4 research outputs found

    Use Of Neurophysiological Metrics Within A Real And Virtual Perceptual Skills Task To Determine Optimal Simulation Fidelity Requirements

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    The military is increasingly looking to virtual environment (VE) developers and cognitive scientists to provide virtual training platforms to support optimal training effectiveness within significant time and cost constraints. However, current methods for determining the most effective levels of fidelity in these environments are limited. Neurophysiological metrics may provide a means for objectively assessing the impact of fidelity variations on training. The current experiment compared neurophysiological and performance data for a real-world perceptual discrimination task as well as a similarly-structured VE training task under systematically varied fidelity conditions. Visual discrimination and classification was required between two militarily-relevant (M-16 and AK-47 rifle), and one neutral (umbrella) stimuli, viewed through a real and virtual Night Vision Device. Significant differences were found for task condition (real world versus virtual, as well as visual stimulus parameters within each condition), within both the performance and physiological data. © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Use Of Neurophysiological Metrics Within A Real And Virtual Perceptual Skills Task To Determine Optimal Simulation Fidelity Requirements

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    The military is increasingly looking to virtual environment (VE) developers and cognitive scientists to provide virtual training platforms to support optimal training effectiveness within significant time and cost constraints. However, current methods for determining the most effective levels of fidelity in these environments are limited. Neurophysiological metrics may provide a means for objectively assessing the impact of fidelity variations on training. The current experiment compared neurophysiological and performance data for a real-world perceptual discrimination task as well as a similarly-structured VE training task under systematically varied fidelity conditions. Visual discrimination and classification was required between two militarily-relevant (M-16 and AK-47 rifle), and one neutral (umbrella) stimuli, viewed through a real and virtual Night Vision Device. Significant differences were found for task condition (real world versus virtual, as well as visual stimulus parameters within each condition), within both the performance and physiological data

    Interactions Between Humans, Virtual Agent Characters and Virtual Avatars

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    Simulations allow people to experience events as if they were happening in the real world in a way that is safer and less expensive than live training. Despite improvements in realism in simulated environments, one area that still presents a challenge is interpersonal interactions. The subtleties of what makes an interaction rich are difficult to define. We may never fully understand the complexity of human interchanges, however there is value in building on existing research into how individuals react to virtual characters to inform future investments. Virtual characters can either be automated through computational processes, referred to as agents, or controlled by a human, referred to as an avatar. Knowledge of interactions with virtual characters will facilitate the building of simulated characters that support training tasks in a manner that will appropriately engage learners. Ultimately, the goal is to understand what might cause people to engage or disengage with virtual characters. To answer that question, it is important to establish metrics that would indicate when people believe their interaction partner is real, or has agency. This study makes use of three types of measures: objective, behavioral and self-report. The objective measures were neural, galvanic skin response, and heart rate measures. The behavioral measure was gestures and facial expressions. Surveys provided an opportunity to gain self-report data. The objective of this research study was to determine what metrics could be used during social interactions to achieve the sense of agency in an interactive partner. The results provide valuable feedback on how users need to see and be seen by their interaction partner to ensure non-verbal cues provide context and additional meaning to the dialog. This study provides insight into areas of future research, offering a foundation of knowledge for further exploration and lessons learned. This can lead to more realistic experiences that open the door to human dimension training

    Methodik für Erfassung und Bewertung von emotionalem Kundenfeedback für variantenreiche virtuelle Produkte in immersiver Umgebung

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    Diese Arbeit beschreibt eine Methodik zur kundenzentrierten Lösungsauswahl für zukünftige Produkte in der Konzeptphase anhand deren virtuellen Darstellung. Sie integriert die Technologie der Virtuellen Realität und die Emotionsforschung in die parallel verlaufenden und miteinander interagierenden Prozesse der Produktentwicklung und der Marktforschung, um die Gewinnung von relevantem emotionalem Kundenfeedback im Rahmen von interaktiven Produkterlebnissen zu ermöglichen