2 research outputs found

    e-EMV: Emulating EMV for Internet payments using Trusted Computing technology v-2

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    The introduction of EMV-compliant payment cards, with their improved cardholder verification and card authentication capabilities, has resulted in a dramatic reduction in the levels of fraud seen at Point of Sale (PoS) terminals across Europe. However, this reduction has been accompanied by an alarming increase in the level of fraud associated with Internet-based Card Not Present (CNP) transactions. This increase is largely attributable to the weaker authentication pro- cedures involved in CNP transactions. This paper shows how the functionality associated with EMV-compliant payment cards can be securely emulated in software on platforms supporting Trusted Com- puting technology. We describe a detailed system architecture encom- passing user enrollment, card deployment (in the form of software), card activation, and subsequent transaction processing. Our proposal is compatible with the existing EMV transaction processing architec- ture, and thus integrates fully and naturally with already deployed EMV infrastructure. We show that our proposal, which effectively makes available the full security of PoS transactions for Internet-based CNP transactions, has the potential to significantly reduce the oppor- tunity for fraudulent CNP transactions

    Provisi贸n de servicio de comercio electr贸nico con soporte a pasarela de pago para verificaci贸n del pago a trav茅s de terminal lMS

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    En los 煤ltimos a帽os el uso de Internet y la realizaci贸n de transacciones econ贸micas a trav茅s de dicha red han crecido considerablemente. La utilizaci贸n del comercio electr贸nico permite al usuario realizar las transacciones desde cualquier lugar, sin necesidad de desplazarse a la tienda en la que desea realizar la compra y ahorrar el dinero y el tiempo que requerir铆a dicho desplazamiento. Sin embargo, la utilizaci贸n del comercio electr贸nico para la realizaci贸n de compras por Internet no goza de un respaldo mayoritario debido a la desconfianza de los usuarios a proporcionar sus datos bancarios o la informaci贸n de sus tarjetas de cr茅dito a trav茅s de la red. En este proyecto, se han estudiado los diferentes m茅todos de pago electr贸nico existentes en la actualidad, y su posible mejora para la provisi贸n de un servicio de pago electr贸nico fiable y seguro para los clientes. La futura convergencia entre redes de comunicaci贸n ha originado el planteamiento de un sistema de pago que permita al usuario realizar la compra a trav茅s de la Web pero validarla a trav茅s de un terminal IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem). M谩s concretamente, este proyecto ha tenido como objetivo el dise帽o de una aplicaci贸n convergente que permita interconectar la Web con las redes de pr贸xima generaci贸n para proporcionar servicios de pago electr贸nico seguros con soporte para la verificaci贸n de las transacciones econ贸micas a trav茅s de un terminal IMS. Para ello se hace uso de dos canales de comunicaci贸n diferentes (Internet y telefon铆a m贸vil), lo que dota de una gran robustez al sistema, ya que es complicado comprometer las dos redes simult谩neamente. La necesidad de proteger la informaci贸n privada de los usuarios hace que el sistema dise帽ado soporte gesti贸n de identidad. Como consecuencia de ello, los usuarios del sistema pueden controlar la informaci贸n de su perfil que deseen proporcionar a un determinado proveedor de servicio. Por otro lado, se ha tratado el problema de la gesti贸n de credenciales por parte de los usuarios. Para ello, se ha proporcionado al sistema desarrollado de un mecanismo de identificaci贸n SSO (Single Sign-On), que evita al usuario tener que identificarse repetidamente en los diversos sitios Web a los que acceda. La soluci贸n planteada podr铆a tener una gran proyecci贸n, ya que la telefon铆a m贸vil goza de una gran aceptaci贸n y su uso se encuentra mundialmente extendido. Debido a ello, es l贸gico pensar que los usuarios podr铆an encontrarse m谩s confiados a enviar su informaci贸n privada a trav茅s de su tel茅fono m贸vil que a trav茅s de Internet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Financial transactions have increased in number in the last years. The use of electronic commerce allows users to make transactions from anywhere, without having to go to the store where they want to make the purchase thus, saving money and time. The lack of a comprehensive security infrastructure has delight in tormenting ecommerce. The use of electronic transactions in a daily basis is far from being a reality. Due to several security problems, customers are reluctant to hand out their private information, especially their financial information as credit cards. In this thesis, we have studied the different electronic payment methods currently available and feasible improvements towards a safer and reliable service for customers. The future convergence of communication networks has led to the approach of an authorized payment system by mobile phone that allows the user to purchase online but validate it through his IMS terminal. The system developed will use two different communication channels (Internet and mobile), making hard to compromise both networks simultaneously. The purpose of such development is to find a solution for making safe purchases over the Internet increasing so user confidence in electronic commerce. On the other hand, the need to protect private information from users, makes necessary the use of identity management in service providers, preventing users from handing out their credentials in different Web sites (implementing Single Sign-On) and giving them the opportunity to increase the control over their user profile managing the information provided to the service provider. The aim of this project is the provision of an electronic commerce service that utilizes a next-generation network for authorization purposes. Taking advantage of development opportunities they offer, and developing a module for authentication and verification of financial transactions through the network by using a mobile phone.Ingenier铆a de Telecomunicaci贸