking data centre networks

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    Benchmarking is commonly used in research fields, such as computer architecture design and machine learning, as a powerful paradigm for rigorously assessing, comparing, and developing novel technologies. However, the data centre network (DCN) community lacks a standard open-access and reproducible traffic generation framework for benchmark workload generation. Driving factors behind this include the proprietary nature of traffic traces, the limited detail and quantity of open-access network-level data sets, the high cost of real world experimentation, and the poor reproducibility and fidelity of synthetically generated traffic. This is curtailing the community's understanding of existing systems and hindering the ability with which novel technologies, such as optical DCNs, can be developed, compared, and tested. We present TrafPy; an open-access framework for generating both realistic and custom DCN traffic traces. TrafPy is compatible with any simulation, emulation, or experimentation environment, and can be used for standardised benchmarking and for investigating the properties and limitations of network systems such as schedulers, switches, routers, and resource managers. We give an overview of the TrafPy traffic generation framework, and provide a brief demonstration of its efficacy through an investigation into the sensitivity of some canonical scheduling algorithms to varying traffic trace characteristics in the context of optical DCNs. TrafPy is open-sourced via GitHub and all data associated with this manuscript via RDR

    Using trustworthy simulation to engineer cloud schedulers,”

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    Abstract-In recent years, researchers have contributed promising new techniques for allocating cloud resources in more robust, efficient, and ecologically sustainable ways. Unfortunately, the wide-spread use of these techniques in production systems has, to date, remained elusive. One reason for this is that the state of the art for investigating these innovations at scale often relies solely on model-driven simulation. Production-grade cloud software, however, demands certainty and precision for development and business planning that only comes from validating simulation against empirical observation. In this work, we take an alternative approach to facilitating cloud research and engineering in order to transition innovations to production deployment faster. In particular, we present a new methodology that complements existing model-driven simulation with platform-specific and statistically trustworthy results. We simulate systems at scales and on time frames that are testable, and then, based on the statistical validation of these simulations, investigate scenarios beyond those feasibly observable in practice. We demonstrate the approach by developing an energy-aware cloud scheduler and evaluating it using production and synthetic traces in faster than real time. Our results show that we can accurately simulate a production IaaS system, ease capacity planning, and expedite the reliable development of its components and extensions

    Using Trustworthy Simulation to Engineer Cloud Schedulers

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