2,267 research outputs found

    Survey of data mining approaches to user modeling for adaptive hypermedia

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    The ability of an adaptive hypermedia system to create tailored environments depends mainly on the amount and accuracy of information stored in each user model. Some of the difficulties that user modeling faces are the amount of data available to create user models, the adequacy of the data, the noise within that data, and the necessity of capturing the imprecise nature of human behavior. Data mining and machine learning techniques have the ability to handle large amounts of data and to process uncertainty. These characteristics make these techniques suitable for automatic generation of user models that simulate human decision making. This paper surveys different data mining techniques that can be used to efficiently and accurately capture user behavior. The paper also presents guidelines that show which techniques may be used more efficiently according to the task implemented by the applicatio

    Combination of web usage, content and structure information for diverse web mining applications in the tourism context and the context of users with disabilities

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    188 p.This PhD focuses on the application of machine learning techniques for behaviourmodelling in different types of websites. Using data mining techniques two aspects whichare problematic and difficult to solve have been addressed: getting the system todynamically adapt to possible changes of user preferences, and to try to extract theinformation necessary to ensure the adaptation in a transparent manner for the users,without infringing on their privacy. The work in question combines information of differentnature such as usage information, content information and website structure and usesappropriate web mining techniques to extract as much knowledge as possible from thewebsites. The extracted knowledge is used for different purposes such as adaptingwebsites to the users through proposals of interesting links, so that the users can get therelevant information more easily and comfortably; for discovering interests or needs ofusers accessing the website and to inform the service providers about it; or detectingproblems during navigation.Systems have been successfully generated for two completely different fields: thefield of tourism, working with the website of bidasoa turismo (www.bidasoaturismo.com)and, the field of disabled people, working with discapnet website (www.discapnet.com)from ONCE/Tecnosite foundation

    Predictive User Modeling with Actionable Attributes

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    Different machine learning techniques have been proposed and used for modeling individual and group user needs, interests and preferences. In the traditional predictive modeling instances are described by observable variables, called attributes. The goal is to learn a model for predicting the target variable for unseen instances. For example, for marketing purposes a company consider profiling a new user based on her observed web browsing behavior, referral keywords or other relevant information. In many real world applications the values of some attributes are not only observable, but can be actively decided by a decision maker. Furthermore, in some of such applications the decision maker is interested not only to generate accurate predictions, but to maximize the probability of the desired outcome. For example, a direct marketing manager can choose which type of a special offer to send to a client (actionable attribute), hoping that the right choice will result in a positive response with a higher probability. We study how to learn to choose the value of an actionable attribute in order to maximize the probability of a desired outcome in predictive modeling. We emphasize that not all instances are equally sensitive to changes in actions. Accurate choice of an action is critical for those instances, which are on the borderline (e.g. users who do not have a strong opinion one way or the other). We formulate three supervised learning approaches for learning to select the value of an actionable attribute at an instance level. We also introduce a focused training procedure which puts more emphasis on the situations where varying the action is the most likely to take the effect. The proof of concept experimental validation on two real-world case studies in web analytics and e-learning domains highlights the potential of the proposed approaches

    Data-driven personalisation and the law - a primer: collective interests engaged by personalisation in markets, politics and law

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    Interdisciplinary Workshop on â��Data-Driven Personalisation in Markets, Politics and Law' on 28 June 2019Southampton Law School will be hosting an interdisciplinary workshop on the topic of â��Data-Driven Personalisation in Markets, Politics and Law' on Friday 28 June 2019, which will explore the pervasive and growing phenomenon of â��personalisationâ�� â�� from behavioural advertising in commerce and micro-targeting in politics, to personalised pricing and contracting and predictive policing and recruitment. This is a huge area which touches upon many legal disciplines as well as social science concerns and, of course, computer science and mathematics. Within law, it goes well beyond data protection law, raising questions for criminal law, consumer protection, competition and IP law, tort law, administrative law, human rights and anti-discrimination law, law and economics as well as legal and constitutional theory. Weâ��ve written a position paper, https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/428082/1/Data_Driven_Personalisation_and_the_Law_A_Primer.pdf which is designed to give focus and structure to a workshop that we expect will be strongly interdisciplinary, creative, thought-provoking and entertaining. We like to hear your thoughts! Call for papers! Should you be interested in disagreeing, elaborating, confirming, contradicting, dismissing or just reflecting on anything in the paper and present those ideas at the workshop, send us an abstract by Friday 5 April 2019 (Ms Clare Brady [email protected] ). We aim to publish an edited popular law/social science book with the most compelling contributions after the workshop.Prof Uta Kohl, Prof James Davey, Dr Jacob Eisler<br/

    Multi-dimensional clustering in user profiling

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    User profiling has attracted an enormous number of technological methods and applications. With the increasing amount of products and services, user profiling has created opportunities to catch the attention of the user as well as achieving high user satisfaction. To provide the user what she/he wants, when and how, depends largely on understanding them. The user profile is the representation of the user and holds the information about the user. These profiles are the outcome of the user profiling. Personalization is the adaptation of the services to meet the user’s needs and expectations. Therefore, the knowledge about the user leads to a personalized user experience. In user profiling applications the major challenge is to build and handle user profiles. In the literature there are two main user profiling methods, collaborative and the content-based. Apart from these traditional profiling methods, a number of classification and clustering algorithms have been used to classify user related information to create user profiles. However, the profiling, achieved through these works, is lacking in terms of accuracy. This is because, all information within the profile has the same influence during the profiling even though some are irrelevant user information. In this thesis, a primary aim is to provide an insight into the concept of user profiling. For this purpose a comprehensive background study of the literature was conducted and summarized in this thesis. Furthermore, existing user profiling methods as well as the classification and clustering algorithms were investigated. Being one of the objectives of this study, the use of these algorithms for user profiling was examined. A number of classification and clustering algorithms, such as Bayesian Networks (BN) and Decision Trees (DTs) have been simulated using user profiles and their classification accuracy performances were evaluated. Additionally, a novel clustering algorithm for the user profiling, namely Multi-Dimensional Clustering (MDC), has been proposed. The MDC is a modified version of the Instance Based Learner (IBL) algorithm. In IBL every feature has an equal effect on the classification regardless of their relevance. MDC differs from the IBL by assigning weights to feature values to distinguish the effect of the features on clustering. Existing feature weighing methods, for instance Cross Category Feature (CCF), has also been investigated. In this thesis, three feature value weighting methods have been proposed for the MDC. These methods are; MDC weight method by Cross Clustering (MDC-CC), MDC weight method by Balanced Clustering (MDC-BC) and MDC weight method by changing the Lower-limit to Zero (MDC-LZ). All of these weighted MDC algorithms have been tested and evaluated. Additional simulations were carried out with existing weighted and non-weighted IBL algorithms (i.e. K-Star and Locally Weighted Learning (LWL)) in order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods. Furthermore, a real life scenario is implemented to show how the MDC can be used for the user profiling to improve personalized service provisioning in mobile environments. The experiments presented in this thesis were conducted by using user profile datasets that reflect the user’s personal information, preferences and interests. The simulations with existing classification and clustering algorithms (e.g. Bayesian Networks (BN), Naïve Bayesian (NB), Lazy learning of Bayesian Rules (LBR), Iterative Dichotomister 3 (Id3)) were performed on the WEKA (version 3.5.7) machine learning platform. WEKA serves as a workbench to work with a collection of popular learning schemes implemented in JAVA. In addition, the MDC-CC, MDC-BC and MDC-LZ have been implemented on NetBeans IDE 6.1 Beta as a JAVA application and MATLAB. Finally, the real life scenario is implemented as a Java Mobile Application (Java ME) on NetBeans IDE 7.1. All simulation results were evaluated based on the error rate and accuracy

    CAS-MINE: Providing personalized services in context-aware applications by means of generalized rules

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    Context-aware systems acquire and exploit information on the user context to tailor services to a particular user, place, time, and/or event. Hence, they allowservice providers to adapt their services to actual user needs, by offering personalized services depending on the current user context. Service providers are usually interested in profiling users both to increase client satisfaction and to broaden the set of offered services. Novel and efficient techniques are needed to tailor service supply to the user (or the user category) and to the situation inwhich he/she is involved. This paper presents the CAS-Mine framework to efficiently discover relevant relationships between user context data and currently asked services for both user and service profiling. CAS-Mine efficiently extracts generalized association rules, which provide a high-level abstraction of both user habits and service characteristics depending on the context. A lazy (analyst-provided) taxonomy evaluation performed on different attributes (e.g., a geographic hierarchy on spatial coordinates, a classification of provided services) drives the rule generalization process. Extracted rules are classified into groups according to their semantic meaning and ranked by means of quality indices, thus allowing a domain expert to focus on the most relevant patterns. Experiments performed on three context-aware datasets, obtained by logging user requests and context information for three real applications, show the effectiveness and the efficiency of the CAS-Mine framework in mining different valuable types of correlations between user habits, context information, and provided services

    User Modeling and User Profiling: A Comprehensive Survey

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    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into daily life, particularly through information retrieval and recommender systems, has necessitated advanced user modeling and profiling techniques to deliver personalized experiences. These techniques aim to construct accurate user representations based on the rich amounts of data generated through interactions with these systems. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the current state, evolution, and future directions of user modeling and profiling research. We provide a historical overview, tracing the development from early stereotype models to the latest deep learning techniques, and propose a novel taxonomy that encompasses all active topics in this research area, including recent trends. Our survey highlights the paradigm shifts towards more sophisticated user profiling methods, emphasizing implicit data collection, multi-behavior modeling, and the integration of graph data structures. We also address the critical need for privacy-preserving techniques and the push towards explainability and fairness in user modeling approaches. By examining the definitions of core terminology, we aim to clarify ambiguities and foster a clearer understanding of the field by proposing two novel encyclopedic definitions of the main terms. Furthermore, we explore the application of user modeling in various domains, such as fake news detection, cybersecurity, and personalized education. This survey serves as a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners, offering insights into the evolution of user modeling and profiling and guiding the development of more personalized, ethical, and effective AI systems.Comment: 71 page

    Leveraging Mobile App Classification and User Context Information for Improving Recommendation Systems

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    Mobile apps play a significant role in current online environments where there is an overwhelming supply of information. Although mobile apps are part of our daily routine, searching and finding mobile apps is becoming a nontrivial task due to the current volume, velocity and variety of information. Therefore, app recommender systems provide users’ desired apps based on their preferences. However, current recommender systems and their underlying techniques are limited in effectively leveraging app classification schemes and context information. In this thesis, I attempt to address this gap by proposing a text analytics framework for mobile app recommendation by leveraging an app classification scheme that incorporates the needs of users as well as the complexity of the user-item-context information in mobile app usage pattern. In this recommendation framework, I adopt and empirically test an app classification scheme based on textual information about mobile apps using data from Google Play store. In addition, I demonstrate how context information such as user social media status can be matched with app classification categories using tree-based and rule-based prediction algorithms. Methodology wise, my research attempts to show the feasibility of textual data analysis in profiling apps based on app descriptions and other structured attributes, as well as explore mechanisms for matching user preferences and context information with app usage categories. Practically, the proposed text analytics framework can allow app developers reach a wider usage base through better understanding of user motivation and context information