10,934 research outputs found

    Reverse Proxy Framework using Sanitization Technique for Intrusion Prevention in Database

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    With the increasing importance of the internet in our day to day life, data security in web application has become very crucial. Ever increasing on line and real time transaction services have led to manifold rise in the problems associated with the database security. Attacker uses illegal and unauthorized approaches to hijack the confidential information like username, password and other vital details. Hence the real time transaction requires security against web based attacks. SQL injection and cross site scripting attack are the most common application layer attack. The SQL injection attacker pass SQL statement through a web applications input fields, URL or hidden parameters and get access to the database or update it. The attacker take a benefit from user provided data in such a way that the users input is handled as a SQL code. Using this vulnerability an attacker can execute SQL commands directly on the database. SQL injection attacks are most serious threats which take users input and integrate it into SQL query. Reverse Proxy is a technique which is used to sanitize the users inputs that may transform into a database attack. In this technique a data redirector program redirects the users input to the proxy server before it is sent to the application server. At the proxy server, data cleaning algorithm is triggered using a sanitizing application. In this framework we include detection and sanitization of the tainted information being sent to the database and innovate a new prototype.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; CIIT 2013 International Conference, Mumba

    Intelligent agent for formal modelling of temporal multi-agent systems

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    Software systems are becoming complex and dynamic with the passage of time, and to provide better fault tolerance and resource management they need to have the ability of self-adaptation. Multi-agent systems paradigm is an active area of research for modeling real-time systems. In this research, we have proposed a new agent named SA-ARTIS-agent, which is designed to work in hard real-time temporal constraints with the ability of self-adaptation. This agent can be used for the formal modeling of any self-adaptive real-time multi-agent system. Our agent integrates the MAPE-K feedback loop with ARTIS agent for the provision of self-adaptation. For an unambiguous description, we formally specify our SA-ARTIS-agent using Time-Communicating Object-Z (TCOZ) language. The objective of this research is to provide an intelligent agent with self-adaptive abilities for the execution of tasks with temporal constraints. Previous works in this domain have used Z language which is not expressive to model the distributed communication process of agents. The novelty of our work is that we specified the non-terminating behavior of agents using active class concept of TCOZ and expressed the distributed communication among agents. For communication between active entities, channel communication mechanism of TCOZ is utilized. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed agent using a real-time case study of traffic monitoring system

    Hierarchical Design Based Intrusion Detection System For Wireless Ad hoc Network

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    In recent years, wireless ad hoc sensor network becomes popular both in civil and military jobs. However, security is one of the significant challenges for sensor network because of their deployment in open and unprotected environment. As cryptographic mechanism is not enough to protect sensor network from external attacks, intrusion detection system needs to be introduced. Though intrusion prevention mechanism is one of the major and efficient methods against attacks, but there might be some attacks for which prevention method is not known. Besides preventing the system from some known attacks, intrusion detection system gather necessary information related to attack technique and help in the development of intrusion prevention system. In addition to reviewing the present attacks available in wireless sensor network this paper examines the current efforts to intrusion detection system against wireless sensor network. In this paper we propose a hierarchical architectural design based intrusion detection system that fits the current demands and restrictions of wireless ad hoc sensor network. In this proposed intrusion detection system architecture we followed clustering mechanism to build a four level hierarchical network which enhances network scalability to large geographical area and use both anomaly and misuse detection techniques for intrusion detection. We introduce policy based detection mechanism as well as intrusion response together with GSM cell concept for intrusion detection architecture.Comment: 16 pages, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.2, No.3, July 2010. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1111.1933 by other author

    Privacy Violation and Detection Using Pattern Mining Techniques

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    Privacy, its violations and techniques to bypass privacy violation have grabbed the centre-stage of both academia and industry in recent months. Corporations worldwide have become conscious of the implications of privacy violation and its impact on them and to other stakeholders. Moreover, nations across the world are coming out with privacy protecting legislations to prevent data privacy violations. Such legislations however expose organizations to the issues of intentional or unintentional violation of privacy data. A violation by either malicious external hackers or by internal employees can expose the organizations to costly litigations. In this paper, we propose PRIVDAM; a data mining based intelligent architecture of a Privacy Violation Detection and Monitoring system whose purpose is to detect possible privacy violations and to prevent them in the future. Experimental evaluations show that our approach is scalable and robust and that it can detect privacy violations or chances of violations quite accurately. Please contact the author for full text at [email protected]

    A Taxonomy of Intrusion Response Systems

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    Recent advances in intrusion detection field brought new requirements to intrusion prevention and response. Traditionally, the response to an attack was manually triggered by an administrator. However, increased complexity and speed of the attack-spread during recent years showed acute necessity for complex dynamic response mechanisms. Although intrusion detection systems are being actively developed, research efforts in intrusion response are still isolated. In this work we present taxonomy of intrusion response systems, together with a review of current trends in intrusion response research. We also provide a set of essential fetures as a requirement for an ideal intrusion response system


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    Intrusion detection systems (IDS) have been widely adopted within the IT community, as passive monitoring tools that report security related problems to system administrators. However, the increasing number and evolving complexity of attacks, along with the growth and complexity of networking infrastructures, has led to overwhelming numbers of IDS alerts, which allow significantly smaller timeframe for a human to respond. The need for automated response is therefore very much evident. However, the adoption of such approaches has been constrained by practical limitations and administrators' consequent mistrust of systems' abilities to issue appropriate responses. The thesis presents a thorough analysis of the problem of intrusions, and identifies false alarms as the main obstacle to the adoption of automated response. A critical examination of existing automated response systems is provided, along with a discussion of why a new solution is needed. The thesis determines that, while the detection capabilities remain imperfect, the problem of false alarms cannot be eliminated. Automated response technology must take this into account, and instead focus upon avoiding the disruption of legitimate users and services in such scenarios. The overall aim of the research has therefore been to enhance the automated response process, by considering the context of an attack, and investigate and evaluate a means of making intelligent response decisions. The realisation of this objective has included the formulation of a response-oriented taxonomy of intrusions, which is used as a basis to systematically study intrusions and understand the threats detected by an IDS. From this foundation, a novel Flexible Automated and Intelligent Responder (FAIR) architecture has been designed, as the basis from which flexible and escalating levels of response are offered, according to the context of an attack. The thesis describes the design and operation of the architecture, focusing upon the contextual factors influencing the response process, and the way they are measured and assessed to formulate response decisions. The architecture is underpinned by the use of response policies which provide a means to reflect the changing needs and characteristics of organisations. The main concepts of the new architecture were validated via a proof-of-concept prototype system. A series of test scenarios were used to demonstrate how the context of an attack can influence the response decisions, and how the response policies can be customised and used to enable intelligent decisions. This helped to prove that the concept of flexible automated response is indeed viable, and that the research has provided a suitable contribution to knowledge in this important domain
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