3 research outputs found

    Using SMT for dealing with nondeterminism in ASM-based runtime verification

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    In runtime verification, operational models describing the expected system behavior offer some advantages with respect to declarative specifications of properties, especially when designers are more accustomed to them. However, nondeterminism in the specification usually affects performances of those operational methods that explicitly represent all the possible conformant states. In this paper, we tackle the problem of dealing with nondeterminism in an operational runtime verification approach based on the use of Abstract State Machines (ASMs). We propose an SMT-based technique in which ASM computations are symbolically represented and conformance verification is performed by means of satisfability checking. Experiments show that, in most of the cases, the symbolic approach performs better than a technique for ASM-based runtime verification explicitly representing the conformant states

    Rigorous development process of a safety-critical system: from ASM models to Java code

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    The paper presents an approach for rigorous development of safety-critical systems based on the Abstract State Machine formal method. The development process starts from a high level formal view of the system and, through refinement, derives more detailed models till the desired level of specification. Along the process, different validation and verification activities are available, as simulation, model review, and model checking. Moreover, each refinement step can be proved correct using an SMT-based approach. As last step of the refinement process, a Java implementation can be developed and linked to the formal specification. The correctness of the implementation w.r.t. its formal specification can be proved by means of model-based testing and runtime verification. The process is exemplified by using a Landing Gear System as case study

    Using SMT for dealing with nondeterminism in ASM-based runtime verification

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    In runtime verification, operational models describing the expected system behavior offer some advantages with respect to declarative specifications of properties, especially when designers are more accustomed to them. However, nondeterminism in the specification usually affects performances of those operational methods that explicitly represent all the possible conformant states. In this paper, we tackle the problem of dealing with nondeterminism in an operational runtime verification approach based on the use of Abstract State Machines (ASMs). We propose an SMT-based technique in which ASM computations are symbolically represented and conformance verification is performed by means of satisfability checking. Experiments show that, in most of the cases, the symbolic approach performs better than a technique for ASM-based runtime verification explicitly representing the conformant states