111,798 research outputs found

    Hyperparameter Importance Across Datasets

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    With the advent of automated machine learning, automated hyperparameter optimization methods are by now routinely used in data mining. However, this progress is not yet matched by equal progress on automatic analyses that yield information beyond performance-optimizing hyperparameter settings. In this work, we aim to answer the following two questions: Given an algorithm, what are generally its most important hyperparameters, and what are typically good values for these? We present methodology and a framework to answer these questions based on meta-learning across many datasets. We apply this methodology using the experimental meta-data available on OpenML to determine the most important hyperparameters of support vector machines, random forests and Adaboost, and to infer priors for all their hyperparameters. The results, obtained fully automatically, provide a quantitative basis to focus efforts in both manual algorithm design and in automated hyperparameter optimization. The conducted experiments confirm that the hyperparameters selected by the proposed method are indeed the most important ones and that the obtained priors also lead to statistically significant improvements in hyperparameter optimization.Comment: \c{opyright} 2018. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Minin

    Learning Heterogeneous Similarity Measures for Hybrid-Recommendations in Meta-Mining

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    The notion of meta-mining has appeared recently and extends the traditional meta-learning in two ways. First it does not learn meta-models that provide support only for the learning algorithm selection task but ones that support the whole data-mining process. In addition it abandons the so called black-box approach to algorithm description followed in meta-learning. Now in addition to the datasets, algorithms also have descriptors, workflows as well. For the latter two these descriptions are semantic, describing properties of the algorithms. With the availability of descriptors both for datasets and data mining workflows the traditional modelling techniques followed in meta-learning, typically based on classification and regression algorithms, are no longer appropriate. Instead we are faced with a problem the nature of which is much more similar to the problems that appear in recommendation systems. The most important meta-mining requirements are that suggestions should use only datasets and workflows descriptors and the cold-start problem, e.g. providing workflow suggestions for new datasets. In this paper we take a different view on the meta-mining modelling problem and treat it as a recommender problem. In order to account for the meta-mining specificities we derive a novel metric-based-learning recommender approach. Our method learns two homogeneous metrics, one in the dataset and one in the workflow space, and a heterogeneous one in the dataset-workflow space. All learned metrics reflect similarities established from the dataset-workflow preference matrix. We demonstrate our method on meta-mining over biological (microarray datasets) problems. The application of our method is not limited to the meta-mining problem, its formulations is general enough so that it can be applied on problems with similar requirements

    Automated data pre-processing via meta-learning

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comA data mining algorithm may perform differently on datasets with different characteristics, e.g., it might perform better on a dataset with continuous attributes rather than with categorical attributes, or the other way around. As a matter of fact, a dataset usually needs to be pre-processed. Taking into account all the possible pre-processing operators, there exists a staggeringly large number of alternatives and nonexperienced users become overwhelmed. We show that this problem can be addressed by an automated approach, leveraging ideas from metalearning. Specifically, we consider a wide range of data pre-processing techniques and a set of data mining algorithms. For each data mining algorithm and selected dataset, we are able to predict the transformations that improve the result of the algorithm on the respective dataset. Our approach will help non-expert users to more effectively identify the transformations appropriate to their applications, and hence to achieve improved results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The machines take over: a comparison of various supervised learning approaches for automated scoring of divergent thinking tasks

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    Traditionally, researchers employ human raters for scoring responses to creative thinking tasks. Apart from the associated costs this approach entails two potential risks. First, human raters can be subjective in their scoring behavior (inter-rater-variance). Second, individual raters are prone to inconsistent scoring patterns (intra-rater-variance). In light of these issues, we present an approach for automated scoring of Divergent Thinking (DT) Tasks. We implemented a pipeline aiming to generate accurate rating predictions for DT responses using text mining and machine learning methods. Based on two existing data sets from two different laboratories, we constructed several prediction models incorporating features representing meta information of the response or features engineered from the response’s word embeddings that were obtained using pre-trained GloVe and Word2Vec word vector spaces. Out of these features, word embeddings and features derived from them proved to be particularly effective. Overall, longer responses tended to achieve higher ratings as well as responses that were semantically distant from the stimulus object. In our comparison of three state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, Random Forest and XGBoost tended to slightly outperform the Support Vector Regression.Correction for this article: https://doi.org/10.1002/jocb.62

    Problem-Solving Knowledge Mining from Users’\ud Actions in an Intelligent Tutoring System

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    In an intelligent tutoring system (ITS), the domain expert should provide\ud relevant domain knowledge to the tutor so that it will be able to guide the\ud learner during problem solving. However, in several domains, this knowledge is\ud not predetermined and should be captured or learned from expert users as well as\ud intermediate and novice users. Our hypothesis is that, knowledge discovery (KD)\ud techniques can help to build this domain intelligence in ITS. This paper proposes\ud a framework to capture problem-solving knowledge using a promising approach\ud of data and knowledge discovery based on a combination of sequential pattern\ud mining and association rules discovery techniques. The framework has been implemented\ud and is used to discover new meta knowledge and rules in a given domain\ud which then extend domain knowledge and serve as problem space allowing\ud the intelligent tutoring system to guide learners in problem-solving situations.\ud Preliminary experiments have been conducted using the framework as an alternative\ud to a path-planning problem solver in CanadarmTutor

    Ontology of core data mining entities

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    In this article, we present OntoDM-core, an ontology of core data mining entities. OntoDM-core defines themost essential datamining entities in a three-layered ontological structure comprising of a specification, an implementation and an application layer. It provides a representational framework for the description of mining structured data, and in addition provides taxonomies of datasets, data mining tasks, generalizations, data mining algorithms and constraints, based on the type of data. OntoDM-core is designed to support a wide range of applications/use cases, such as semantic annotation of data mining algorithms, datasets and results; annotation of QSAR studies in the context of drug discovery investigations; and disambiguation of terms in text mining. The ontology has been thoroughly assessed following the practices in ontology engineering, is fully interoperable with many domain resources and is easy to extend

    PRESISTANT: Learning based assistant for data pre-processing

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    Data pre-processing is one of the most time consuming and relevant steps in a data analysis process (e.g., classification task). A given data pre-processing operator (e.g., transformation) can have positive, negative or zero impact on the final result of the analysis. Expert users have the required knowledge to find the right pre-processing operators. However, when it comes to non-experts, they are overwhelmed by the amount of pre-processing operators and it is challenging for them to find operators that would positively impact their analysis (e.g., increase the predictive accuracy of a classifier). Existing solutions either assume that users have expert knowledge, or they recommend pre-processing operators that are only "syntactically" applicable to a dataset, without taking into account their impact on the final analysis. In this work, we aim at providing assistance to non-expert users by recommending data pre-processing operators that are ranked according to their impact on the final analysis. We developed a tool PRESISTANT, that uses Random Forests to learn the impact of pre-processing operators on the performance (e.g., predictive accuracy) of 5 different classification algorithms, such as J48, Naive Bayes, PART, Logistic Regression, and Nearest Neighbor. Extensive evaluations on the recommendations provided by our tool, show that PRESISTANT can effectively help non-experts in order to achieve improved results in their analytical tasks

    Student-centric Model of Learning Management System Activity and Academic Performance: from Correlation to Causation

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    In recent years, there is a lot of interest in modeling students' digital traces in Learning Management System (LMS) to understand students' learning behavior patterns including aspects of meta-cognition and self-regulation, with the ultimate goal to turn those insights into actionable information to support students to improve their learning outcomes. In achieving this goal, however, there are two main issues that need to be addressed given the existing literature. Firstly, most of the current work is course-centered (i.e. models are built from data for a specific course) rather than student-centered; secondly, a vast majority of the models are correlational rather than causal. Those issues make it challenging to identify the most promising actionable factors for intervention at the student level where most of the campus-wide academic support is designed for. In this paper, we explored a student-centric analytical framework for LMS activity data that can provide not only correlational but causal insights mined from observational data. We demonstrated this approach using a dataset of 1651 computing major students at a public university in the US during one semester in the Fall of 2019. This dataset includes students' fine-grained LMS interaction logs and administrative data, e.g. demographics and academic performance. In addition, we expand the repository of LMS behavior indicators to include those that can characterize the time-of-the-day of login (e.g. chronotype). Our analysis showed that student login volume, compared with other login behavior indicators, is both strongly correlated and causally linked to student academic performance, especially among students with low academic performance. We envision that those insights will provide convincing evidence for college student support groups to launch student-centered and targeted interventions that are effective and scalable.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures, 18 tables, Journal of Educational Data Mining (Initial Submission

    FSL-BM: Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature for Classification

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    This paper introduces a novel real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature (FSL-BM) for big data classification task. The study of real-time algorithms addresses several major concerns, which are namely: accuracy, memory consumption, and ability to stretch assumptions and time complexity. Attaining a fast computational model providing fuzzy logic and supervised learning is one of the main challenges in the machine learning. In this research paper, we present FSL-BM algorithm as an efficient solution of supervised learning with fuzzy logic processing using binary meta-feature representation using Hamming Distance and Hash function to relax assumptions. While many studies focused on reducing time complexity and increasing accuracy during the last decade, the novel contribution of this proposed solution comes through integration of Hamming Distance, Hash function, binary meta-features, binary classification to provide real time supervised method. Hash Tables (HT) component gives a fast access to existing indices; and therefore, the generation of new indices in a constant time complexity, which supersedes existing fuzzy supervised algorithms with better or comparable results. To summarize, the main contribution of this technique for real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning is to represent hypothesis through binary input as meta-feature space and creating the Fuzzy Supervised Hash table to train and validate model.Comment: FICC201