13 research outputs found

    Mobile Augmented Reality for Learning

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    Specht, M. (2012, April). Augmented Reality for Learning. Technical report for workshop at eLearning congress 2012. 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.Until recently, augmented reality (AR) applications were mostly available for powerful workstations and high power personal computers. The introduction of augmented reality applications to smartphones enabled new and mobile AR experiences for everyday users. Because of the increasing pervasion of smartphones, AR is set to become a ubiquitous commodity for leisure and mobile learning. With this ubiquitous availability, mobile AR allows to devise and design innovative learning scenarios in real world settings. This carries much promise for enhanced learning experiences in situated learning. In the present article, we will look at different dimensions of mobile AR and exemplify their potential for education. At the end, we want to report on a short experiment that we conducted, called Locatory. It exceeds the current state of art for common mobile AR applications by introducing interactive and collaborative elements as well as gaming mechanisms

    Dimensions of Mobile Augmented Reality for Learning: A First Inventory

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    Specht, M., Ternier, S., & Greller, W. (2011). Dimensions of Mobile Augmented Reality for Learning: A First Inventory. Journal of the Research for Educational Technology (RCET), 7(1), 117-127. Spring 2011.This article discusses technological developments and applications of mobile augmented reality (AR) and their application in learning. Augmented reality interaction design patterns are introduced and educational patterns for supporting certain learning objectives with AR approaches are discussed. The article then identifies several dimensions of a user context identified with sensors contained in mobile devices and used for the contextualization of learning experiences. Finally, an AR game concept, “Locatory”, is presented that combines a game logic with collaborative game play and personalized mobile augmented reality visualization


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    Car simulators are essential for training and for analyzing the behavior, the responses and the performance of the driver. Augmented Reality (AR) is the technology that enables virtual images to be overlaid on views of the real world. Affective Computing (AC) is the technology that helps reading emotions by means of computer systems, by analyzing body gestures, facial expressions, speech and physiological signals. The key aspect of the research relies on investigating novel interfaces that help building situational awareness and emotional awareness, to enable affect-driven remote collaboration in AR for car driving simulators. The problem addressed relates to the question about how to build situational awareness (using AR technology) and emotional awareness (by AC technology), and how to integrate these two distinct technologies [4], into a unique affective framework for training, in a car driving simulator

    Applicazioni delle tecnologie immersive nell\u2019industria e Realt\ue0 Aumentata come innovazione di processo nella Logistica: stato dell\u2019arte ed implicazioni manageriali

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    The so-called "immersive technologies", with particular reference to Virtual Reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), can potentially play an interesting role in the field of managerial applications and production. Many successful cases exist, and these technologies can be applied to several activities of the supply chain. Nevertheless, a noticeable literature gap exists in management researches, whereas there many studies in the technological and IT fields exist. Hence, the present work aims to bridge the gap in the managerial context, by considering AR as a process innovation, rather than a product or a platform. After a first part, outlining the technologies under analysis and their current uses in the industrial, managerial and productive context, the work takes into analysis three directives in the logistics field, on which AR has possibilities of application: training, rationalization of operations in warehouse management, optimization of transports. Subsequently, it proposes a set of heuristics, partly addressed to management, partly to the usability and efficiency of processes, to assess the strategic aspects of RA in logistics. A qualitative case study is discussed, along with the proposed set. The study is carried out through an analysis of the literature, transversal to the technological, managerial and IT fields

    Using AR to Support Cross-Organisational Collaboration in Dynamic Tasks

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    This paper presents a study where Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been used as a tool for supporting collaboration between the rescue services, the police and military personnel in a crisis management scenario. There are few studies on how AR systems should be designed to improve cooperation between actors from different organizations while at the same time support individual needs. In the present study an AR system was utilized for supporting joint planning tasks by providing organisation-specific views of a shared working. The study involved a simulated emergency event conducted in close to real settings with representatives from the organisations for which the system is developed. As a baseline, a series of trials without the AR system was carried out. Results show that the users were positive towards the AR system, and would like to use it in real work. They also experience some performance benefits of using the AR system compared to their traditional tools. Finally, the problem of designing for collaborative work as well as the benefits of using an iterative design processes is discussed.