7 research outputs found

    Development of Transformations from Business Process Models to Implementations by Reuse

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    This paper presents an approach for developing transformations from business process models to implementations that facilitates reuse. A transformation is developed as a composition of three smaller tasks: pattern recognition, pattern realization and activity transformation. The approach allows one to reuse the definition and implementation of pattern recognition and pattern realization in the development of transformations targeting different business process modeling and implementation languages. In order to decouple pattern recognition and pattern realization, the approach includes a pattern language to represent the output of the pattern recognition task, which forms the input of the pattern realization task

    Aspect Oriented Programming Methodology to Support the Design of Specific Domain Framework

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    The aspect-oriented programming has valuable advantages over other programming paradigms, but in turn it presents difficulties when applying the concepts within the stages of analysis and development to reduce the drawbacks of this paradigm. This paper proposes a methodology to reduce the drawbacks of the paradigm, at the same time provides steps that involve elements of common analysis in the Requirements Engineering with Aspects (basic unit of paradigm) in order to create the framework for a specific domain. The proposed methodology brings together some benefits methodologies, but it emphasizes the treatment of the first disadvantages of the programming aspects and the location and identification of aspects and elements; in addition, this article provides a tool that supports some methodology steps by generating part of the framework code base. In the process of treatment issues, the analysis is oriented to the specification of aspects using AspectJ, with rules to locate and determine aspects within its four Cyclical stages. Finally, it includes a case study which evaluates the steps in this methodology.The aspect-oriented programming has valuable advantages over other programming paradigms, but in turn it presents difficulties when applying the concepts within the stages of analysis and development to reduce the drawbacks of this paradigm. This paper proposes a methodology to reduce the drawbacks of the paradigm, at the same time provides steps that involve elements of common analysis in the Requirements Engineering with Aspects (basic unit of paradigm) in order to create the framework for a specific domain. The proposed methodology brings together some benefits methodologies, but it emphasizes the treatment of the first disadvantages of the programming aspects and the location and identification of aspects and elements; in addition, this article provides a tool that supports some methodology steps by generating part of the framework code base. In the process of treatment issues, the analysis is oriented to the specification of aspects using AspectJ, with rules to locate and determine aspects within its four Cyclical stages. Finally, it includes a case study which evaluates the steps in this methodology

    Desarrollo Dirigido por Modelos (MDD) en el Contexto Educativo

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    The model-driven development (MDD) it’s a software paradigm development based on models used in different fields; this article present a current description about the MDD, one considers its advantages, the key points of the initiative, life cycle and the transformations it makes. Are studied projects that practice this paradigm especially in the educational context and articles that expose the impact that causes adopt it, just as the benefits of each project that implement this paradigm and its tools that support it.El desarrollo dirigido por modelos (MDD por sus siglas en inglés) es un paradigma de desarrollo de software basado en modelos, aplicados en diferentes ámbitos; en este artículo se presenta una descripción actual del MDD, se tiene en cuenta sus ventajas, los puntos claves de la iniciativa, el ciclo de vida y las transformaciones que realiza. Se estudian  proyectos que practican este paradigma especialmente en el contexto educativo y artículos que exponen el impacto que ocasiona el adoptarlo, de igual manera se exponen los beneficios de cada proyecto que ponen en práctica éste paradigma y herramientas que lo soportan

    Bedrijfsregels & Thinkwise Software Factory

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    Dit document heeft als onderwerp Bedrijfsregels en Thinkwise Software Factory®. Het afstudeeronderzoek heeft plaatsgevonden bij Sligro Food Group Nederland BV. De belangrijkste conclusie uit dit onderzoek is dat de combinatie van Ampersand en TSF niet inzetbaar is. Andere conclusies zijn gebaseerd op de theorie. Door AOP als techniek achter TSF moet het, theoretisch, goed mogelijk zijn om TSF gebruik te laten maken van bedrijfsregels. Daarvoor wordt verder onderzoek geadviseerd

    A platform-independent aspect-oriented model and patterns to support model transformations

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    Model Driven Architecture (MDA) separates application logic from specific implementation technology to improve the reusability, portability and maintainability of the software system. However, current software system also needs to deal with other important concerns that are called crosscutting concerns that explicitly addressed by Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP). In this dissertation, we propose a model-driven approach to assess the benefits of AOP for MDA in order to provide increased modularity and to support related quality attributes. Even though research has been conducted toward modeling crosscutting concerns, these approaches found to be either language dependent or provide no support for aspectual behavior. This work has two contributions. First, we complement current works by proposing a language-independent extension to the UML metamodel to explicitly capture crosscutting concerns. The second contribution is to provide well-defined and automated model transformations to work with different models at various levels of abstraction and preserve their consistency