42,579 research outputs found

    Interpretation of hidden node methodology with network accuracy

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    Bayesian networks are constructed under a con-ditional independency assumption. This assump-tion however does not necessarily hold in prac-tice and may lead to loss of accuracy. We previ-ously proposed a hidden node methodology whereby Bayesian networks are adapted by the addition of hidden nodes to model the data de-pendencies more accurately. Empirical results in a computer vision application to classify and count the neural cell automatically showed that a modified network with two hidden nodes achieved significantly better performance with an average prediction accuracy of 83.9% com-pared to 59.31% achieved by the original net-work. In this paper we justify the improvement of performance by examining the changes in network accuracy using four network accuracy measurements; the Euclidean accuracy, the Co-sine accuracy, the Jensen-Shannon accuracy and the MDL score. Our results consistently show that the network accuracy improves by introduc-ing hidden nodes. Consequently, we were able to verify that the hidden node methodology helps to improve network accuracy and contribute to the improvement of prediction accuracy

    Emulator-based Bayesian calibration of the CISNET colorectal cancer models

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    PURPOSE: To calibrate Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) 's SimCRC, MISCAN-Colon, and CRC-SPIN simulation models of the natural history colorectal cancer (CRC) with an emulator-based Bayesian algorithm and internally validate the model-predicted outcomes to calibration targets.METHODS: We used Latin hypercube sampling to sample up to 50,000 parameter sets for each CISNET-CRC model and generated the corresponding outputs. We trained multilayer perceptron artificial neural networks (ANN) as emulators using the input and output samples for each CISNET-CRC model. We selected ANN structures with corresponding hyperparameters (i.e., number of hidden layers, nodes, activation functions, epochs, and optimizer) that minimize the predicted mean square error on the validation sample. We implemented the ANN emulators in a probabilistic programming language and calibrated the input parameters with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo-based algorithms to obtain the joint posterior distributions of the CISNET-CRC models' parameters. We internally validated each calibrated emulator by comparing the model-predicted posterior outputs against the calibration targets.RESULTS: The optimal ANN for SimCRC had four hidden layers and 360 hidden nodes, MISCAN-Colon had 4 hidden layers and 114 hidden nodes, and CRC-SPIN had one hidden layer and 140 hidden nodes. The total time for training and calibrating the emulators was 7.3, 4.0, and 0.66 hours for SimCRC, MISCAN-Colon, and CRC-SPIN, respectively. The mean of the model-predicted outputs fell within the 95% confidence intervals of the calibration targets in 98 of 110 for SimCRC, 65 of 93 for MISCAN, and 31 of 41 targets for CRC-SPIN.CONCLUSIONS: Using ANN emulators is a practical solution to reduce the computational burden and complexity for Bayesian calibration of individual-level simulation models used for policy analysis, like the CISNET CRC models.</p

    Semi-supervised stochastic blockmodel for structure analysis of signed networks

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    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. Finding hidden structural patterns is a critical problem for all types of networks, including signed networks. Among all of the methods for structural analysis of complex network, stochastic blockmodel (SBM) is an important research tool because it is flexible and can generate networks with many different types of structures. However, most existing SBM learning methods for signed networks are unsupervised, leading to poor performance in terms of finding hidden structural patterns, especially when handling noisy and sparse networks. Learning SBM in a semi-supervised way is a promising avenue for overcoming the above difficulty. In this type of model, a small number of labelled nodes and a large number of unlabelled nodes, coupled with their network structures, are simultaneously used to train SBM. We propose a novel semi-supervised signed stochastic blockmodel and its learning algorithm based on variational Bayesian inference, with the goal of discovering both assortative (the nodes connect more densely in same clusters than that in different clusters) and disassortative (the nodes link more sparsely in same clusters than that in different clusters) structures from signed networks. The proposed model is validated through a number of experiments wherein it compared with the state-of-the-art methods using both synthetic and real-world data. The carefully designed tests, allowing to account for different scenarios, show our method outperforms other approaches existing in this space. It is especially relevant in the case of noisy and sparse networks as they constitute the majority of the real-world networks

    On the Relationship between Sum-Product Networks and Bayesian Networks

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    In this paper, we establish some theoretical connections between Sum-Product Networks (SPNs) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). We prove that every SPN can be converted into a BN in linear time and space in terms of the network size. The key insight is to use Algebraic Decision Diagrams (ADDs) to compactly represent the local conditional probability distributions at each node in the resulting BN by exploiting context-specific independence (CSI). The generated BN has a simple directed bipartite graphical structure. We show that by applying the Variable Elimination algorithm (VE) to the generated BN with ADD representations, we can recover the original SPN where the SPN can be viewed as a history record or caching of the VE inference process. To help state the proof clearly, we introduce the notion of {\em normal} SPN and present a theoretical analysis of the consistency and decomposability properties. We conclude the paper with some discussion of the implications of the proof and establish a connection between the depth of an SPN and a lower bound of the tree-width of its corresponding BN.Comment: Full version of the same paper to appear at ICML-201

    Inference of Temporally Varying Bayesian Networks

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    When analysing gene expression time series data an often overlooked but crucial aspect of the model is that the regulatory network structure may change over time. Whilst some approaches have addressed this problem previously in the literature, many are not well suited to the sequential nature of the data. Here we present a method that allows us to infer regulatory network structures that may vary between time points, utilising a set of hidden states that describe the network structure at a given time point. To model the distribution of the hidden states we have applied the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hideen Markov Model, a nonparametric extension of the traditional Hidden Markov Model, that does not require us to fix the number of hidden states in advance. We apply our method to exisiting microarray expression data as well as demonstrating is efficacy on simulated test data

    Small-variance asymptotics for Bayesian neural networks

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    Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) are a rich and flexible class of models that have several advantages over standard feedforward networks, but are typically expensive to train on large-scale data. In this thesis, we explore the use of small-variance asymptotics-an approach to yielding fast algorithms from probabilistic models-on various Bayesian neural network models. We first demonstrate how small-variance asymptotics shows precise connections between standard neural networks and BNNs; for example, particular sampling algorithms for BNNs reduce to standard backpropagation in the small-variance limit. We then explore a more complex BNN where the number of hidden units is additionally treated as a random variable in the model. While standard sampling schemes would be too slow to be practical, our asymptotic approach yields a simple method for extending standard backpropagation to the case where the number of hidden units is not fixed. We show on several data sets that the resulting algorithm has benefits over backpropagation on networks with a fixed architecture.2019-01-02T00:00:00
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