4 research outputs found

    Security in Ad Hoc Networks and Pervasive Computing

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    Pervasive computing is an exciting and blooming research field, in which innovative techniques and applications are continuously emerging and aim to provide ambient and personalized services to users with high quality. Ad hoc networks are wireless, self-organizing systems formed by cooperating nodes within communication range of each other that form temporary networks. Their topology is dynamic, decentralized, ever changing and the nodes may move around arbitrarily. The last few years have witnessed a wealth of research ideas on ad hoc networking that are moving rapidly into implemented standards. Technology under development for ad hoc networks and pervasive computing is making important steps toward this end goal possible

    Forging a deep learning neural network intrusion detection framework to curb the distributed denial of service attack

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    Today’s popularity of the internet has since proven an effective and efficient means of information sharing. However, this has consequently advanced the proliferation of adversaries who aim at unauthorized access to information being shared over the internet medium. These are achieved via various means one of which is the distributed denial of service attacks-which has become a major threat to the electronic society. These are carefully crafted attacks of large magnitude that possess the capability to wreak havoc at very high levels and national infrastructures. This study posits intelligent systems via the use of machine learning frameworks to detect such. We employ the deep learning approach to distinguish between benign exchange of data and malicious attacks from data traffic. Results shows consequent success in the employment of deep learning neural network to effectively differentiate between acceptable and non-acceptable data packets (intrusion) on a network data traffic

    Using Hidden Markov Model to detect rogue access points

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