32 research outputs found

    Exploiting non-constant safe memory in resilient algorithms and data structures

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    We extend the Faulty RAM model by Finocchi and Italiano (2008) by adding a safe memory of arbitrary size SS, and we then derive tradeoffs between the performance of resilient algorithmic techniques and the size of the safe memory. Let δ\delta and α\alpha denote, respectively, the maximum amount of faults which can happen during the execution of an algorithm and the actual number of occurred faults, with αδ\alpha \leq \delta. We propose a resilient algorithm for sorting nn entries which requires O(nlogn+α(δ/S+logS))O\left(n\log n+\alpha (\delta/S + \log S)\right) time and uses Θ(S)\Theta(S) safe memory words. Our algorithm outperforms previous resilient sorting algorithms which do not exploit the available safe memory and require O(nlogn+αδ)O\left(n\log n+ \alpha\delta\right) time. Finally, we exploit our sorting algorithm for deriving a resilient priority queue. Our implementation uses Θ(S)\Theta(S) safe memory words and Θ(n)\Theta(n) faulty memory words for storing nn keys, and requires O(logn+δ/S)O\left(\log n + \delta/S\right) amortized time for each insert and deletemin operation. Our resilient priority queue improves the O(logn+δ)O\left(\log n + \delta\right) amortized time required by the state of the art.Comment: To appear in Theoretical Computer Science, 201

    Java Card:An analysis of the most successful smart card operating system

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    To explain why the Java Card operating system has become the most successful smart card operating system to date, we analyze the realized features of the current Java Card version, we argue it could be enhanced by adding a number of intended features and we discuss a set of complementary features that have been suggested. No technology can be successful without the right people and the right circumstances, so we provide some insights in the personal and historical historic aspects of the success of Java Card

    Effective Memory Diversification in Legacy Systems

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    Memory corruption error is one of the critical security attack vectors against a wide range of software. Addressing this problem, modern compilers provide multiple features to fortify the software against such errors. However, applying compiler-based memory defense is problematic in legacy systems we often encounter in industry or military environments because source codes are unavailable. In this study, we propose memory diversification techniques tailored for legacy binaries to which we cannot apply state-of- the-art compiler-based solutions. The basic idea of our approach is to automatically patch the machine code instructions of each legacy system differently (e.g., a drone, or a vehicle firmware) without altering any semantic behavior of the software logic. As a result of our system, attackers must create a specific attack payload for each target by analyzing the particular firmware, thus significantly increasing exploit development time and cost. Our approach is evaluated by applying it to a stack and heap of multiple binaries, including PX4 drone firmware and other Linux utilities

    Towards self-propagate mal-packets in sensor networks

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    Continuously non-malleable codes with split-state refresh

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    Non-malleable codes for the split-state model allow to encode a message into two parts, such that arbitrary independent tampering on each part, and subsequent decoding of the corresponding modified codeword, yields either the same as the original message, or a completely unrelated value. Continuously non-malleable codes further allow to tolerate an unbounded (polynomial) number of tampering attempts, until a decoding error happens. The drawback is that, after an error happens, the system must self-destruct and stop working, otherwise generic attacks become possible. In this paper we propose a solution to this limitation, by leveraging a split-state refreshing procedure. Namely, whenever a decoding error happens, the two parts of an encoding can be locally refreshed (i.e., without any interaction), which allows to avoid the self-destruct mechanism. An additional feature of our security model is that it captures directly security against continual leakage attacks. We give an abstract framework for building such codes in the common reference string model, and provide a concrete instantiation based on the external Diffie-Hellman assumption. Finally, we explore applications in which our notion turns out to be essential. The first application is a signature scheme tolerating an arbitrary polynomial number of split-state tampering attempts, without requiring a self-destruct capability, and in a model where refreshing of the memory happens only after an invalid output is produced. This circumvents an impossibility result from a recent work by Fuijisaki and Xagawa (Asiacrypt 2016). The second application is a compiler for tamper-resilient RAM programs. In comparison to other tamper-resilient compilers, ours has several advantages, among which the fact that, for the first time, it does not rely on the self-destruct feature

    Plundervolt:software-based fault injection attacks against Intel SGX

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