585 research outputs found

    Using 2D Topological Map Information in a Markovian Image Segmentation

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    International audienceTopological map is a mathematical model of labeled image representation which contains both topological and geometrical information. In this work, we use this model to improve a Markovian seg-mentation algorithm. Image segmentation methods based on Markovian assumption consist in optimizing a Gibbs energy function. This energy function can be given by a sum of potentials which could be based on the shape or the size of a region, the number of adjacencies,.. . and can be computed by using topological map. In this work we propose the integration of a new potential: the global linearity of the boundaries, and show how this potential can be extracted from the topological map. Moreover, to decrease the complexity of our algorithm, we propose a local modification of the topological map in order to avoid the reconstruction of the entire structure

    Unsupervised Texture Segmentation

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    Extracting Geometric Structures in Images with Delaunay Point Processes

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    International audienceWe introduce Delaunay Point Processes, a framework for the extraction of geometric structures from images. Our approach simultaneously locates and groups geometric primitives (line segments, triangles) to form extended structures (line networks, polygons) for a variety of image analysis tasks. Similarly to traditional point processes, our approach uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo to minimize an energy that balances fidelity to the input image data with geometric priors on the output structures. However, while existing point processes struggle to model structures composed of interconnected components, we propose to embed the point process into a Delaunay triangulation, which provides high-quality connectivity by construction. We further leverage key properties of the Delaunay triangulation to devise a fast Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler. We demonstrate the flexibility of our approach on a variety of applications, including line network extraction, object contouring, and mesh-based image compression

    Assessment of the potentials and limitations of cortical-based analysis for the integration of structure and function in normal and pathological brains using MRI

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    The software package Brainvisa (www.brainvisa.tnfo) offers a wide range of possibilities for cortical analysis using its automatic sulci recognition feature. Automated sulci identification is an attractive feature as the manual labelling of the cortical sulci is often challenging even for the experienced neuro-radiologists. This can also be of interest in fMRI studies of individual subjects where activated regions of the cortex can simply be identified using sulcal labels without the need for normalization to an atlas. As it will be explained later in this thesis, normalization to atlas can especially be problematic for pathologic brains. In addition, Brainvisa allows for sulcal morphometry from structural MR images by estimating a wide range of sulcal properties such as size, coordinates, direction, and pattern. Morphometry of abnormal brains has gained huge interest and has been widely used in finding the biomarkers of several neurological diseases or psychiatric disorders. However mainly because of its complexity, only a limited use of sulcal morphometry has been reported so far. With a wide range of possibilities for sulcal morphometry offered by Brainvisa, it is possible to thoroughly investigate the sulcal changes due to the abnormality. However, as any other automated method, Brainvisa can be susceptible to limitations associated with image quality. Factors such as noise, spatial resolution, and so on, can have an impact on the detection of the cortical folds and estimation of their attributes. Hence the robustness of Brainvisa needs to be assessed. This can be done by estimating the reliability and reproducibility of results as well as exploring the changes in results caused by other factors. This thesis is an attempt to investigate the possible benefits of sulci identification and sulcal morphometry for functional and structural MRI studies as well as the limitations of Brainvisa. In addition, the possibility of improvement of activation localization with functional MRI studies is further investigated. This investigation was motivated by a review of other cortical-based analysis methods, namely the cortical surface-based methods, which are discussed in the literature review chapter of this thesis. The application of these approaches in functional MRI data analysis and their potential benefits is used in this investigation

    Advances towards behaviour-based indoor robotic exploration

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    215 p.The main contributions of this research work remain in object recognition by computer vision, by one side, and in robot localisation and mapping by the other. The first contribution area of the research address object recognition in mobile robots. In this area, door handle recognition is of great importance, as it help the robot to identify doors in places where the camera is not able to view the whole door. In this research, a new two step algorithm is presented based on feature extraction that aimed at improving the extracted features to reduce the superfluous keypoints to be compared at the same time that it increased its efficiency by improving accuracy and reducing the computational time. Opposite to segmentation based paradigms, the feature extraction based two-step method can easily be generalized to other types of handles or even more, to other type of objects such as road signals. Experiments have shown very good accuracy when tested in real environments with different kind of door handles. With respect to the second contribution, a new technique to construct a topological map during the exploration phase a robot would perform on an unseen office-like environment is presented. Firstly a preliminary approach proposed to merge the Markovian localisation in a distributed system, which requires low storage and computational resources and is adequate to be applied in dynamic environments. In the same area, a second contribution to terrain inspection level behaviour based navigation concerned to the development of an automatic mapping method for acquiring the procedural topological map. The new approach is based on a typicality test called INCA to perform the so called loop-closing action. The method was integrated in a behaviour-based control architecture and tested in both, simulated and real robot/environment system. The developed system proved to be useful also for localisation purpose

    Role of deep learning in infant brain MRI analysis

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    Deep learning algorithms and in particular convolutional networks have shown tremendous success in medical image analysis applications, though relatively few methods have been applied to infant MRI data due numerous inherent challenges such as inhomogenous tissue appearance across the image, considerable image intensity variability across the first year of life, and a low signal to noise setting. This paper presents methods addressing these challenges in two selected applications, specifically infant brain tissue segmentation at the isointense stage and presymptomatic disease prediction in neurodevelopmental disorders. Corresponding methods are reviewed and compared, and open issues are identified, namely low data size restrictions, class imbalance problems, and lack of interpretation of the resulting deep learning solutions. We discuss how existing solutions can be adapted to approach these issues as well as how generative models seem to be a particularly strong contender to address them