7 research outputs found

    Analyzing Requirements Using Environment Modelling

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    Analysing requirements is a major challenge in the area of safety-critical software, where requirements quality is an important issue to build a dependable critical system. Most of the time, any project fails due to lack of understanding of user needs, missing functional and non-functional system requirements, inadequate methods and tools, and inconsistent system specification. This often results from the poor quality of system requirements. Based on our experience and knowledge, an environment model has been recognized to be a promising approach to support requirements engineering to validate a system specification. It is crucial to get an approval and feedback in early stage of system development to ensure completeness and correctness of requirements specification. In this paper, we propose a method for analysing system requirements using a closed-loop modelling technique. A closed-loop model is an integration of system model and environment model, where both the system and environment models are formalized using formal techniques. Formal verification of the closed-loop model helps to identify missing system requirements or new emergent behaviours, which are not covered earlier during the requirements elicitation process. Moreover, an environment model assists in the construction, clarification, and validation of the given system requirements

    Formalizing the Cardiac Pacemaker Resynchronization Therapy

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    For many years, formal methods have been used to design and develop critical systems in order to guarantee safety and security and the correctness of desired behaviours, through formal verification and validation techniques and tools. The development of high confidence medical devices such as the cardiac pacemaker, is one of the grand challenges in the area of verified software that need formal reasoning and proof-based development. This paper presents an example of how we used previous experience in developing a cardiac pacemaker using Event-B, to build an incremental proof-based development of a new pacemaker that uses Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT), also known as biventricular pacing or multisite pacing. In this work, we formalized the required behaviours of CRT including timing constraints and safety properties. We formalized the system using Event-B, and made use of the included Rodin tools to check the internal consistency with respect to safety properties, invariants and events. The system behaviours of the proven model were validated through the use of the ProB model checker

    A Refinement Strategy for Hybrid System Design with Safety Constraints

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    Whenever continuous dynamics and discrete control interact, hybrid systems arise. As hybrid systems become ubiquitous and more and more complex, analysis and synthesis techniques are in high demand to design safe hybrid systems. This is however challenging due to the nature of hybrid systems and their designs, and the question of how to formulate and reason their safety problems. Previous work has demonstrated how to extend discrete modelling language Event-B with continuous supports to integrate traditional refinement in hybrid system design. In the same spirit, we extend previous work by proposing a strategy that can coherently refine an abstract hybrid system design with safety constraints down to the concrete one with implementable discrete control that can behave safely. Our proposal is validated on the design of a smart heating system, and we share with our experience

    Event-B in the Institutional Framework: Defining a Semantics, Modularisation Constructs and Interoperability for a Specification Language

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    Event-B is an industrial-strength specification language for verifying the properties of a given system’s specification. It is supported by its Eclipse-based IDE, Rodin, and uses the process of refinement to model systems at different levels of abstraction. Although a mature formalism, Event-B has a number of limitations. In this thesis, we demonstrate that Event-B lacks formally defined modularisation constructs. Additionally, interoperability between Event-B and other formalisms has been achieved in an ad hoc manner. Moreover, although a formal language, Event-B does not have a formal semantics. We address each of these limitations in this thesis using the theory of institutions. The theory of institutions provides a category-theoretic way of representing a formalism. Formalisms that have been represented as institutions gain access to an array of generic specification-building operators that can be used to modularise specifications in a formalismindependent manner. In the theory of institutions, there are constructs (known as institution (co)morphisms) that provide us with the facility to create interoperability between formalisms in a mathematically sound way. The main contribution of this thesis is the definition of an institution for Event-B, EVT, which allows us to address its identified limitations. To this end, we formally define a translational semantics from Event- B to EVT. We show how specification-building operators can provide a unified set of modularisation constructs for Event-B. In fact, the institutional framework that we have incorporated Event-B into is more accommodating to modularisation than the current state-of-the-art for Rodin. Furthermore, we present institution morphisms that facilitate interoperability between the respective institutions for Event-B and UML. This approach is more generic than the current approach to interoperability for Event-B and in fact, allows access to any formalism or logic that has already been defined as an institution. Finally, by defining EVT, we have outlined the steps required in order to include similar formalisms into the institutional framework. Hence, this thesis acts as a template for defining an institution for a specification language

    Modelling an Aircraft Landing System in Event-B (Full Report)

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    The failure of hardware or software in a critical system can lead to loss of lives. The design errors can be main source of the failures that can be introduced during system development process. Formal techniques are an alternative approach to verify the correctness of critical systems, overcoming limitations of the traditional validation techniques such as simulation and testing. The increasing complexity and failure rate brings new challenges in the area of verification and validation of avionic systems. Since the reliability of the software cannot be quantified, the \textit{correct by construction} approach can implement a reliable system. Refinement plays a major role to build a large system incrementally from an abstract specification to a concrete system. This paper contributes as a stepwise formal development of the landing system of an aircraft. The formal models include the complex behaviour, temporal behaviour and sequence of operations of the landing gear system. The models are formalized in Event-B modelling language, which supports stepwise refinement. This case study is considered as a benchmark for techniques and tools dedicated to the verification of behavioural properties of systems. The report is the full version of a paper published for the ABZ 2014 Case Study. i

    Using Event-B for Critical Device Software Systems

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    XVIII, 326 p. 45 illus.online resource

    Using Event-B for Critical Device Software Systems

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