28,725 research outputs found

    Quiescent consistency: Defining and verifying relaxed linearizability

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    Concurrent data structures like stacks, sets or queues need to be highly optimized to provide large degrees of parallelism with reduced contention. Linearizability, a key consistency condition for concurrent objects, sometimes limits the potential for optimization. Hence algorithm designers have started to build concurrent data structures that are not linearizable but only satisfy relaxed consistency requirements. In this paper, we study quiescent consistency as proposed by Shavit and Herlihy, which is one such relaxed condition. More precisely, we give the first formal definition of quiescent consistency, investigate its relationship with linearizability, and provide a proof technique for it based on (coupled) simulations. We demonstrate our proof technique by verifying quiescent consistency of a (non-linearizable) FIFO queue built using a diffraction tree. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

    Action Contraction

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    The question we consider in this paper is: “When can a combination of fine-grain execution steps be contracted into an atomic action execution”? Our answer is basically: “When no observer can see the difference.” This is worked out in detail by defining a notion of coupled split/atomic simulation refinement between systems which differ in the atomicity of their actions, and proving that this collapses to Parrow and Sjödin’s coupled similarity when the systems are composed with an observer

    Achieving Extreme Resolution in Numerical Cosmology Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Resolving Primordial Star Formation

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    As an entry for the 2001 Gordon Bell Award in the "special" category, we describe our 3-d, hybrid, adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) code, Enzo, designed for high-resolution, multiphysics, cosmological structure formation simulations. Our parallel implementation places no limit on the depth or complexity of the adaptive grid hierarchy, allowing us to achieve unprecedented spatial and temporal dynamic range. We report on a simulation of primordial star formation which develops over 8000 subgrids at 34 levels of refinement to achieve a local refinement of a factor of 10^12 in space and time. This allows us to resolve the properties of the first stars which form in the universe assuming standard physics and a standard cosmological model. Achieving extreme resolution requires the use of 128-bit extended precision arithmetic (EPA) to accurately specify the subgrid positions. We describe our EPA AMR implementation on the IBM SP2 Blue Horizon system at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Peer reviewed technical paper accepted to the proceedings of Supercomputing 2001. This entry was a Gordon Bell Prize finalist. For more information visit http://www.TomAbel.com/GB

    Structural changes at the semiconductor-insulator phase transition in the single layered La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 perovskite

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    The semiconductor-insulator phase transition of the single-layer manganite La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 has been studied by means of high resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and resonant x-ray scattering at the Mn K edge. We conclude that a concomitant structural transition from tetragonal I4/mmm to orthorhombic Cmcm phases drives this electronic transition. A detailed symmetry-mode analysis reveals that condensation of three soft modes -Delta_2(B2u), X1+(B2u) and X1+(A)- acting on the oxygen atoms accounts for the structural transformation. The Delta_2 mode leads to a pseudo Jahn-Teller distortion (in the orthorhombic bc-plane only) on one Mn site (Mn1) whereas the two X1+ modes produce an overall contraction of the other Mn site (Mn2) and expansion of the Mn1 one. The X1+ modes are responsible for the tetragonal superlattice (1/2,1/2,0)-type reflections in agreement with a checkerboard ordering of two different Mn sites. A strong enhancement of the scattered intensity has been observed for these superlattice reflections close to the Mn K edge, which could be ascribed to some degree of charge disproportion between the two Mn sites of about 0.15 electrons. We also found that the local geometrical anisotropy of the Mn1 atoms and its ordering originated by the condensed Delta_2 mode alone perfectly explains the resonant scattering of forbidden (1/4,1/4,0)-type reflections without invoking any orbital ordering.Comment: 3 tables and 10 figures; accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Concurrently coupled solid shell-based adaptive multiscale method for fracture

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    Artículo Open Access en el sitio web del editor. Pago por publicar en abierto.A solid shell-based adaptive atomistic–continuum numerical method is herein proposed to simulate complex crack growth patterns in thin-walled structures. A hybrid solid shell formulation relying on the combined use of the enhanced assumed strain (EAS) and the assumed natural strain (ANS) methods has been considered to efficiently model the material in thin structures at the continuum level. The phantom node method (PNM) is employed to model the discontinuities in the bulk. The discontinuous solid shell element is then concurrently coupled with a molecular statics model placed around the crack tip. The coupling between the coarse scale and the fine scale is realized through the use of ghost atoms, whose positions are interpolated from the coarse scale solution and enforced as boundary conditions to the fine scale model. In the proposed numerical scheme, the fine scale region is adaptively enlarged as the crack propagates and the region behind the crack tip is adaptively coarsened in order to reduce the computation costs. An energy criterion is used to detect the crack tip location. All the atomistic simulations are carried out using the LAMMPS software. A computational framework has been developed in MATLAB to trigger LAMMPS through system command. This allows a two way interaction between the coarse and fine scales in MATLAB platform, where the boundary conditions to the fine region are extracted from the coarse scale, and the crack tip location from the atomistic model is transferred back to the continuum scale. The developed framework has been applied to study crack growth in the energy minimization problems. Inspired by the influence of fracture on current–voltage characteristics of thin Silicon photovoltaic cells, the cubic diamond lattice structure of Silicon is used to model the material in the fine scale region, whilst the Tersoff potential function is employed to model the atom–atom interactions. The versatility and robustness of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by means of several fracture applications.Unión Europea ERC 306622Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2012-37187, MAT2015-71036-P y MAT2015-71309-PJunta de Andalucía P11-TEP-7093 y P12-TEP -105

    Square-lattice magnetism of diaboleite Pb2Cu(OH)4Cl2

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    We report on the quasi-two-dimensional magnetism of the natural mineral diaboleite Pb2Cu(OH)4Cl2 with a tetragonal crystal structure, which is closely related to that of the frustrated spin-1/2 magnet PbVO3. Magnetic susceptibility of diaboleite is well described by a Heisenberg spin model on a diluted square lattice with the nearest-neighbor exchange of J~35 K and about 5% of non-magnetic impurities. The dilution of the spin lattice reflects the formation of Cu vacancies that are tolerated by the crystal structure of diaboleite. The weak coupling between the magnetic planes triggers the long-range antiferromagnetic order below TN~11 K. No evidence of magnetic frustration is found. We also analyze the signatures of the long-range order in heat-capacity data, and discuss the capability of identifying magnetic transitions with heat-capacity measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures + Supplementary Informatio