215,535 research outputs found

    Effect of user experience on technology acceptance: the case of foss

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    Free and open source software (FOSS) movement essentially arises like answer to the evolution occurred in the market from the software, characterized by the closing of the source code. Furthermore, some FOSS characteristics, such as (1) the advance of this movement and (2) the attractiveness that contributes the voluntary and cooperative work, have increased the interest of the users towards free software. Traditionally, research in FOSS has focused on identifying individual personal motives for participating in the development of a FOSS project, analyzing specific FOSS solutions, or the FOSS movement itself. Nevertheless, the advantages of the FOSS for users and the effect of the demographic dimensions on user acceptance for FOSS have been two research topics with little attention. Specifically, this paper’s aim is to focus on the influence of the user experience with FOSS the FOSS acceptance. Based on the literature, user experience is an essential demographic dimension for explaining the Information Systems acceptance. With this purpose, the authors have developed a research model based on the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM).El movimiento asociado al software de código abierto (FOSS) surge como una respuesta a la evolución acontecida en el mercado del software, caracterizado por el cierre del código fuente. Además, algunas características del FOSS como (1) el avance de este movimiento y (2) el atractivo que suscita debido a que se construye bajo la filosofía de trabajo voluntario y cooperativo, ha incrementado el interés de los usuarios hacia FOSS. Tradicionalmente las investigaciones en FOSS han estado centradas en identificar las motivaciones personales de participar en el desarrollo de un proyecto FOSS. Mientras que las ventajas del FOSS para los usuarios y el efecto de las dimensiones demográficas en la aceptación de FOSS han sido dos tópicos de investigación con poca atención. Concretamente, este artículo se centra en analizar la influencia de la experiencia con FOSS en la propia aceptación de FOSS. Basado en la literatura, la experiencia del usuario es una dimensión demográfica esencial para explicar la aceptación de los Sistemas de Información. Con este propósito, los autores han desarrollado un modelo de investigación basado en el Metamodelo de Aceptación de la Tecnología (TAM)

    Adoption of free desktop open source software in developing countries in Africa : a case of Kenyan University students

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    Open source products such as software development tools and server applications are gaining popularity among expert users. There is however a notable lag in adoption of desktop open source software among ordinary users especially in Africa. A number of critical factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions have been suggested as the determinants of Information and Communication Technologies adoption in general. This study deemed it important to establish if the above factors are the determinants of desktop open source software adoption in Africa. The study aimed to establish the Open Source Software adoption levels among university students in Kenya as well as the factors affecting Open Source Software adoption in this population. The author further aimed to assess the applicability of popular technology acceptance models in the adoption of the software in the population under study. The study employed literature review, quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study also used both descriptive and explanatory research designs in answering the research questions. The Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology was used as a theoretical framework because it has synthesised all its major predecessors and accommodated all the predecessors constructs. The other reason The Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology was used is because the model was developed specifically for predicting voluntary technology adoption. This study established that the adoption of Free Open Source Software products in Kenya is very low and existing literature revealed that this is also the case in other developing countries. The study concluded that the factors affecting adoption of desktop Open Source Software by Kenyan university students are usability, user training, Open Source Software compatibility, social influence, prior experience, social economic status, job market demands, proprietary software piracy culture and patent and copyright laws. Hence the study suggested that the existing technology adoption models are not appropriate in predicting technology adoption in an Africa setup. The study proposed and validated an appropriate model that fits in this context.School of ComputingD.Phil. (Information Systems

    Why TaxMe Makes Taxpayers Happy?

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    TaxMe-Online is the online tax declaration system of the Canton of Bern in Switzerland, where each of the 26 Cantons has its own fiscal regime and taxation system. In 2008 it was used by almost 26 percent of the Canton of Bern taxpayers (42% used the TaxMe-CD or other software, and the last third chose the paper forms). The TaxMe portal furthermore gives taxpayer access to their fiscal data (taxation status, amounts paid, etc.) and allows them to send electronic vouchers. TaxMe-Online does not require any preliminary registration as the taxpayers receive their user ID at the same time as the tax declaration forms, and when they log in with their identification data, their identity data (name, address, etc.) are already available. Users do however have to sign a paper-based validation declaration: until they have done so, their online tax declaration is not considered as finalized. The tax administration does not have the right to access taxpayers' data until the receipt of this validation declaration. TaxMe-Online is built on open source components and solutions; data are coded before being sent electronically (Secure Socket Layer). 33% of the TaxMe-Online users say they are “very happy” with this way of filling in their tax declaration, but amongst citizens using a similar solution on CD-ROM or the paper-based declaration, only 18% say they are very happy. This paper tries to find out why the online solution scores much higher than other tax declaration systems. It comprises three main parts (i) the development of an assessment model; (ii) a description of the system and its functionalities; and (iii) an analysis of user acceptance. We investigated the point of view of the TaxMe-Online users on an empirical basis, most notably by analysing secondary sources such as surveys realized by the fiscal administration of the Canton of Bern and newspaper articles, and by conducting interviews with various stakeholders.Taxation; case study; usability; portal; data exchange; open source; user acceptance

    Silent Vulnerable Dependency Alert Prediction with Vulnerability Key Aspect Explanation

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    Due to convenience, open-source software is widely used. For beneficial reasons, open-source maintainers often fix the vulnerabilities silently, exposing their users unaware of the updates to threats. Previous works all focus on black-box binary detection of the silent dependency alerts that suffer from high false-positive rates. Open-source software users need to analyze and explain AI prediction themselves. Explainable AI becomes remarkable as a complementary of black-box AI models, providing details in various forms to explain AI decisions. Noticing there is still no technique that can discover silent dependency alert on time, in this work, we propose a framework using an encoder-decoder model with a binary detector to provide explainable silent dependency alert prediction. Our model generates 4 types of vulnerability key aspects including vulnerability type, root cause, attack vector, and impact to enhance the trustworthiness and users' acceptance to alert prediction. By experiments with several models and inputs, we confirm CodeBERT with both commit messages and code changes achieves the best results. Our user study shows that explainable alert predictions can help users find silent dependency alert more easily than black-box predictions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research work on the application of Explainable AI in silent dependency alert prediction, which opens the door of the related domains

    Sistemas de ajuda na utilização de erp's

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    Os ERP's (Enterprise Resource Planning), são amplamente utilizados como sistemas organizacionais, por serem sistemas que integram as várias áreas de uma organização permitindo também usufruir da informação adequada aos processos de gestão de um dado negócio. A presente dissertação faz uma revisão da literatura, começando por uma abordagem histórica da evolução dos ERP's. Estuda-se o modelo de aceitação de tecnologia proposto por Davis, ligado ao conceito de software de código aberto no âmbito dos ERP's associado aos sistemas de ajuda aos utilizadores através da integração de sistemas open source. O trabalho empírico está dividido em duas partes, a primeira, na qual se estuda a verificação do modelo TAM a um dado sistema open source e a segunda parte do trabalho de investigação que estuda o modo como se pode interligar vários sistemas open source utilizando web services, exemplificando com a ligação de um ERP open source a um determinado sistema de ajuda ao utilizador.The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), are widely used as organizational systems, being systems that integrate the various areas of an organization make use of information allowing the appropriate management processes of a given business. The literature review contains an historical approach of the ERP ´s evolution. It was studied the technology acceptance model (TAM) proposed by Davis, applied in an Open Source ERP, as well as, the systems linkage to user assistance program integrated in an Open Source Software. The empirical work is divided into two parts, the first in which one studies the model checking a given TAM system open source and the second part of the research work that studies how you can link multiple systems using open source web services, exemplified by the connection of an open source ERP system to a specific user help

    Designing and implementation of robot mapping algorithm for mobile robot

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    .A mobile robot is an automatic machine that is capable of movement in any given environment [1]. The Capabilities of Mobile Robot(s) are: Moving around based on the user’s input, Avoiding obstacle in front of it and Calculating the path. The Criteria of Mobile Robot: Desktop size. A robot that can evolve on the desk near the computer improves drastically the student efficiency during experimentation. Wide range of possibilities from an engineering and educational point of view. To exploit this tool in various fields of education such as signal processing, automatic control, embedded programming, or distributed intelligent systems design, the robot should provide a wide set of functionalities in its basic version. User friendly. The user interface has to be simple, efficient, and intuitive. This is an important point for the acceptance of the system by the students. The broad introduction in engineering classes requires a large number of robots. Knowing that the budget of many schools is constant or decreasing, this is only feasible by reducing the cost of an individual robot. Open information. This robot has to be shared among professors, laboratories, schools and universities. An open source hardware/software development model is an effective way to achieve this goal

    Automated gui testing guided by usage profiles

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    Most software developed in recent years has a graphical user interface (GUI). The only way for the end-user to interact with the software application is through the GUI. Hence, acceptance and system testing of the software requires GUI testing. This paper presents a new technique for testing of GUI applications. Information on the actual usage of the application, in the form of “usage profiles, ” is used to ensure that a new version of the application will function correctly. Usage profiles, sequences of events that end-users execute on a GUI, are used to develop a probabilistic usage model of the application. An algorithm uses the model to generate test cases that represent events the user is most likely to execute. Reverse engineering methods are used to extract the underlying structure of the application. An em-pirical study on four open source GUI applications reveals that test suites generated from the probabilistic model are 0.2-22 % of the size of test suites produced directly from us-age profiles. Furthermore, the test suites generated from the model detect more faults per test case than those de-tected directly from the usage profiles, and detect faults not detected by the original profiles

    Modeling biochemical transformation processes and information processing with Narrator

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    BACKGROUND: Software tools that model and simulate the dynamics of biological processes and systems are becoming increasingly important. Some of these tools offer sophisticated graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which greatly enhance their acceptance by users. Such GUIs are based on symbolic or graphical notations used to describe, interact and communicate the developed models. Typically, these graphical notations are geared towards conventional biochemical pathway diagrams. They permit the user to represent the transport and transformation of chemical species and to define inhibitory and stimulatory dependencies. A critical weakness of existing tools is their lack of supporting an integrative representation of transport, transformation as well as biological information processing. RESULTS: Narrator is a software tool facilitating the development and simulation of biological systems as Co-dependence models. The Co-dependence Methodology complements the representation of species transport and transformation together with an explicit mechanism to express biological information processing. Thus, Co-dependence models explicitly capture, for instance, signal processing structures and the influence of exogenous factors or events affecting certain parts of a biological system or process. This combined set of features provides the system biologist with a powerful tool to describe and explore the dynamics of life phenomena. Narrator's GUI is based on an expressive graphical notation which forms an integral part of the Co-dependence Methodology. Behind the user-friendly GUI, Narrator hides a flexible feature which makes it relatively easy to map models defined via the graphical notation to mathematical formalisms and languages such as ordinary differential equations, the Systems Biology Markup Language or Gillespie's direct method. This powerful feature facilitates reuse, interoperability and conceptual model development. CONCLUSION: Narrator is a flexible and intuitive systems biology tool. It is specifically intended for users aiming to construct and simulate dynamic models of biology without recourse to extensive mathematical detail. Its design facilitates mappings to different formal languages and frameworks. The combined set of features makes Narrator unique among tools of its kind. Narrator is implemented as Java software program and available as open-source from

    User acceptance of open enterprise solution: the OSS-ERP case

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    Organizations implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with the objective of reaching operational efficiency and the incorporation to new markets through the information flow control on time of the entire organization. However, ERP systems are complex tools, mainly for the small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). For these reason, new ERP configurations have arisen for SMEs such as Open Source Software-ERP (OSS-ERP). OSS-ERP is a research topic barely analyzed by the literature. Specifically, this paper’s aim is to focus on the OSS-ERP users’ acceptance and use. The authors have developed a research model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for testing the users’ behavior toward OSS-ERP.Las organizaciones implantan Sistemas Integrados de Gestión (ERP, acrónimo de Enterprise Resource Planning) con el objetivo de alcanzar eficiencias operativas y la incorporación a nuevos mercados mediante un mayor control del flujo de información de toda la empresa a tiempo real. Sin embargo, los sistemas ERP son herramientas complejas, principalmente la pequeña y mediana empresa (PYME). Por esta razón, están surgiendo nuevas configuraciones de sistemas ERP para PYME como los sistemas ERP de código abierto (OSS-ERP). OSS-ERP es un tópico de investigación escasamente analizado en la literatura. Concretamente, este artículo se centra en el y aceptación de los usuarios a los sistemas OSS-ERP. Los autores han desarrollado un modelo de investigación basado en Metamodelo de Aceptación de la Tecnología (TAM) para testar el comportamiento de los usuarios hacia los sistemas OSS-ERP