64 research outputs found

    A Review on Software Architectures for Heterogeneous Platforms

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    The increasing demands for computing performance have been a reality regardless of the requirements for smaller and more energy efficient devices. Throughout the years, the strategy adopted by industry was to increase the robustness of a single processor by increasing its clock frequency and mounting more transistors so more calculations could be executed. However, it is known that the physical limits of such processors are being reached, and one way to fulfill such increasing computing demands has been to adopt a strategy based on heterogeneous computing, i.e., using a heterogeneous platform containing more than one type of processor. This way, different types of tasks can be executed by processors that are specialized in them. Heterogeneous computing, however, poses a number of challenges to software engineering, especially in the architecture and deployment phases. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study that aims at discovering the state-of-the-art in software architecture for heterogeneous computing, with focus on deployment. We conduct a systematic mapping study that retrieved 28 studies, which were critically assessed to obtain an overview of the research field. We identified gaps and trends that can be used by both researchers and practitioners as guides to further investigate the topic

    Modelos de Maturidade em um Cenário Educacional: Um Mapeamento Sistemático

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    Este paper apresenta um mapeamento sistemático em modelos de maturidade educacionais, almejando identificar e reunir as suas principais características, inspirações e métodos de desenvolvimento. Foram identificados 22 modelos de maturidade educacionais, divididos em 25 estudos. Os resultados apontam que CMM, CMMI e SPICE são as inspirações mais comuns para os modelos educacionais existentes. Também foi constatado que estudos literários, pilot testing, workshops e surveys foram os métodos mais comuns utilizados para desenvolver tais modelos. Finalmente, não foi possível encontrar nenhum estudo especificamente relacionado a modelos de maturidade para recursos educacionais abertos, destacando uma lacuna na área que pode ser apurada em trabalhos futuros

    A mapping study on blood glucose recommender system for patients with gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Blood glucose (BG) prediction system can help gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) patient to improve the BG control with managing their dietary intake based on healthy food. Many techniques have been developed to deal with blood glucose prediction, especially those for recommender system. In this study, we conduct a systematic mapping study to investigate recent research about BG prediction in recommender systems. This study describes an overview of research (2014-2018) about BG prediction techniques that has been used for BG recommender system. As results, 25 studies concerning BG prediction in recommender system were selected. We observed that although there is numerous studies published, only a few studies took serious discussion about techniques used to incorporate the BG algorithms. Our result highlighted that only one study discusses hybrid filtering technique in BG recommender system for GDM even though it has an ability to learn from experience and to improve prediction performance. We hope that this study will encourage researchers to consider not only machine learning and artificial intelligent techniques but also hybrid filtering technique for BG recommender system in the future research

    Curricular design based in bodies of knowledge: engineering education for the innovation and the industry

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    Bodies of Knowledge (BOK), contain the relevant knowledge for a disciplines as example Software Engineering (SE), System Information (SI), Information Technology (IT), Computer Science (CS), Medicine, Economics, and others areas of knowledge. BOK describes relevant knowledge for a discipline, and will need show the consensus in the Knowledge Areas (KA), and related disciplines. The development of this consensus is a prerequisite to the adoption of coherent skills development in the education context, and continuing professional programs both in public and private organizations. In this context a systematic mapping study (SMS), it was performed to evaluate quantity and types of primary studies in an area of interest. SMS will be used as the research method within this research. The research method proposed will allow to sort and classify the information referent to the topics of this research. This paper is an attempt to analyze existing proposals on BOK contents, structure, and make a proposal what the kind of contents it should have, and how it should be structured so that this consensus among all parties can be described and best achieved. In the same way the relevance, and useful of the BOK in the curricular design for the innovation, and the industry context is present

    Software Engineering Knowledge Areas in Startup Companies: A Mapping Study

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    Background - Startup companies are becoming important suppliers of innovative and software intensive products. The failure rate among startups is high due to lack of resources, immaturity, multiple influences and dynamic technologies. However, software product engineering is the core activity in startups, therefore inadequacies in applied engineering practices might be a significant contributing factor for high failure rates. Aim - This study identifies and categorizes software engineering knowledge areas utilized in startups to map out the state-of-art, identifying gaps for further research. Method - We perform a systematic literature mapping study, applying snowball sampling to identify relevant primary studies. Results - We have identified 54 practices from 14 studies. Although 11 of 15 main knowledge areas from SWEBOK are covered, a large part of categories is not. Conclusions - Existing research does not provide reliable support for software engineering in any phase of a startup life cycle. Transfer of results to other startups is difficult due to low rigor in current studies.Comment: Proceedings 6th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB 2015), Braga, Portugal, 245-25

    A review about the use of volunteered geographic information for supporting decision-making in disaster management

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    The frequency of disaster events has highlighted the need to adopt measures that can enable communities to deal with them and reduce the damage they cause. The combination of Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) raises numerous opportunities for supporting decision-making, and thus minimizing the impacts of the disaster. However, the literature still lacks research that investigates how this combination has been done until now. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to tackle this problem by employing a review methodology based on the steps defined for the systematic mapping study. The results showed that the use of VGI in decision-making has been growing over the last years. Moreover, the use of collaborative platforms (e.g. OpenStreetMap) still showing up as a promising field of research, mainly because only a few studies in this topic were found in this work. La frecuencia de los desastres ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de adoptar medidas que permitan a las comunidades afrontarlos y reducir los daños que causan. La combinación de Sistemas de Apoyo a la Decisión Espacial (SDSS, por sus siglas en inglés) e Información Geográfica Voluntaria (VGI , por sus siglas en inglés) brinda numerosas oportunidades para apoyar la toma de decisiones y, por lo tanto, minimizar los impactos del desastre. Sin embargo, la literatura aún carece de trabajos que investiguen cómo se ha realizado esta combinación hasta ahora. En este contexto, el propósito de este trabajo es abordar este problema empleando una metodología de revisión basada en los pasos definidos para el estudio de mapeo sistemático. Los resultados mostraron que el uso de VGI en la toma de decisiones ha ido creciendo en los últimos años. Además, el uso de plataformas colaborativas (por ejemplo, OpenStreetMap) sigue apareciendo como un campo de investigación prometedor, principalmente porque en este trabajo solo se encontraron unos pocos estudios sobre este tema. A frequência na ocorrência de desastres tem destacado a necessidade de adotar medidas que permitam às comunidades lidar com os eventos, bem como reduzir os danos potenciais. A combinação de Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão Espacial (SDSS) e Informação Geográfica Voluntária (VGI) traz inúmeras oportunidades de apoio à tomada de decisão, minimizando assim os impactos do desastre. No entanto, a literatura ainda carece de pesquisas que investiguem como essa combinação tem sido feita até agora. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é abordar esse problema por meio de uma metodologia de revisão baseada nas etapas definidas em um mapeamento sistemático. Os resultados mostraram que o uso do VGI na tomada de decisão vem crescendo nos últimos anos. Além disso, o uso de plataformas colaborativas (e.g., OpenStreetMap) ainda se mostra como um campo de pesquisa promissor, principalmente porque poucos estudos neste tópico foram encontrados neste trabalho

    A Systematic Mapping Study on Off-The-Shelf-based Software Acquisition

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    Acquiring software from external suppliers and developing less software in-house can help software-developing organizations improve operational efficiency by reducing costs, time and reusing current technologies. Software projects increasingly use Off-The-Shelf (OTS) products. From the acquirer perspective, there is a need to understand in more detail OTS-based software acquisition processes, because they are different to and less well-understood than those for the acquisition of custom software. In this paper we have undertaken a systematic mapping study on OTS-based software acquisition. The study compares and contrasts OTS-based software acquisition and non-OTS-based software acquisition, and identifies factors influencing decision making in OTS-based software acquisition. We find that the main difference is that there is a relationship between determining the software requirements and OTS selection in OTS-based software acquisition. For commercial OTS software, the major factors are functionality and quality of the software, but for open-source OTS software, cost was the most important factor