12 research outputs found

    CPHASH: A cache-partitioned hash table

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    CPHash is a concurrent hash table for multicore processors. CPHash partitions its table across the caches of cores and uses message passing to transfer lookups/inserts to a partition. CPHash's message passing avoids the need for locks, pipelines batches of asynchronous messages, and packs multiple messages into a single cache line transfer. Experiments on a 80-core machine with 2 hardware threads per core show that CPHash has ~1.6x higher throughput than a hash table implemented using fine-grained locks. An analysis shows that CPHash wins because it experiences fewer cache misses and its cache misses are less expensive, because of less contention for the on-chip interconnect and DRAM. CPServer, a key/value cache server using CPHash, achieves ~5% higher throughput than a key/value cache server that uses a hash table with fine-grained locks, but both achieve better throughput and scalability than memcached. The throughput of CPHash and CPServer also scale near-linearly with the number of cores.Quanta Computer (Firm)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Award 915164

    Interference aware cache designs for operating system execution

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    Journal ArticleLarge-scale chip multiprocessors will likely be heterogeneous. It has been suggested by several groups that it may be worthwhile to implement some cores that are specially tuned to execute common code patterns. One such common application that will execute on all future processors is of course the operating system. Many future workloads will spend a large fraction of their execution time within privileged mode, either executing system calls or pure operating system functionality. Vast transistor budgets and relatively low on-chip communication latencies make it feasible to off-load the execution of privileged instruction sequences on to such a custom core. In this paper, we first examine this off-load approach and attempt to understand its benefits. We then try to architect a solution that captures the benefits of off-loading and eliminates its disadvantages. In essence, the benefits of offloading can be attributed to reduced cache interference, while its disadvantages are the high latency costs for off-load and cache coherence. Our proposed solution employs a special OS cache per core and improves performance by up to 18% for OS-intensive workloads without any significant addition of transistors. We consider several design choices for this OS cache and argue that it is a better use of transistor and power budget than the off-loading approach when both adding to the transistor budget or leaving it unchanged

    Efficient and scalable scheduling for performance heterogeneous multicore systems

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    a b s t r a c t Performance heterogeneous multicore processors (HMP for brevity) consisting of multiple cores with the same instruction set but different performance characteristics (e.g., clock speed, issue width), are of great concern since they are able to deliver higher performance per watt and area for programs with diverse architectural requirements than comparable homogeneous ones. However, such power and area efficiencies of performance heterogeneous multicore systems can only be achieved when workloads are matched with cores according to both the properties of the workload and the features of the cores. Several heterogeneity-aware schedulers were proposed in the previous work. In terms of whether properties of workloads are obtained online or not, those scheduling algorithms can be categorized into two classes: online monitoring and offline profiling. The previous online monitoring approaches had to trace threads' execution on all core types, which is impractical as the number of core types grows. Besides, to trace all core types threads have to be migrated among cores, which may cause load imbalance and degrade the performance. The existing offline profiling approaches profile programs with a given input set before really executing them and thus remove the overhead associated with the number of core types. However, offline profiling approaches do not account for phase changes of threads. Moreover, since the properties they have collected are based on the given input set, those offline profiling approaches are hard to adapt to various input sets and therefore will drastically affect the program performance. To address the above problems in the existing approaches, we propose a new technique, ASTPI (Average Stall Time Per Instruction), to measure the efficiencies of threads in using fast cores. We design, implement and evaluate a new online monitoring approach called ESHMP, which is based on the metric. Our evaluation in the Linux 2.6.21 operating system shows that ESHMP delivers scalability while adapting to a wide variety of applications. Also, our experiment results show that among HMP systems in which heterogeneity-aware schedulers are adopted and there are more than one LLC (Last Level Cache), the architecture where heterogeneous cores share LLCs gain better performance than the ones where homogeneous cores share LLCs

    A Software Approach to Unifying Multicore Caches

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    Multicore chips will have large amounts of fast on-chip cache memory, along with relatively slow DRAM interfaces. The on-chip cache memory, however, will be fragmented and spread over the chip; this distributed arrangement is hard for certain kinds of applications to exploit efficiently, and can lead to needless slow DRAM accesses. First, data accessed from many cores may be duplicated in many caches, reducing the amount of distinct data cached. Second, data in a cache distant from the accessing core may be slow to fetch via the cache coherence protocol. Third, software on each core can only allocate space in the small fraction of total cache memory that is local to that core. A new approach called software cache unification (SCU) addresses these challenges for applications that would be better served by a large shared cache. SCU chooses the on-chip cache in which to cache each item of data. As an application thread reads data items, SCU moves the thread to the core whose on-chip cache contains each item. This allows the thread to read the data quickly if it is already on-chip; if it is not, moving the thread causes the data to be loaded into the chosen on-chip cache. A new file cache for Linux, called MFC, uses SCU to improve performance of file-intensive applications, such as Unix file utilities. An evaluation on a 16-core AMD Opteron machine shows that MFC improves the throughput of file utilities by a factor of 1.6. Experiments with a platform that emulates future machines with less DRAM throughput per core shows that MFC will provide benefit to a growing range of applications.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 0915164

    Phase-based tuning for better utilized performance-asymmetric multicores

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    The latest trend towards performance asymmetry among cores on a single chip of a multicore processor is posing new software engineering challenges for developers. A key challenge is that for effective utilization of these performance-asymmetric multicore processors, application threads must be assigned to cores such that the resource needs of a thread closely matches resource availability at the assigned core. Determining this assignment manually is tedious, error prone, and it significantly complicates software development. We contribute a transparent and fully-automatic program analysis, which we call phase-guided tuning, to solve this problem. Phase-guided tuning adapts an application to effectively utilize performance-asymmetric cores of a processor. Our technique does not require any changes in the compiler or operating system, thus it is easy to deploy in existing tool chains. It does not require any input from the programmer except the application. Furthermore, it is independent of the characteristics (performance-asymmetry) of the target multicore processor, which has two benefits. First, it avoids the need to create multiple customizations of the binary for each target architecture, and second it relieves the programmer of the burden of anticipating the target architecture. Last but not least, our technique significantly improves performance. Compared to the stock Linux scheduler, our best technique shows 215% improvement in throughput and 36% average process speedup, while maintaining fairness and with negligible overheads

    Phase-based tuning: better utilized performance asymmetric multicores

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    The latest trend towards performance asymmetry among cores on a single chip of a multicore processor is posing new challenges. For effective utilization of these performance-asymmetric multicore processors, code sections of a program must be assigned to cores such that the resource needs of code sections closely matches resource availability at the assigned core. Determining this assignment manually is tedious, error prone, and significantly complicates software development. To solve this problem, this thesis describes a transparent and fully-automatic process called phase-based tuning which adapts an application to effectively utilize performance-asymmetric multicores. The basic idea behind this technique is to statically compute groups of program segments which are expected to behave similarly at runtime. Then, at runtime, the behavior of a few code segments is used to infer the behavior and preferred core assignment of all similar code segments with low overhead. Compared to the stock Linux scheduler, for systems asymmetric with respect to clock frequency, a 36% average process speedup is observed, while maintaining fairness and with negligible overheads. A key component to phase-based tuning is grouping program segments with similar behavior. The importance of various similarity metrics are likely to differ for each target asymmetric multicore processor. Determining groups using too many metrics may result in a grouping that differentiates between program segments based on irrelevant properties for a target machine. Using too few metrics may cause relevant metrics to be ignored thereby considering segments with different behavior similar. Therefore, to solve this problem and enable phase-based tuning for a wide range of a performance-asymmetric multicores, this thesis also describes a new technique called lazy grouping. Lazy grouping statically (at compile and install times) groups program segments that are expected to have similar behavior. The basic idea is to use extensive compile time analysis with intelligent install time (when the target system is known) group assignment. The accuracy of lazy grouping for a wide range of machines is shown to be more than 90% for nearly all target machines and asymmetric multicores

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith the explosion of chip transistor counts, the semiconductor industry has struggled with ways to continue scaling computing performance in line with historical trends. In recent years, the de facto solution to utilize excess transistors has been to increase the size of the on-chip data cache, allowing fast access to an increased portion of main memory. These large caches allowed the continued scaling of single thread performance, which had not yet reached the limit of instruction level parallelism (ILP). As we approach the potential limits of parallelism within a single threaded application, new approaches such as chip multiprocessors (CMP) have become popular for scaling performance utilizing thread level parallelism (TLP). This dissertation identifies the operating system as a ubiquitous area where single threaded performance and multithreaded performance have often been ignored by computer architects. We propose that novel hardware and OS co-design has the potential to significantly improve current chip multiprocessor designs, enabling increased performance and improved power efficiency. We show that the operating system contributes a nontrivial overhead to even the most computationally intense workloads and that this OS contribution grows to a significant fraction of total instructions when executing several common applications found in the datacenter. We demonstrate that architectural improvements have had little to no effect on the performance of the OS over the last 15 years, leaving ample room for improvements. We specifically consider three potential solutions to improve OS execution on modern processors. First, we consider the potential of a separate operating system processor (OSP) operating concurrently with general purpose processors (GPP) in a chip multiprocessor organization, with several specialized structures acting as efficient conduits between these processors. Second, we consider the potential of segregating existing caching structures to decrease cache interference between the OS and application. Third, we propose that there are components within the OS itself that should be refactored to be both multithreaded and cache topology aware, which in turn, improves the performance and scalability of many-threaded applications