3,762 research outputs found

    Further evidence that gender matters for GHG mitigation in the dairy sector: Analysis of survey data from central Kenya highlights interactive effects of gender and farm management practices on milk yield and GHG emission intensity

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    Consumption of dairy products in Sub-Saharan Africa is projected to increase significantly in the coming decades. As production increases, there will be an increasing need to reduce the environmental impacts of dairy production. One way to reduce the carbon footprint of milk production is to increase productivity: more productive cows use a greater proportion of feed energy and protein intake for milk production than less productive cows. Because more milk is produced for a given level of feed intake, the carbon footprint of milk can be reduced. Productivity may be increased by a range of management practices, such as improved breeds, use of higher quality feeds, animal health interventions and more. Often these measures are implemented as technology packages. For example, stall-feeding often involves adoption of improved dairy breeds and changes in feed sources and feed quality. Adoption of more intensive management practices is commonly linked to increased commercialization so that intensive production remains profitable. While most smallholders sell to informal markets, linking smallholders to the formal market (e.g. cooperatives and processing firms) is also seen as one way to incentivize and enable increased milk production. Thus, Kenya’s proposed dairy NAMA intends to promote intensification of production practices on farm to increase milk yields, and link dairy farmers to cooperatives and formal sector milk processors to strengthen market-based incentives for increased milk production (SDL 2017)

    Global Risks 2014, Ninth Edition.

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    The Global Risks 2014 report highlights how global risks are not only interconnected but also have systemic impacts. To manage global risks effectively and build resilience to their impacts, better efforts are needed to understand, measure and foresee the evolution of interdependencies between risks, supplementing traditional risk-management tools with new concepts designed for uncertain environments. If global risks are not effectively addressed, their social, economic and political fallouts could be far-reaching, as exemplified by the continuing impacts of the financial crisis of 2007-2008

    Applications of Blockchain for the Governance of Integrated Project Delivery: A Crypto Commons Approach

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    This paper outlines why and how blockchain can digitally support and evolve the governance of collaborative project deliveries, such as integrated project deliveries (IPDs), to provide the foundation for novel and disruptive forms of organizational collaboration in the construction industry. Previous work has conceptualized IPDs as a common pool resource (CPR) scenario, where shared resources are collectively governed. Through the use of blockchain and smart contracts for trustworthy peer-to-peer transactions and execution logic, Ostrom's design principles can be digitally encoded to scale CPR scenarios. Building on the identified connections, the paper 1) synthesizes fourteen blockchain-based mechanisms to govern CPRs, 2) identifies twenty-two applications of these mechanisms to govern IPDs, and 3) introduces a conceptualization of the above relationships towards a holistic understanding of collaborative project deliveries on the crypto commons for novel collective organization of construction project delivery between both humans and machines

    We must discuss research environments

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    A major challenge facing the biomedical community is creating and sustaining high-quality research environments. A literature search identified five common themes underlying biomedical research environments comprising collaboration, data access, user-led innovation, data provenance and a deep commitment to public and scientific benefit. Club theory is used to develop a model describing social structures that underpin these themes. It is argued that collaboration underlies impactful science and that collaboration is hindered by high transaction costs. This, combined with poorly defined property rights surrounding publicly funded data, limits the ability of data markets to operate efficiently. Although the science community is best placed to provide solutions for these issues, incentivization by funding agencies to increase the benefits of collaboration and reduce uncoordinated activity will be an accelerator. Given the complexity of emerging datasets and the collaborations needed to exploit them, trust-by-design solutions are suggested. The underlying motivational ‘glue’ that holds this activity together is the aesthetic and ethical value base underlying good science. The model has implications for data-driven science more generally. As biomedical science in the Global South develops, there is an opportunity to address foundational structural issues prospectively rather than inherit unwanted constraints of current practice

    Digital Twins: Potentials, Ethical Issues, and Limitations

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    After Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the subject of Digital Twins has emerged as another promising technology, advocated, built, and sold by various IT companies. The approach aims to produce highly realistic models of real systems. In the case of dynamically changing systems, such digital twins would have a life, i.e. they would change their behaviour over time and, in perspective, take decisions like their real counterparts \textemdash so the vision. In contrast to animated avatars, however, which only imitate the behaviour of real systems, like deep fakes, digital twins aim to be accurate "digital copies", i.e. "duplicates" of reality, which may interact with reality and with their physical counterparts. This chapter explores, what are possible applications and implications, limitations, and threats.Comment: 22 pages, in Andrej Zwitter and Oskar Gstrein, Handbook on the Politics and Governance of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Edward Elgar [forthcoming] (Handbooks in Political Science series