4 research outputs found


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    O padrão MPEG-4 tem se difundido largamente entre os diversos dispositivos capazes de apresentar conteúdo digital multimídia. Apesar do maior uso do padrão MPEG-4 ser na apresentação de vídeos, este padrão permite a inserção de objetos complexos a serem apresentados em conjunto com o vídeo, incluindo software executável. O presente artigo visa apresentar como um software executável interage com o sistema MPEG-4 e quais ferramentas (player, encoder e decoder) são utilizadas para gerar e executar este conteúdo multimídia

    User-author centered multimedia building blocks

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    The advances of multimedia models and tools popularized the access and production of multimedia contents: in this new scenario, there is no longer a clear distinction between authors and end-users of a production. These user-authors often work in a collaborative way. As end-users, they collectively participate in interactive environments, consuming multimedia artifacts. In their authors' role, instead of starting from scratch, they often reuse others' productions, which can be decomposed, fusioned and transformed to meet their goals. Since the need for sharing and adapting productions is felt by many communities, there has been a proliferation of standards and mechanisms to exchange complex digital objects, for distinct application domains. However, these initiatives have created another level of complexity, since people have to define which share/ reuse solution they want to adopt, and may even have to resort to programming tasks. They also lack effective strategies to combine these reused artifacts. This paper presents a solution to this demand, based on a user-author centered multimedia building block model-the digital content component (DCC). DCCs upgrade the notion of digital objects to digital components, as they homogenously wrap any kind of digital content (e.g., multimedia artifacts, software) inside a single component abstraction. The model is fully supported by a software infrastructure, which exploits the model's semantic power to automate low level technical activities, thereby freeing user-authors to concentrate on creative tasks. Model and infrastructure improve recent research initiatives to standardize the means of sharing and reuse domain specific digital contents. The paper's contributions are illustrated using examples implemented in a DCC-based authoring tool, in real life situations.124176340342

    A Component And Query Approach For Scientific Data Exploration Applications

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    The immense increase of scientific databases, combined with the spread of open standards for service interfaces, has resulted in unprecedented opportunities of data exploration and exploitation for scientists. From a client point of view, scientists often perform data combination and analysis, based on interactive incremental refinement and visualization. While this abstract description applies to virtually any science, the concrete presentation of data and queries offered varies greatly across the individual domains. The result is a repetitive effort in crafting streamlined client interfaces, which is particular tedious in face of interactive graphics. We address this problem by establishing a modular Web client toolkit offering common analysis input and output widgets. The backend generates database queries from the input and displays query results through the output widgets. We present this toolkit, its first implementation version, and an earth science scenario using an Array Database System as retrieval backend. © 2011 IEEE.IEEE Comput. Soc. Tech. Comm. Bus. Informatics Syst. (TCBIS)Eason, G., Noble, B., Sneddon, I.N., On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions (1955) Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A247, pp. 529-551. , AprilAdaguc, , adaguc.knmi.nl/. Last seen April 16, 2010Baumann, P., The OGC Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) Standard (2009) Geoinformatica, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10707-009-0087-2Baumann, P., (2008) Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) Language Interface Specification, , OGC 08-068r2Baumann, P., Large-Scale Raster Services: A Case for Databases (2006) LNCS, 4231, pp. 75-84. , (invited keynote). John Roddick et al (eds): Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice, Proc. CoMoGIS, Tucson, USA, 6 - 9 November 2006, Springer 2006Baumann, P., (2010) GML 3.2.1 Application Schema for Coverages, , OGC 09-146r1Bing Maps, , www.bing.com/maps/, Last seen August 2, 2010COM - Component Object Model, , www.microsoft.com/com/, Last seen August 10, 2010www.earthlook.org, Last seen August 21, 2010GenBank, , www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/, Last seen April 16, 2010GeoSciML, , www.geosciml.org/, Last seen April 16, 2010Google Maps, , maps.google.com/. Last seen July 20, 2010Hamilton, G., (1997) JavabeansTM Specification 1.01 Final Release, , java.sun.com/javase/technologies/desktop/javabeans/docs/spec.html, Last seen June 10, 2010MapAPlanet, , www.mapaplanet.org/, Last seen April 16, 2010MegDB, , www.megx.net/, Last seen April 16, 2009Microformats, , microformats.org. Last seen August 21, 2010www.opengeospatial.org, Last seen August 18, 2010(2006) Meta Object Facility (MOF) Core Specification, , OMG, Version 2.0. Object Management GroupOpenLayers, , openlayers.org/. Last seen July 10, 2010Pangaea, , www.pangaea.de/, Last seen April 16, 2010Parrish, R., (2001) XPCOM Part 1: An Introduction to XPCOM, , www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/co-xpcom.html, Last seen August 19, 2010Pastorello Jr., G.Z., Medeiros, C.B., Santanchè, A., Accessing and processing sensing data (2008) CSE '08: Proc. of the 2008 11th IEEE Int. Conf. on Computational Science and Engineering, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 353-360www.rasdaman.org, Last seen August 21, 2010Santanche, A., Medeiros, C.B., A component model and infrastructure for a fluid Web (2007) IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19 (2), pp. 324-341. , DOI 10.1109/TKDE.2007.16Santanchè, A., Medeiros, C.B., Pastorello Jr., G.Z., User-author centered multimedia building blocks (2007) Multimedia Systems, 12 (4), pp. 403-421Senselab, , senselab.med.yale.edu/. Last seen April 16, 2010Sloan, , www.sdss.org/, Last seen April 16, 2010Smith, K., Simplifying Ajax-Style Web Development (2006) Computer, 39 (5), pp. 98-101Yahoo Local Maps, , maps.yahoo.com. Last seen June 10, 2010Yu, J., Benatallah, B., Casati, F., Daniel, F., Understanding Mashup Development (2008) Internet Computing, 12 (5), pp. 44-52. , IEEEBaumann, P., WCS Processing Extension Standard, , OGC 08-059r3Baumann, P., Owonibi, M., WPS Application Profile for WCPS, , OGC 09-04

    Semantic Annotation Pattern For Coding And Its Application In Component Development

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    Source code annotations have an important role in software development. Structured annotations - those that follow building schemes- provide extra semantics to the code and are suitable for the automatization of complementary development tasks. There are recent initiatives towards interrelating annotations and ontologies, expanding their expressiveness and interoperability. In this paper we propose a new strategy based on meta-annotations to support structured annotations implicitly related to ontologies. It systematizes and simplifies the process of semantically annotating code, since programmers can use annotations without knowing details of the involved ontologies. This strategy was successfully applied in the development of components according to the Digital Content Component (DCC) model, enabling to automatize the production of semantic descriptions and interfaces for components, optimizing the development process. © 2011 IEEE.7180Pressman, R.S., (2002) Engenharia de Software, , 5th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Mc Graw HillWitte, R., Zhang, Y., Rilling, J., Empowering software maintainers with semantic web technologies (2007) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4519, pp. 37-52. , The Semantic Web: Research and Applications - 4th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2007, ProceedingsHappel, H.-J., Seedorf, S., Applications of ontologies in software engineering (2006) 2nd Int. Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software EngineeringSantanche, A., Medeiros, C.B., A component model and infrastructure for a fluid Web (2007) IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19 (2), pp. 324-341. , DOI 10.1109/TKDE.2007.16Santanchè, A., Medeiros, C.B., Pastorello, G.Z., User-author centered multimedia building blocks (2007) Multimedia Systems, 12, pp. 403-421Eichberg, M., Schafer, T., Mezini, M., Using annotations to check structural properties of classes (2005) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3442, pp. 237-252. , Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - 8th International Conference, FASE 2005, held as part of the Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2005, ProceedingsBloch, J., (2004) Jsr 175: A Metadata Facility for the Java Programming Language, , http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=175, [Online]Mullendore, A., (2009) Jsr 181: Web Services Metadata for the Javatm Platform, , http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=181, [Online]Chinnici, R., Moreau, J., Ryman, A., Weerawarana, S., (2007) Web Services Description Language (Wsdl) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language - w3c Recommendation 26 June 2007, , http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl20/, [Online]Verma, K., Sheth, A., Semantically annotating a web service (2007) IEEE Internet Computing, 11 (2), pp. 83-85. , DOI 10.1109/MIC.2007.48Martin, D., Burstein, M., Hobbs, J., Lassila, O., McDermott, D., McIlraith, S., Narayanan, S., Sycara, K., (2004) Owl-s: Semantic Markup for Web Services - w3c Member Submission 22 November 2004, , http://www.w3.org/Submission/OWL-S/, [Online]De Bruijn, J., (2005) Web Service Modeling Ontology (Wsmo)- w3c Member Submission 3 June 2005, , http://www.w3.org/Submission/WSMO/, [Online]Farrell, J., Lausen, H., (2007) Semantic Annotations for Wsdl and Xml Schema - W3c Recommendation 28 August 2007, , http://www.w3.org/TR/sawsdl/, [Online]Meyer, B., (1997) Object-Oriented Software Construction, , Prentice HallHalpin, H., Iannella, R., Suda, B., Walsh, N., (2010) Representing Vcard Objects in Rdf, , W3C Member Submission 20 January 2010Niles, I., Pease, A., Towards a standard upper ontology (2001) Formal Ontology in Information Systems, pp. 2-9Core, D., (2008) Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1, , http://www.dublincore.org/documents/2008/01/14/dces/, [Online]Patil, A., Oundhakar, S., Sheth, A., Verma, K., METEOR-S web service annotation framework (2004) Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference Proceedings, WWW2004, pp. 553-562. , Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference Proceedings, WWW2004Santanchè, A., Silva, L.A.M., Document-centered learning object authoring (2010) Learning Technology Newsletter, 12 (1), pp. 58-61. , JanSantanchè, A., Otimizando a anotaç ão de objetos de aprendizagem através da semântica in loco (2007) Anais Do XVIII Simp. 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