12 research outputs found

    Using Gene Ontology to describe the role of the neurexin-neuroligin-SHANK complex in human, mouse and rat and its relevance to autism

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    People with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) display a variety of characteristic behavioral traits, including impaired social interaction, communication difficulties and repetitive behavior. This complex neurodevelopment disorder is known to be associated with a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Neurexins and neuroligins play a key role in synaptogenesis and neurexin-neuroligin adhesion is one of several processes that have been implicated in autism spectrum disorders

    How Does the Scientific Community Contribute to Gene Ontology?

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    Collaborations between the scientific community and members of the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium have led to an increase in the number and specificity of GO terms, as well as increasing the number of GO annotations. A variety of approaches have been taken to encourage research scientists to contribute to the GO, but the success of these approaches has been variable. This chapter reviews both the successes and failures of engaging the scientific community in GO development and annotation, as well as, providing motivation and advice to encourage individual researchers to contribute to GO

    Expansion of the Gene Ontology knowledgebase and resources

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    The Gene Ontology (GO) is a comprehensive resource of computable knowledge regarding the functions of genes and gene products. As such, it is extensively used by the biomedical research community for the analysis of -omics and related data. Our continued focus is on improving the quality and utility of the GO resources, and we welcome and encourage input from researchers in all areas of biology. In this update, we summarize the current contents of the GO knowledgebase, and present several new features and improvements that have been made to the ontology, the annotations and the tools. Among the highlights are 1) developments that facilitate access to, and application of, the GO knowledgebase, and 2) extensions to the resource as well as increasing support for descriptions of causal models of biological systems and network biology. To learn more, visit http://geneontology.org/

    An Effective Method to Measure Disease Similarity Using Gene and Phenotype Associations

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    Motivation: In order to create controlled vocabularies for shared use in different biomedical domains, a large number of biomedical ontologies such as Disease Ontology (DO) and Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO), etc., are created in the bioinformatics community. Quantitative measures of the associations among diseases could help researchers gain a deep insight of human diseases, since similar diseases are usually caused by similar molecular origins or have similar phenotypes, which is beneficial to reveal the common attributes of diseases and improve the corresponding diagnoses and treatment plans. Some previous are proposed to measure the disease similarity using a particular biomedical ontology during the past few years, but for a newly discovered disease or a disease with few related genetic information in Disease Ontology (i.e., a disease with less disease-gene associations), these previous approaches usually ignores the joint computation of disease similarity by integrating gene and phenotype associations.Results: In this paper we propose a novel method called GPSim to effectively deduce the semantic similarity of diseases. In particular, GPSim calculates the similarity by jointly utilizing gene, disease and phenotype associations extracted from multiple biomedical ontologies and databases. We also explore the phenotypic factors such as the depth of HPO terms and the number of phenotypic associations that affect the evaluation performance. A final experimental evaluation is carried out to evaluate the performance of GPSim and shows its advantages over previous approaches

    Exploring autophagy with Gene Ontology.

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    Autophagy is a fundamental cellular process that is well conserved among eukaryotes. It is one of the strategies that cells use to catabolize substances in a controlled way. Autophagy is used for recycling cellular components, responding to cellular stresses and ridding cells of foreign material. Perturbations in autophagy have been implicated in a number of pathological conditions such as neurodegeneration, cardiac disease and cancer. The growing knowledge about autophagic mechanisms needs to be collected in a computable and shareable format to allow its use in data representation and interpretation. The Gene Ontology (GO) is a freely available resource that describes how and where gene products function in biological systems. It consists of 3 interrelated structured vocabularies that outline what gene products do at the biochemical level, where they act in a cell and the overall biological objectives to which their actions contribute. It also consists of \u27annotations\u27 that associate gene products with the terms. Here we describe how we represent autophagy in GO, how we create and define terms relevant to autophagy researchers and how we interrelate those terms to generate a coherent view of the process, therefore allowing an interoperable description of its biological aspects. We also describe how annotation of gene products with GO terms improves data analysis and interpretation, hence bringing a significant benefit to this field of study. Autophagy 2018; 14(3):419-436

    Exploring autophagy with Gene Ontology.

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    Autophagy is a fundamental cellular process that is well conserved among eukaryotes. It is one of the strategies that cells use to catabolize substances in a controlled way. Autophagy is used for recycling cellular components, responding to cellular stresses and ridding cells of foreign material. Perturbations in autophagy have been implicated in a number of pathological conditions such as neurodegeneration, cardiac disease and cancer. The growing knowledge about autophagic mechanisms needs to be collected in a computable and shareable format to allow its use in data representation and interpretation. The Gene Ontology (GO) is a freely available resource that describes how and where gene products function in biological systems. It consists of 3 interrelated structured vocabularies that outline what gene products do at the biochemical level, where they act in a cell and the overall biological objectives to which their actions contribute. It also consists of \u27annotations\u27 that associate gene products with the terms. Here we describe how we represent autophagy in GO, how we create and define terms relevant to autophagy researchers and how we interrelate those terms to generate a coherent view of the process, therefore allowing an interoperable description of its biological aspects. We also describe how annotation of gene products with GO terms improves data analysis and interpretation, hence bringing a significant benefit to this field of study. Autophagy 2018 Feb 17; 1-18

    Improving the Gene Ontology Resource to Facilitate More Informative Analysis and Interpretation of Alzheimer's Disease Data

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    The analysis and interpretation of high-throughput datasets relies on access to high-quality bioinformatics resources, as well as processing pipelines and analysis tools. Gene Ontology (GO, geneontology.org) is a major resource for gene enrichment analysis. The aim of this project, funded by the Alzheimer's Research United Kingdom (ARUK) foundation and led by the University College London (UCL) biocuration team, was to enhance the GO resource by developing new neurological GO terms, and use GO terms to annotate gene products associated with dementia. Specifically, proteins and protein complexes relevant to processes involving amyloid-beta and tau have been annotated and the resulting annotations are denoted in GO databases as 'ARUK-UCL'. Biological knowledge presented in the scientific literature was captured through the association of GO terms with dementia-relevant protein records; GO itself was revised, and new GO terms were added. This literature biocuration increased the number of Alzheimer's-relevant gene products that were being associated with neurological GO terms, such as 'amyloid-beta clearance' or 'learning or memory', as well as neuronal structures and their compartments. Of the total 2055 annotations that we contributed for the prioritised gene products, 526 have associated proteins and complexes with neurological GO terms. To ensure that these descriptive annotations could be provided for Alzheimer's-relevant gene products, over 70 new GO terms were created. Here, we describe how the improvements in ontology development and biocuration resulting from this initiative can benefit the scientific community and enhance the interpretation of dementia data

    Using Gene Ontology to describe the role of the neurexin-neuroligin-SHANK complex in human, mouse and rat and its relevance to autism

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    Abstract Background People with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) display a variety of characteristic behavioral traits, including impaired social interaction, communication difficulties and repetitive behavior. This complex neurodevelopment disorder is known to be associated with a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Neurexins and neuroligins play a key role in synaptogenesis and neurexin-neuroligin adhesion is one of several processes that have been implicated in autism spectrum disorders. Results In this report we describe the manual annotation of a selection of gene products known to be associated with autism and/or the neurexin-neuroligin-SHANK complex and demonstrate how a focused annotation approach leads to the creation of more descriptive Gene Ontology (GO) terms, as well as an increase in both the number of gene product annotations and their granularity, thus improving the data available in the GO database. Conclusions The manual annotations we describe will impact on the functional analysis of a variety of future autism-relevant datasets. Comprehensive gene annotation is an essential aspect of genomic and proteomic studies, as the quality of gene annotations incorporated into statistical analysis tools affects the effective interpretation of data obtained through genome wide association studies, next generation sequencing, proteomic and transcriptomic datasets

    A Potential Role For Sap97 In Psychiatric Disorders

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    The goal of this dissertation is to further understand the genetic architecture of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia (SCZ). We attempt to understand the functional significance of the gene synapse associated protein of 97KDa (SAP97) and identify a novel role for SAP97 in the etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. SAP97 belongs to a family of scaffolding proteins, the membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs), that are highly enriched in the postsynaptic density of synapses and play an important role in organizing protein complexes necessary for synaptic development and plasticity. Large-scale genetic studies have implicated MAGUKs in neuropsychiatric disorders such as intellectual disability, ASD, and SCZ, but knock-out mice have been impossible to study because the Sap97 null mice die soon after birth due to a craniofacial defect. In Chapter 2, we studied the transcriptomic and behavioral consequences of a viable, brain-specific conditional knockout of Sap97 (SAP97-cKO). RNA sequencing (RNAseq) from hippocampi from control and SAP97-cKO male animals identified 67 differentially expressed transcripts, which were specifically enriched for SCZ-related genes. Subjecting SAP97-cKO mice to a battery of behavioral tests revealed a subtle anxiety-like phenotype present in both male and female SAP97-cKO animals, as well as a mild male-specific cognitive deficit and female-specific motor learning deficit. Collectively, this work suggests that loss of Sap97 alters behavior, and may contribute to some of the endophenotypes present in SCZ. In Chapter 3, we discuss how the SAP97-cKO mouse may serve as a novel model system for interrogating aspects of the cellular and molecular defects underlying SCZ and other related neuropsychiatric disorders

    Improving Interpretation of Cardiac Phenotypes and Enhancing Discovery With Expanded Knowledge in the Gene Ontology

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    This work was funded through grants from the British Heart Foundation (BHF, SP/07/007/23671, RG/13/5/30112) and the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre; The Zebrafish Model Organism Database: National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI, HG002659, HG004838, HG004834); The Rat Genome Database: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on behalf of the NIH (HL64541); The Mouse Genome Database: NGHRI (HG003300); FlyBase: UK Medical Research Council (G1000968); and Gene Ontology Consortium: NIH NHGRI (U41 HG002273) to Drs Blake, Cherry, Lewis, Sternberg, and Thomas. Professor Riley received BHF personal chair award (CH/11/1/28798). Professors Lambiase and Tinker received support from BHF and UK Medical Research Council. Professor Tinker received National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Barts and BHF grant (RG/15/15/31742). Dr Roncaglia received EMBL-EBI Core funds