6,540 research outputs found

    Finding Competitive Network Architectures Within a Day Using UCT

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    The design of neural network architectures for a new data set is a laborious task which requires human deep learning expertise. In order to make deep learning available for a broader audience, automated methods for finding a neural network architecture are vital. Recently proposed methods can already achieve human expert level performances. However, these methods have run times of months or even years of GPU computing time, ignoring hardware constraints as faced by many researchers and companies. We propose the use of Monte Carlo planning in combination with two different UCT (upper confidence bound applied to trees) derivations to search for network architectures. We adapt the UCT algorithm to the needs of network architecture search by proposing two ways of sharing information between different branches of the search tree. In an empirical study we are able to demonstrate that this method is able to find competitive networks for MNIST, SVHN and CIFAR-10 in just a single GPU day. Extending the search time to five GPU days, we are able to outperform human architectures and our competitors which consider the same types of layers

    Beyond Monte Carlo Tree Search: Playing Go with Deep Alternative Neural Network and Long-Term Evaluation

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    Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is extremely popular in computer Go which determines each action by enormous simulations in a broad and deep search tree. However, human experts select most actions by pattern analysis and careful evaluation rather than brute search of millions of future nteractions. In this paper, we propose a computer Go system that follows experts way of thinking and playing. Our system consists of two parts. The first part is a novel deep alternative neural network (DANN) used to generate candidates of next move. Compared with existing deep convolutional neural network (DCNN), DANN inserts recurrent layer after each convolutional layer and stacks them in an alternative manner. We show such setting can preserve more contexts of local features and its evolutions which are beneficial for move prediction. The second part is a long-term evaluation (LTE) module used to provide a reliable evaluation of candidates rather than a single probability from move predictor. This is consistent with human experts nature of playing since they can foresee tens of steps to give an accurate estimation of candidates. In our system, for each candidate, LTE calculates a cumulative reward after several future interactions when local variations are settled. Combining criteria from the two parts, our system determines the optimal choice of next move. For more comprehensive experiments, we introduce a new professional Go dataset (PGD), consisting of 253233 professional records. Experiments on GoGoD and PGD datasets show the DANN can substantially improve performance of move prediction over pure DCNN. When combining LTE, our system outperforms most relevant approaches and open engines based on MCTS.Comment: AAAI 201

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringRecently deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms show super human performances in the simulated game domains. In practical points, the sample efficiency is also one of the most important measures to determine the performance of a model. Especially for the environment of large search spaces (e.g. continuous action space), it is very critical condition to achieve the state-of-the-art performance. In this thesis, we design a model to be applicable to multi-end games in continuous space with high sample efficiency. A multi-end game has several sub-games which are independent each other but affect the result of the game by some rules of its domain. We verify the algorithm in the environment of simulated curling.clos

    Helping AI to Play Hearthstone: AAIA'17 Data Mining Challenge

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    This paper summarizes the AAIA'17 Data Mining Challenge: Helping AI to Play Hearthstone which was held between March 23, and May 15, 2017 at the Knowledge Pit platform. We briefly describe the scope and background of this competition in the context of a more general project related to the development of an AI engine for video games, called Grail. We also discuss the outcomes of this challenge and demonstrate how predictive models for the assessment of player's winning chances can be utilized in a construction of an intelligent agent for playing Hearthstone. Finally, we show a few selected machine learning approaches for modeling state and action values in Hearthstone. We provide evaluation for a few promising solutions that may be used to create more advanced types of agents, especially in conjunction with Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithms.Comment: Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Prague (FedCSIS-2017) (Prague, Czech Republic