7 research outputs found

    Modelling business and management systems using Fuzzy cognitive maps: A critical overview

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    A critical overview of modelling Business and Management (B&M) Systems using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps is presented. A limited but illustrative number of specific applications of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps in diverse B&M systems, such as e business, performance assessment, decision making, human resources management, planning and investment decision making processes is provided and briefly analyzed. The limited survey is given in a table with statics of using FCMs in B&M systems during the last 15 years. The limited survey shows that the applications of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to today’s Business and Management studies has been steadily increased especially during the last 5-6 years. Interesting conclusions and future research directions are highlighted

    Modelling business and management systems using Fuzzy cognitive maps: A critical overview

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    A critical overview of modelling Business and Management (B&M) Systems using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps is presented. A limited but illustrative number of specific applications of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps in diverse B&M systems, such as e business, performance assessment, decision making, human resources management, planning and investment decision making processes is provided and briefly analyzed. The limited survey is given in a table with statics of using FCMs in B&M systems during the last 15 years. The limited survey shows that the applications of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to today’s Business and Management studies has been steadily increased especially during the last 5-6 years. Interesting conclusions and future research directions are highlighted

    AnĂĄlise das dinĂąmicas de Ă©tica bancĂĄria com recurso a mapas cognitivos fuzzy

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    Partindo do pressuposto que, atualmente, existe uma maior consciencialização por parte das instituiçÔes bancĂĄrias de que a Ă©tica ou a falta dela pode afetar positiva ou negativamente a sua reputação, Ă© possĂ­vel afirmar que a preocupação do setor bancĂĄrio em se reger por normas, condutas e prĂĄticas Ă©ticas tem vindo a aumentar exponencialmente. Contudo, o alinhamento de tais prĂĄticas com as operaçÔes diĂĄrias de um banco exige o tratamento cuidado de um vasto leque de variĂĄveis, tangĂ­veis ou intangĂ­veis, o que constitui um processo notoriamente difĂ­cil. Por conseguinte, o objetivo principal da presente dissertação centra-se no desenvolvimento de um modelo conceptual, atravĂ©s de ferramentas de mapeamento cognitivo difuso (i.e. fuzzy cognitive mapping), que visa o reconhecimento e a perceção das relaçÔes de causalidade entre os elementos que influenciam as prĂĄticas Ă©ticas no setor bancĂĄrio. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os mapas cognitivos detĂȘm um elevado potencial de aplicabilidade no que diz respeito Ă  estruturação de problemas dinĂąmicos e reais, oferecendo assim a possibilidade de minimizar os erros aquando do processo de tomada de decisĂŁo. Em particular, foi possĂ­vel apurar que a gestĂŁo Ă©tica dos colaboradores, as prĂĄticas e comportamentos dos colaboradores, as prĂĄticas de governance e as prĂĄticas de responsabilidade social sĂŁo, efetivamente, os elementos de maior representatividade na anĂĄlise das prĂĄticas de Ă©tica bancĂĄria. As pressuposiçÔes prĂĄticas do modelo criado, as respetivas vantagens e limitaçÔes sĂŁo tambĂ©m objeto de discussĂŁo. Palavras-Chave: Apoio Ă  Tomada de DecisĂŁo; PrĂĄticas Éticas; Setor BancĂĄrio; DinĂąmicas de Causa-Efeito; Mapas Cognitivos Fuzzy.because the perceived ethics of a banking institution can affect its reputation, concern over ethical practices in the banking sector is rapidly increasing. The alignment of such practices with daily operations, however, requires dealing with a wide range of variables, tangible or intangible, and constitutes a notoriously difficult endeavor. Still, due to the rapidly changing economic environment and current sharp competition in the banking industry, a better understanding of this alignment can help bank managers and other key players enhance value creation through more informed decisions, contributing to stronger integration of ethical practices in the banks’ daily activities. This paper proposes the use of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) to analyze the dynamics behind ethical banking practices. Grounded on intensive group meetings with a panel of senior executives from the banking industry, the result is a well-informed processoriented framework that sheds light on the manner in which ethical practices interrelate with each other. Implications, advantages and shortcomings of our proposal are also discussed

    Karayolu projelerinin fayda-maliyet analizleri için risk eklentili yeni bir bulanık biliƟsel harita modeli

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “YĂŒksekĂ¶ÄŸretim Kanunu Ä°le Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun HĂŒkmĂŒnde Kararnamelerde DeğiƟiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “LisansĂŒstĂŒ Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, DĂŒzenlenmesi ve EriƟime Açılmasına Ä°liƟkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin eriƟime açılmÄ±ĆŸtır.Fayda Maliyet Analizi (FMA) ĂŒlkemizde ve dĂŒnyada ulaƟtırma projelerinin ekonomik değerlendirmelerinde yaygın olarak kullanılan önemli bir karar verme tekniğidir. Ancak bu metot çok sayıda verinin analiz edilmesini gerektirmektedir. Bu sebeple doğasında yer alan ve sonuçları olumsuz yönde etkileyen belirsizlik etkisiyle baƟa çıkmaya ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bir karayolu projesi veri eksikliği, gelecek yıllara ait tahminler, ekonomik belirsizlik vb. nedenlerden dolayı yĂŒksek belirsizlik etkisine sahiptir. Geleneksel yaklaĆŸÄ±mda söz konusu problemi çözmek için Duyarlılık Analizine (DA) dayalı bir risk analizi uygulanmaktadır. Ancak bu yaklaĆŸÄ±m iki temel sorunu sunmaktadır: bunlardan ilki tĂŒm belirsizlik etkisinin analiz edilmesinde ortaya çıkan zaman kaybı diğeri de elde edilen sonuçların yorumlanabilme zorluğudur. Bu sorunları aƟmak için araƟtırmacılar son yıllarda FMA'daki belirsizlikle baƟa çıkmada etkili bir yaklaĆŸÄ±m olan Monte Carlo SimĂŒlasyonu (MCS) ĂŒzerinde araƟtırmalarını sĂŒrdĂŒrmektedirler. LiteratĂŒrdeki çalÄ±ĆŸmalar bu metodun ulaƟtırma projelerinin ekonomik risk analizlerinde elveriƟliliğini ortaya koymaktadır. Ancak analiz sonucunun doğruluğu, bir modelde kullanılacak olan değiƟkenlere atanacak olasılık dağılımlarının doğruluğuna dayanmaktadır. Böylelikle MCS'deki bu zaman alıcı sĂŒreç risk analizi için önemli bir dejavantaj oluƟturmaktadır. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸma, karayolu projeleri FMA'daki belirsizlik etkisiyle kolay ve kullanıcı dostu bir yaklaĆŸÄ±mla mĂŒcadele edebilen yeni bir yaklaĆŸÄ±mın kullanılabilirliğini ve faydasını araƟtırmayı amaçlamÄ±ĆŸtır. Bu amaca ulaƟmak için karmaĆŸÄ±k problemleri modelleyebilmesindeki kolaylığından dolayı Bulanık BiliƟsel Harita (BBH) metodu kullanılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Bu metotla, bir RÄ°SK parametresi kullanılarak karayolu projelerindeki fayda ve maliyetleri değerlendirebilen bir BBH modeli geliƟtirilmiƟtir. Modelde geleneksel FMA'da bulunan değiƟkenler kullanılmÄ±ĆŸ ve bir de modele RÄ°SK parametresi dĂąhil edilmiƟtir. GeliƟtirilen modelin kullanılabilirliği ĂŒlkemizdeki ulaƟtırma otoritelerinden elde edilen gerçek birkaç fizibilite çalÄ±ĆŸması yardımıyla araƟtırılmÄ±ĆŸtır. GerçekleƟtirilen simĂŒlasyonlar sonrasında BBH modelinden elde edilen karar verme sonuçlarının gerçek fizibilite çalÄ±ĆŸmalarına ait karar verme sonuçları ile örtĂŒĆŸtĂŒÄŸĂŒ görĂŒlmĂŒĆŸtĂŒr. Bunun yanı sıra bir durum çalÄ±ĆŸması yapılarak geliƟtirilen BBH modelinin performansı ortaya konulmuƟ ve ulaƟtırma projelerinin FMA'da geleneksel risk analizleri olan DA ve MCS yaklaĆŸÄ±mlarıyla karĆŸÄ±laƟtırılarak BBH yaklaĆŸÄ±mının avantajları sunulmuƟtur. Yapılan karĆŸÄ±laƟtırmalar sonucunda BBH yaklaĆŸÄ±mının FMA'nın risk analizi için ĂŒmit verici olduğu ortaya konulmuƟtur.Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a method widely used in all over the world for decision making focused mainly on economical evaluation of the transportation projects. However, this method requires the analysis of a relatively large amount of data and also needs to handle the inherent uncertainty which affects the results negatively. In a highway project there are high uncertainties due to lack of data, future predictions, economic indeterminacy etc. In conventional approach, a risk analysis, which is based primarily on a Sensitivity Analysis (SA) is conducted in order to solve the problems mentioned above. However, this approach presents two main drawbacks (as follows) the first one refers to time consumption in analyzing all the influences of uncertainty and the second one is related to the difficulty on interpretability of the results. To cope with these drawbacks, researchers have studied Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) which has recently been considered as an effective approach in tackling uncertainty of CBA. Previous studies have already shown its usefulness in this field however the accuracy of analysis results is based on providing proper probability distributions assigned to variables in a model. Thus, the time consuming process is a significant limitation for MCS. This study aims to investigate usability and utility of a new approach in highways CBA in order to cope with uncertainty easily and more user-friendly. To achieve the above-cited goal, the technique of Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) was utilized for decision making due to its popularity in modeling complex problems. Thus, a FCM model which is capable of evaluating benefit and costs of highway projects was developed using RISK parameter. The concepts of CBA took part in the construction of the developed model. In addition, a RISK parameter was considered for the model. As was observed, the final decisions of the developed model concurred with the final decisions of the feasibility studies. The usability of the developed FCM model was investigated through a number of real feasibility studies obtained from Turkish transportation authorities. In addition, a case study was conducted in order to validate the performance of the developed model. In consequence of comparisons with results of SA and MCS known as conventional risk analysis for CBA, it is obtained promising results for validation of developed FCM model

    Determinantes de comércio electrónico em PMEs: identificação, estruturação e anålise

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    A crescente aplicação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) no quotidiano das empresas levou a que estas utilizassem novos modelos para operar os seus negĂłcios, como, por exemplo, o comĂ©rcio eletrĂłnico. PorĂ©m, empresas com menores recursos – como as pequenas e mĂ©dias empresas (PMEs) – tĂȘm mostrado alguma relutĂąncia em adotar os canais eletrĂłnicos nas suas transaçÔes. Esta aversĂŁo aos novos modelos de negĂłcio Ă© motivada pela falta de conhecimento e de capacidades na implementação de prĂĄticas de comĂ©rcio eletrĂłnico. Posto isto, de forma a melhorar o seu negĂłcio, parece evidente que os decisores das PMEs beneficiariam de uma nova abordagem que facultasse uma melhor compreensĂŁo dos determinantes de comĂ©rcio eletrĂłnico. De forma a promover essa compreensĂŁo, a presente dissertação propĂ”e a utilização de tĂ©cnicas de mapeamento cognitivo difuso. Com base no conhecimento e na experiĂȘncia de um painel de especialistas em comĂ©rcio eletrĂłnico, os resultados mostram que o perfil do empreendedor, o mercado, a gestĂŁo operacional, o marketing e promoção, o website e plataforma digital, assim como o produto sĂŁo os determinantes que apresentam maiores graus de centralidade na estrutura cognitiva desenvolvida, permitindo uma melhor compreensĂŁo das suas relaçÔes de causalidade. As vantagens e limitaçÔes desta abordagem construtivista e a formulação de recomendaçÔes para investigação futura sĂŁo tambĂ©m discutidas.The increasing use of information technology in enterprises’ daily operations has led to multiple innovative ways to run a business, including electronic commerce (or e-commerce). However, firms with fewer resources, such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are more reluctant to use electronic channels during transactions. This aversion to contemporary business models is a result of these companies’ lack of knowledge and capabilities regarding e-commerce. To improve their businesses, SMEs’ managers and decision makers could benefit from a methodological framework that fosters a deeper understanding of the determinants of e-commerce. This study sought to explore the use of fuzzy cognitive mapping to address this need. The results are grounded in the knowledge and experience of a panel of experts in e-commerce. The fuzzy cognitive map developed shows that entrepreneur profile, market, operational management, marketing and promotions, website and digital platform, and products present the highest centrality indices as determinants of SME e-commerce. The findings offer a better understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships between these determinants. The advantages, limitations, and shortcomings of our constructivist proposal are also discussed

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices