3 research outputs found

    Real-time action recognition using a multilayer descriptor with variable size

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Video analysis technology has become less expensive and more powerful in terms of storage resources and resolution capacity, promoting progress in a wide range of applications. Video-based human action detection has been used for several tasks in surveillance environments, such as forensic investigation, patient monitoring, medical training, accident prevention, and traffic monitoring, among others. We present a method for action identification based on adaptive training of a multilayer descriptor applied to a single classifier. Cumulative motion shapes (CMSs) are extracted according to the number of frames present in the video. Each CMS is employed as a self-sufficient layer in the training stage but belongs to the same descriptor. A robust classification is achieved through individual responses of classifiers for each layer, and the dominant result is used as a final outcome. Experiments are conducted on five public datasets (Weizmann, KTH, MuHAVi, IXMAS, and URADL) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in terms of accuracy in real time. (C) 2016 SPIE and IS&TVideo analysis technology has become less expensive and more powerful in terms of storage resources and resolution capacity, promoting progress in a wide range of applications. Video-based human action detection has been used for several tasks in surveill2501FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)SEM INFORMAÇÃOSEM INFORMAÇÃ

    Towards Learning Discrete Representations via Self-Supervision for Wearables-Based Human Activity Recognition

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) in wearable computing is typically based on direct processing of sensor data. Sensor readings are translated into representations, either derived through dedicated preprocessing, or integrated into end-to-end learning. Independent of their origin, for the vast majority of contemporary HAR, those representations are typically continuous in nature. That has not always been the case. In the early days of HAR, discretization approaches have been explored - primarily motivated by the desire to minimize computational requirements, but also with a view on applications beyond mere recognition, such as, activity discovery, fingerprinting, or large-scale search. Those traditional discretization approaches, however, suffer from substantial loss in precision and resolution in the resulting representations with detrimental effects on downstream tasks. Times have changed and in this paper we propose a return to discretized representations. We adopt and apply recent advancements in Vector Quantization (VQ) to wearables applications, which enables us to directly learn a mapping between short spans of sensor data and a codebook of vectors, resulting in recognition performance that is generally on par with their contemporary, continuous counterparts - sometimes surpassing them. Therefore, this work presents a proof-of-concept for demonstrating how effective discrete representations can be derived, enabling applications beyond mere activity classification but also opening up the field to advanced tools for the analysis of symbolic sequences, as they are known, for example, from domains such as natural language processing. Based on an extensive experimental evaluation on a suite of wearables-based benchmark HAR tasks, we demonstrate the potential of our learned discretization scheme and discuss how discretized sensor data analysis can lead to substantial changes in HAR

    Features Extraction from Time Series

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    Time series can be found in various domains like medicine, engineering, and finance. Generally speaking, a time series is a sequence of data that represents recorded values of a phenomenon over time. This thesis studies time series mining, including transformation and distance measure, anomaly or anomalies detection, clustering and remaining useful life estimation. In the course of the first mining task (transformation and distance measure), in order to increase the accuracy of distance measure between transformed series (symbolic series), we introduce a novel calculation of distance between symbols. By integrating this newly defined method to symbolic aggregate approximation and its extensions, the experimental results show this proposed method is promising. During the process of the second mining task (anomaly or anomalies detection), for the purpose of improving the accuracy of anomaly or anomalies detection, we propose a distance measure method and an anomalies detection calculation. These proposed methods, together with previous published anomaly detection methods, are applied to real ECG data selected from MIT-BIH database. The experimental results show that our proposed outperforms other methods. During the course of the third mining task (clustering), we present an automatic clustering method, called AT-means, which can automatically carry out clustering for a given time series dataset: from the calculation of global average time series to the setting of initial centres and the determination of the number of clusters. The performance of the proposed method was tested on 10 benchmark time series datasets obtained from UCR database. For comparison, the K-means method with three different conditions are also applied to the same datasets. The experimental results show the proposed method outperforms the compared K-means approaches. During the process of the fourth mining task (remaining useful life estimation), all the original data are transformed into low-dimensional space through principal components analysis. We then proposed a novel multidimensional time series distance measure method, called as multivariate time series warping distance (MTWD), for remaining useful life estimation. This whole process is tested on the CMAPSS (Commercial Modular Aero Propulsion System Simulation) datasets and the performance is compared with two existing methods. The experimental results show that the estimated remaining useful life (RUL) values are closer to real RUL values when compared with the comparison methods. Our work contributes to the time series mining by introducing novel approaches to distance measure, anomalies detection, clustering and RUL estimation. We furthermore apply our proposed methods and related methods to benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that our methods are better than previously published methods in terms of accuracy and efficiency