7 research outputs found

    Immersive 360° video for forensic education

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    Throughout the globe, training in the investigation of forensic crime scene work is a vital part of the overall training process within Police Academies and forensic programs throughout the world. However, the exposure of trainee forensic officers to real life scenes, by instructors, is minimal due to the delicate nature of information presented within them and the overall difficulty of Forensic investigations. Virtual Reality (VR) is computer technology utilising headsets, to produce lifelike imageries, sounds and perceptions simulating physical presence inside a virtual setting to a user. The user is able to look around the virtual world and often interact with virtual landscapes or objects. VR headsets are head‐mounted goggles with a screen in front of the eyes (Burdea & Coffet 2003). The use of VR varies widely from personal gaming to classroom learning. Uses also include computerised tools that are used solely online. The current use of VR within Forensic Science is that it is used widely in several capacities that include the training and examination of new forensic officers. However, there is minimal review and authentication of the efficiency of VR use for the teaching of forensic investigation. This is surprising, as the VR field has experienced rapid expansion in the educating of many varying fields over the past few years. Even though VR could enhance forensic training by offering another, perhaps more versatile, engaging way of learning, no devoted VR application has yet been commercially implemented for forensic examination education. Research into VR is a fairly young field, however the technology and use of it is still rapidly growing and the improvement of interactive tools is inevitably having an impact on all facets of learning and teaching

    Bloggal segített angolnyelv-oktatás a középiskolában

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    Napjainkban egyre több törekvés irányul a Web 2.0-ás eszközök tanulási célú használatára. Nem meglepő a tanárok és kutatók lelkesedése, hiszen a Web 2.0-ás eszközök, mint például a közösségi oldalak, a wikik, a blogok kimondottan alkalmasak a többirányú kommunikációra tanár-diák és diák-diák között, a csoportmunkára és a kooperatív, illetve kollaboratív tanulásra, ösztönzik az önálló tartalmak létrehozását, a tanultak újragondolását és alkalmazását. Az utóbbi évtized során számos pedagógiai kutatás foglalkozott a blogokkal megannyi különböző oktatási-nevelési téma kapcsán. Az eredmények alapján körvonalazódni látszanak azok az előnyök, amelyeket a blogtevékenység iskolai használata jelenthet, illetve azok a problémák, amelyek nehézségeket okozhatnak. Ezek ismeretében lehetőség nyílik olyan tanulási programok és módszerek kidolgozására, amelyek során a blogokat megfelelő hatékonysággal lehet a tanítás és tanulás céljába állítani

    Understanding of Elementary School Teachers of 3rd World Country about Levels of SOLO Taxonomy

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    The study was entitled as “Conceptual awareness of elementary school teachers about SOLO Taxonomy in district Vehari”. The main objectives of the present study were: (1) to find out the understanding of the teachers regarding pre-structural level of SOLO taxonomy. (2) To explore conceptual awareness of teachers about the uni-structural level of SOLO taxonomy. (3) To examine the conceptual awareness of teachers about the multi-structural level of SOLO taxonomy. (4) To find out the awareness of teachers about the relational level of SOLO taxonomy. (5) To analyze the understanding of teachers about the extended abstract level of SOLO taxonomy. The population of the study comprised all the primary teachers in District Vehari. The sample included the primary teachers teaching to primary classes. As many as 272 primary teachers were selected from the Tehsil Vehari through random sampling technique. Questionnaire was constructed with a five point Likert scale and was administered to the sample. The collected data was first tabulated and then analyzed by using the frequency and percentage method. The researcher found that majority of the teachers was confused about the perception of pre-structural level. Most of the teachers have greater thoughtful perception toward first level of SOLO taxonomy, Uni-structural level. The third level of SOLO taxonomy, Multi-structural level is the level that is highly achieved and comprehensible by the primary teachers. The relational level was percept and understood by the primary teacher to a great extent. Primary teachers’ perception about the extended abstract level was reasonable. It also concluded that the problem of conceptual awareness about the levels of Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy could be improved but not totally resolved. The major recommendations were that primary teachers may have a dire need of training concerning the levels of SOLO taxonomy. Teachers may educate regarding pre-structural level. DTEs may more focus on relational level of SOLO taxonomy during workshops to educate the primary teachers for better understanding. Primary teachers may be equipped with the related literature and rich material about the levels of SOLO taxonomy. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n23p113

    Bloggal segített angolnyelv-oktatás a középiskolában

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    Napjainkban egyre több törekvés irányul a Web 2.0-ás eszközök tanulási célú használatára. Nem meglepő a tanárok és kutatók lelkesedése, hiszen a Web 2.0-ás eszközök, mint például a közösségi oldalak, a wikik, a blogok kimondottan alkalmasak a többirányú kommunikációra tanár-diák és diák-diák között, a csoportmunkára és a kooperatív, illetve kollaboratív tanulásra, ösztönzik az önálló tartalmak létrehozását, a tanultak újragondolását és alkalmazását. Az utóbbi évtized során számos pedagógiai kutatás foglalkozott a blogokkal megannyi különböző oktatási-nevelési téma kapcsán. Az eredmények alapján körvonalazódni látszanak azok az előnyök, amelyeket a blogtevékenység iskolai használata jelenthet, illetve azok a problémák, amelyek nehézségeket okozhatnak. Ezek ismeretében lehetőség nyílik olyan tanulási programok és módszerek kidolgozására, amelyek során a blogokat megfelelő hatékonysággal lehet a tanítás és tanulás céljába állítani

    Fen Bilgisi Öğretmen Adaylarının Organik Kimyadaki Öğrenmelerinin SOLO Taksonomisine Göre İncelenmesi: Aromatik Bileşiklerin Tepkimeleri Konusu

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    Öğrencilerin, kavramlarla ilgili öğrenmelerini değerlendirmede kullanılan araçlardan biri SOLO taksonomisidir. Bu çalışmada organik kimyanın temel konularından biri olan aromatik bileşiklerin tepkimelerine ilişkin,  öğretmen adaylarının SOLO Taksonomisine öğrenme düzeyleri ve zorluklarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.  Kesitsel tarama modeli olarak yürütülen araştırmada,  Ege bölgesindeki bir üniversitenin Fen Bilgisi eğitiminde 2016-2017 öğretim yılında öğrenim gören öğretmen adaylarına (N= 89), açık uçlu olarak yönetilen altı sorunun analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler, öğretmen adaylarının tüm sorularda en yüksek yüzdesinin yapı öncesi aşamasında olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırmanın bulguları aynı zamanda, öğretmen adaylarının özellikle “orto-para ve meta” yönlendirici gruplara göre aromatik bileşiklerin tepkimelerini yazma ile Friedel-Crafts alkillemesi-açillemesi ve yan zincir yükseltgenmesi tepkimelerinde ilişkilendirilmiş yapı seviyesinin altında kaldığını göstermektedir