4 research outputs found

    Granular Mobility-Factor Analysis Framework for enriching Occupancy Sensing with Doppler Radar

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    With the growing need for adoption of smarter resource control system in existing infrastructure, the proliferation of occupancy sensing is slowly increasing its pace. After reviewing an existing system, we find that utilization of Doppler radar is less progressive in enhancing the accuracy of occupancy sensing operation. Therefore, we introduce a novel analytical model that is meant for incorporating granularity in tracing the psychological periodic characteristic of an object by emphasizing on the mobility and uncertainty movement of an object in the monitoring area. Hence, the model is more emphasized on identifying the rate of change in any periodic physiological characteristic of an object with the aid of mathematical modelling. At the same time, the model extracts certain traits of frequency shift and directionality for better tracking of the unidentified object behavior where its applicabilibility can be generalized in majority of the fields related to object detection

    Boundary-layer water vapor profiling using differential absorption radar

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    Remote sensing of water vapor in the presence of clouds and precipitation constitutes an important observational gap in the global observing system. We present ground-based measurements using a new radar instrument operating near the 183&thinsp;GHz H2O line for profiling water vapor inside of planetary-boundary-layer clouds, and develop an error model and inversion algorithm for the profile retrieval. The measurement technique exploits the strong frequency dependence of the radar beam attenuation, or differential absorption, on the low-frequency flank of the water line in conjunction with the radar's ranging capability to acquire range-resolved humidity information. By comparing the measured differential absorption coefficient with a millimeter-wave propagation model, we retrieve humidity profiles with 200&thinsp;m resolution and typical statistical uncertainty of 0.6&thinsp;g&thinsp;m−3 out to around 2&thinsp;km. This value for humidity uncertainty corresponds to measurements in the high-SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) limit, and is specific to the frequency band used. The measured spectral variation of the differential absorption coefficient shows good agreement with the model, supporting both the measurement method assumptions and the measurement error model. By performing the retrieval analysis on statistically independent data sets corresponding to the same observed scene, we demonstrate the reproducibility of the measurement. An important trade-off inherent to the measurement method between retrieved humidity precision and profile resolution is discussed.</p

    Implementazione di un radar FMCW con dispositivi SDR

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    Il documento di tesi è stato così strutturato: il capitolo 1 fornisce alcune generalità riguardo la tecnologia radar e l'importanza che quest'ultima ricopre nelle moderne applicazioni all'avanguardia e in quelle future che si creeranno con l'arrivo della tecnologia 6G. Il capitolo 2 fornisce informazioni di base riguardo il principio di funzionamento della tecnologia radar, ponendo maggiore attenzione sul tema riguardante i dispositivi FMCW e CW e la tecnica di modulazione che essi adottano per la trasmissione dei segnali. Il capitolo 3 introduce la tecnologia dei dispositivi SDR, in particolare, fornisce una descrizione generale del dispositivo radio Adalm-Pluto utilizzato per l’attività sperimentale. Nel capitolo 4 vengono mostrati i passi che hanno portato alla stesura del codice Matlab riguardante la generazione e l’elaborazione dei segnali trasmessi e la configurazione del dispositivo Adalm-Pluto come dispositivo radar. Infine, nel capitolo 5 si parla dei risultati numerici ottenuti mediante l’attività sperimentale, in particolare, gli esiti conseguiti verranno commentati ed analizzati. Infine, saranno discusse le conclusioni finali a riguardo del lavoro svolto