73,231 research outputs found

    Inductive Reasoning and Programming Visualization, an Experiment Proposal

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    We lay down plans to study how Inductive Reasoning Ability (IRA) affects the analyzing and understanding of Program Visualization (PV) systems. Current PV systems do not take into account the abilities of the user but show always the same visualization independently of the changing knowledge or abilities of the student. Thus, we propose IRA as an important skill when comprehending animation, which can be used to model the students and thus to adapt the visualization for different students. As an initial step we plan to check if IRA correlates with ability to answer program related questions during program visualization. We discuss the possible benefits of using IRA modeling in adaptive PV

    Motivational Social Visualizations for Personalized E-Learning

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    A large number of educational resources is now available on the Web to support both regular classroom learning and online learning. However, the abundance of available content produces at least two problems: how to help students find the most appropriate resources, and how to engage them into using these resources and benefiting from them. Personalized and social learning have been suggested as potential methods for addressing these problems. Our work presented in this paper attempts to combine the ideas of personalized and social learning. We introduce Progressor + , an innovative Web-based interface that helps students find the most relevant resources in a large collection of self-assessment questions and programming examples. We also present the results of a classroom study of the Progressor +  in an undergraduate class. The data revealed the motivational impact of the personalized social guidance provided by the system in the target context. The interface encouraged students to explore more educational resources and motivated them to do some work ahead of the course schedule. The increase in diversity of explored content resulted in improving students’ problem solving success. A deeper analysis of the social guidance mechanism revealed that it is based on the leading behavior of the strong students, who discovered the most relevant resources and created trails for weaker students to follow. The study results also demonstrate that students were more engaged with the system: they spent more time in working with self-assessment questions and annotated examples, attempted more questions, and achieved higher success rates in answering them

    Adaptive Information Visualization for Personalized Access to Educational Digital Libraries

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    Personalization is one of the emerging ways to increase the power of modern Digital Libraries. The Knowledge Sea II system presented in this paper explores social navigation support, an approach for providing personalized guidance within the open corpus of educational resources. Following the concepts of social navigation we have attempted to organize a personalized navigation support that is based on past learners’ interaction with the system. The study indicates that Knowledge Sea II became the students' primary tool for accessing the open corpus documents used in a programming course. The social navigation support implemented in this system was considered useful by students participating in the study of Knowledge Sea II. At the same time, some user comments indicated the need to provide more powerful navigational support, such as the ability to rank the usefulness of a page

    Progressor: Social navigation support through open social student modeling

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    The increased volumes of online learning content have produced two problems: how to help students to find the most appropriate resources and how to engage them in using these resources. Personalized and social learning have been suggested as potential ways to address these problems. Our work presented in this paper combines the ideas of personalized and social learning in the context of educational hypermedia. We introduce Progressor, an innovative Web-based tool based on the concepts of social navigation and open student modeling that helps students to find the most relevant resources in a large collection of parameterized self-assessment questions on Java programming. We have evaluated Progressor in a semester-long classroom study, the results of which are presented in this paper. The study confirmed the impact of personalized social navigation support provided by the system in the target context. The interface encouraged students to explore more topics attempting more questions and achieving higher success rates in answering them. A deeper analysis of the social navigation support mechanism revealed that the top students successfully led the way to discovering most relevant resources by creating clear pathways for weaker students. © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    QuizMap: Open social student modeling and adaptive navigation support with TreeMaps

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach to integrate social adaptive navigation support for self-assessment questions with an open student model using QuizMap, a TreeMap-based interface. By exposing student model in contrast to student peers and the whole class, QuizMap attempts to provide social guidance and increase student performance. The paper explains the nature of the QuizMap approach and its implementation in the context of self-assessment questions for Java programming. It also presents the design of a semester-long classroom study that we ran to evaluate QuizMap and reports the evaluation results. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Supporting teachers in collaborative student modeling: a framework and an implementation

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    Collaborative student modeling in adaptive learning environments allows the learners to inspect and modify their own student models. It is often considered as a collaboration between students and the system to promote learners’ reflection and to collaboratively assess the course. When adaptive learning environments are used in the classroom, teachers act as a guide through the learning process. Thus, they need to monitor students’ interactions in order to understand and evaluate their activities. Although, the knowledge gained through this monitorization can be extremely useful to student modeling, collaboration between teachers and the system to achieve this goal has not been considered in the literature. In this paper we present a framework to support teachers in this task. In order to prove the usefulness of this framework we have implemented and evaluated it in an adaptive web-based educational system called PDinamet.Postprint (author's final draft

    Analyzing User Behavior Patterns in Adaptive Exploratory Search Systems with LifeFlow

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    Adaptive exploratory search is a method that can provide user-centered personalized search results by incorporating interactive user interfaces. Analyzing the user behavior pat- terns of these systems can be complicated when they sup- port transparent and controllable open user models. This paper suggests to use a visualization tool to address the problem, as a complement to the typical statistical analy- sis. By adopting an event sequence visualization tool called LifeFlow, we were able to easily find out user interesting behavior patterns, especially regarding the open user model exploration

    Progressor: Personalized visual access to programming problems

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    This paper presents Progressor, a visualization of open student models intended to increase the student's motivation to progress on educational content. The system visualizes not only the user's own model, but also the peers' models. It allows sorting the peers' models using a number of criteria, including the overall progress and the progress on a specific topic. Also, in this paper we present results of a classroom study confirming our hypothesis that by showing a student the peers' models and ranking them by progress it is possible to increase the student's motivation to compete and progress in e-learning systems. © 2011 IEEE

    The other side of the social web: A taxonomy for social information access

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    The power of the modern Web, which is frequently called the Social Web or Web 2.0, is frequently traced to the power of users as contributors of various kinds of contents through Wikis, blogs, and resource sharing sites. However, the community power impacts not only the production of Web content, but also the access to all kinds of Web content. A number of research groups worldwide explore what we call social information access techniques that help users get to the right information using "collective wisdom" distilled from actions of those who worked with this information earlier. This invited talk offers a brief introduction into this important research stream and reviews recent works on social information access performed at the University of Pittsburgh's PAWS Lab lead by the author. Copyright © 2012 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM)

    Adaptive visualization of research communities

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    Adaptive visualization approaches attempt to tune the content and the topology of information visualization to various user characteristics. While adapting visualization to user cognitive traits, goals, or knowledge has been relatively well explored, some other user characteristics have received no attention. This paper presents a methodology to adapt a traditional cluster-based visualization of communities to user individual model of community organization. This class of user-adapted visualization is not only achievable, but expected due to real world situation where users cannot be segmented into heterogeneous communities since many users have affinity to more than one group. An interactive clustering and visualization approach presented in the paper allows the user communicate their personal mental models of overlapping communities to the clustering algorithm itself and obtain a community visualization image that more realistically fits their prospects