2 research outputs found

    Weighting Passages Enhances Accuracy

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    We observe that in curated documents the distribution of the occurrences of salient terms, e.g., terms with a high Inverse Document Frequency, is not uniform, and such terms are primarily concentrated towards the beginning and the end of the document. Exploiting this observation, we propose a novel version of the classical BM25 weighting model, called BM25 Passage (BM25P), which scores query results by computing a linear combination of term statistics in the different portions of the document. We study a multiplicity of partitioning schemes of document content into passages and compute the collection-dependent weights associated with them on the basis of the distribution of occurrences of salient terms in documents. Moreover, we tune BM25P hyperparameters and investigate their impact on ad hoc document retrieval through fully reproducible experiments conducted using four publicly available datasets. Our findings demonstrate that our BM25P weighting model markedly and consistently outperforms BM25 in terms of effectiveness by up to 17.44% in NDCG@5 and 85% in NDCG@1, and up to 21% in MRR

    Rewarding the Location of Terms in Sentences to Enhance Probabilistic Information Retrieval

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    In most traditional retrieval models, the weight (or probability) of a query term is estimated based on its own distribution or statistics. Intuitively, however, the nouns are more important in information retrieval and are more often found near the beginning and the end of sentences. In this thesis, we investigate the effect of rewarding the terms based on their location in sentences on information retrieval. Particularly, we propose a kernel-based method to capture the term placement pattern, in which a novel Term Location retrieval model is derived in combination with the BM25 model to enhance probabilistic information retrieval. Experiments on five TREC datasets of varied size and content indicates that the proposed model significantly outperforms the optimized BM25 and DirichletLM in MAP over all datasets with all kernel functions, and excels compared to the optimized BM25 and DirichletLM over most of the datasets in P@5 and P@20 with different kernel functions