5 research outputs found

    Test bench to test protocols and algorithms for multimedia delivery

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    Nowadays, the study of Quality of Service (QoS) in multimedia streaming is generally carried out by simulators. However, the results of these tests are not quite real. This forces researchers to work with approximations. In this paper, we implement a test bench to test the performance and assess the protocols and algorithms for multimedia delivery. This test bench let us evaluate the network parameters performance, by manipulating the devices under controlled conditions, and allow us to identify different application cases. We can confirm that the designed test bench gives us more real measures than a simulators, which allows us to do many types of tests with low cost.Jimenez, JM.; Lloret, J.; Díaz Santos, JR.; Lacuesta Gilaberte, R. (2017). Test bench to test protocols and algorithms for multimedia delivery. En Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. Springer Verlag. 124-134. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49580-4_12S124134Lloret, J., Garcia, M., Atenas, M., Canovas, A.: A QoE management system to improve the IPTV network. Int. J. Commun Syst 24(1), 118–138 (2011)Garcia, M., Canovas, A., Edo, M., Lloret, J.: A QoE management system for ubiquitous IPTV devices. In: The Third International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, UBICOMM 2009, Sliema, Malta, 11–16 October 2009Álvarez, A., Pozueco, L., Cabrero, S., García Pañeda, X., García, R., Melendi, D., Díaz Orueta, G.: Adaptive streaming: a subjective catalog to assess the performance of objective QoE metrics. Netw. Protoc. Algorithms 6(2), 123–136 (2014)Jimenez, J.M., Romero, O., Rego, A., Dilendra, A., Lloret, J.: Study of multimedia delivery over software defined networks. Netw. Protoc. Algorithms 7(4), 37–62 (2015)Recomendation UIT/T G.1010: End-user multimedia QoS categories (2001). https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-G.1010-200111-I/enRecomendation UIT‑R M.1079-2: Performance and quality of service requirements for International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) access networks. https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/m/R-REC-M.1079-2-200306-I!!PDF-E.pdfGarcia, M., Lloret, J., Edo, M., Lacuesta, R.: IPTV distribution network access system using WiMAX and WLAN technologies. In: Proceedings of the 4th Edition of the UPGRADE-CN Workshop on Use of P2P GRID and Agents for the Development of Content Networks, Munich, Germany, 11–13 June 2009Atenas, M., Sendra, S., Garcia, M., Lloret, J.: IPTV performance in IEEE 802.11 n WLANs. In: IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops 2010, Miami, USA, pp. 929–933, December 2010Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco’s Visual Networking Index Forecast Projects Nearly Half the World’s Population Will Be Connected to the Internet by 2017. http://newsroom.cisco.com/press-release-content?articleId=1197391Lu, X., Tao, S., El Zarki, M., Guérin, R.: Quality based Adaptive Video Over the Internet. Department of ESE, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (2003)Lee, T.K., Chai, T.Y., Ngoh, L.H., Shao, X., Teo, J.C.M., Zhou, L.: An IMS-based testbed for real-time services integration and orchestration. In: IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2009), Singapore, 7–11 December 2009Mu, M., Mauthe, A., Casson, J., Tyson, G., Garcia, F.: LA1 TestBed: evaluation testbed to assess the impact of network impairments on video quality. In: 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities and Workshops (TridentCom 2009), Washington, DC, 6–8 April 2009Kuwadekar, A., Al-Begain, K.: User centric quality of experience testing for video on demand over IMS. In: First International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks (CICSYN 2009), Indore, India, 23–25 July 2009Downline Guide, Big Buck Bunny, Sunflower version. http://bbb3d.renderfarming.net/download.htmlFFmpeg. http://www.ffmpeg.org/about.htmlSullivan, G.J., Wiegand, T.: Video compression - from concepts to the H.264/AVC standard. Proc. IEEE 93(1), 18–31 (2005)Estepa, A.J., Estepa, R., Vozmediano, J., Carrillo, P.: Dynamic VoIP codec selection on smartphones. Netw. Protoc. Algorithms 6(2), 22–37 (2014

    Mobile Video Streaming Applications: A Systematic Review of Test Metrics in Usability Evaluation

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    In evaluating the usability of mobile video streaming applications, the performance of the applications comes into focus. This is because the performance of mobile streaming applications affects their usability. From this study, video streaming and video quality are identified as the two most evaluated elements in the usability test of mobile video streaming applications. These elements are affected by several related factors that are peculiar to the mobile platforms and domains. These in turn affect the usability of the applications. In mobile platforms, bandwidth is low and network connections are unstable; this is coupled with the limitations caused by the smallness of the screen sizes of the mobile devices. Furthermore, startup delays, jitter, latency and rebuffering are the determining factors for the performance of mobile video streaming. On the other hand, video quality is determined by frame rate, bit rate, and resolution. These factors present themselves due to the mobile context of mobile streaming applications. They combine to influence the performance of the applications as well as their usability. Therefore, in considering the usability of these set of applications, these factors (metrics) are important as they determine the performance of the applications and by and large also affect the usability of the applications. Other factors identified in the study that affect the usability of mobile streaming applications include: functionality, social context and user interface and appearance. On the whole, this paper presents the results of a systematic review of test metrics in the usability evaluation of mobile video streaming applications. The systematic review approach used include: defining the search strategy, selection of primary studies, the extraction of data, and the implementation of a synthesis strategy. Using this methodology, 238 studies were found; however, only 51 relevant studies were eventually selected for the review. The study reveals that time taken for video streaming and the video quality were the two most popular metrics used in the usability test and evaluation of mobile video streaming applications. Besides, most of the studies concentrated on the usability of mobile TV as users switch from traditional TV to mobile TV

    Mobile video streaming applications: a systematic review of test metrics in usability evaluation

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    In evaluating the usability of mobile video streaming applications, the performance of the applications comes into focus.This is because the performance of mobile streaming applications affects their usability. From this study, video streaming and video quality are identified as the two most evaluated elements in the usability test of mobile video streaming applications. These elements are affected by several related factors that are peculiar to the mobile platforms and domains. These in turn affect the usability of the applications. In mobile platforms, bandwidth is low and network connections are unstable; this is coupled with the limitations caused by the smallness of the screen sizes of the mobile devices. Furthermore, startup delays, jitter, latency and rebuffering are the determining factors for the performance of mobile video streaming. On the other hand, video quality is determined by frame rate, bit rate, and resolution. These factors present themselves due to the mobile context of mobile streaming applications. They combine to influence the performance of the applications as well as their usability. Therefore, in considering the usability of these set of applications, these factors (metrics) are important as they determine the performance of the applications and by and large also affect the usability of the applications. Other factors identified in the study that affect the usability of mobile streaming applications include: functionality, social context and user interface and appearance. On the whole, this paper presents the results of a systematic review of test metrics in the usability evaluation of mobile video streaming applications. The systematic review approach used include: defining the search strategy, selection of primary studies, the extraction of data, and the implementation of a synthesis strategy. Using this methodology, 238 studies were found; however, only 51 relevant studies were eventually selected for the review. The study reveals that time taken for video streaming and the video quality were the two most popular metrics used in the usability test and evaluation of mobile video streaming applications. Besides, most of the studies concentrated on the usability of mobile TV as users switch from traditional TV to mobile TV

    Análisis de la tecnología IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) y diseñar un servicio de transmisión multimedia de video mediante Open IMS Core para evaluar el tráfico Unicast y Multicast.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objeto analizar la Tecnología IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), y diseñar un servicio de transmisión multimedia de video mediante Open IMS Core que permita evaluar el tráfico Unicast y Multicast. Se realizó un estudio de la plataforma IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) cómo una Plataforma de Entrega de Servicios en la adopción de Redes de Nueva Generación (NGN). Se planteó un diseño cuasi-experimental y diseño transversal en donde se propone realizar la evaluación del tráfico de datos Unicast y Multicast en los escenarios de streaming de video utilizando Open IMS Core y utilizando VLC, se ha utilizado los métodos inductivo, deductivo, analítico y científico, donde el enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo y cuantitativo. El alcance de la investigación es correlacional. Se evaluó los dos escenarios de streaming de video mediante observaciones subjetivas desde el punto de vista del usuario final en cuanto a la calidad del video recibido utilizando el método Mean Opinion Score (MOS) para cuantificar el impacto que tiene en el usuario la presencia de fallos del servicio. Mediante el análisis de la tecnología IMS se cumplió con el diseño e implementación del prototipo de streaming de video de acuerdo a los objetivos planteados. Por tanto, la aplicación obtenida puntualiza una plataforma ejemplo para la unificación de futuros servicios de usuario final. IMS Core al ser una plataforma de código abierto y orientada principalmente a la parte educativa se recomienda hacer los análisis necesarios para que pueda ser enlazada con plataformas educativas como moodle, e informativas como joomla, drupal etc.The purpose of this work is to analyze the IMS Technology (IP Multimedia Subsystem), and design a multimedia video transmission service through Open IMS Core that allows to evaluate Unicast and Multicast traffic. A study of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) platform was conducted as a Service Delivery Platform in the adoption of New Generation Networks (NGN). A quasi-experimental and a cross-sectional design were proposed where the evaluation of Unicast and Multicast data traffic in the video streaming scenarios using Open IMS Core and using VLC is proposed. The inductive, deductive, analytical and scientific methods were used and the research approach is both qualitative and quantitative. The scope of the research is correlational. The two video streaming scenarios were evaluated by subjective observations from the point of view of the end user regarding to the quality of the video received using the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) method to quantify the impact that the presence of faults in the service has on users. Through the analysis of IMS technology, the design and implementation of the video streaming prototype was fulfilled according to the objectives set. Therefore, the application obtained specifies an example platform for the unification of future end-user services. Since IMS Core is an open source platform and is oriented mainly to the educational area, it is recommended to make the necessary analyzes so that it can be linked to educational platforms such as Moodle and informative ones such as Joomla, Drupal, etc

    Análisis de la tecnología IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) y diseñar un servicio de transmisión multimedia de video mediante Open IMS Core para evaluar el tráfico Unicast y Multicast.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objeto analizar la Tecnología IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), y diseñar un servicio de transmisión multimedia de video mediante Open IMS Core que permita evaluar el tráfico Unicast y Multicast. Se realizó un estudio de la plataforma IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) cómo una Plataforma de Entrega de Servicios en la adopción de Redes de Nueva Generación (NGN). Se planteó un diseño cuasi-experimental y diseño transversal en donde se propone realizar la evaluación del tráfico de datos Unicast y Multicast en los escenarios de streaming de video utilizando Open IMS Core y utilizando VLC, se ha utilizado los métodos inductivo, deductivo, analítico y científico, donde el enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo y cuantitativo. El alcance de la investigación es correlacional. Se evaluó los dos escenarios de streaming de video mediante observaciones subjetivas desde el punto de vista del usuario final en cuanto a la calidad del video recibido utilizando el método Mean Opinion Score (MOS) para cuantificar el impacto que tiene en el usuario la presencia de fallos del servicio. Mediante el análisis de la tecnología IMS se cumplió con el diseño e implementación del prototipo de streaming de video de acuerdo a los objetivos planteados. Por tanto, la aplicación obtenida puntualiza una plataforma ejemplo para la unificación de futuros servicios de usuario final. IMS Core al ser una plataforma de código abierto y orientada principalmente a la parte educativa se recomienda hacer los análisis necesarios para que pueda ser enlazada con plataformas educativas como moodle, e informativas como joomla, drupal etc.The purpose of this work is to analyze the IMS Technology (IP Multimedia Subsystem), and design a multimedia video transmission service through Open IMS Core that allows to evaluate Unicast and Multicast traffic. A study of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) platform was conducted as a Service Delivery Platform in the adoption of New Generation Networks (NGN). A quasi-experimental and a cross-sectional design were proposed where the evaluation of Unicast and Multicast data traffic in the video streaming scenarios using Open IMS Core and using VLC is proposed. The inductive, deductive, analytical and scientific methods were used and the research approach is both qualitative and quantitative. The scope of the research is correlational. The two video streaming scenarios were evaluated by subjective observations from the point of view of the end user regarding to the quality of the video received using the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) method to quantify the impact that the presence of faults in the service has on users. Through the analysis of IMS technology, the design and implementation of the video streaming prototype was fulfilled according to the objectives set. Therefore, the application obtained specifies an example platform for the unification of future end-user services. Since IMS Core is an open source platform and is oriented mainly to the educational area, it is recommended to make the necessary analyzes so that it can be linked to educational platforms such as Moodle and informative ones such as Joomla, Drupal, etc