36 research outputs found

    Dynamizing theory-based classes in the undergraduate degree programme in Translation and Interpreting studies: the use of Kahoot!

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    Kahoot! has emerged in the last years as a great tool to increase students’ participation and motivation as well as enhancing the teaching-learning process and foster cross-curricular competences such as problem-solving and analytical and synthesis skills.This study describes an experience based on Kahoot! implemented in two groups of students from the Translation and Interpreting degree of the University of Granada. The students were enrolled in a general translation course and, for most of them, this course was their first contactwith translation.Kahoot! quizzeswere used during the first part of the course, which comprises five theoretical topics focused on several aspects of Translation Theory and Linguistics. Five different Kahoot! quizzesformed by ten questions were preparedto cover all the theoretical topics of the course. Therefore, after the presentation of each topic students had to play a Kahoot!to check if they had acquired the different contents exposed during the class. The results of the quizzes were used toevaluate students’ academic performance as they accounted for 10% of their final mar

    Assessing Gamified Experiences in Physical Education Teachers and Students

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    Una de las metodologías con mayor auge educativo hoy en día es la gamificación. Esta metodología implica el uso de la mecánica del juego en el aula. El juego se trata como un elemento motivador en el aula, se considera activa porque el alumno debe estar activo en el proceso de aprendizaje y alienta a los estudiantes a ser activos en su proceso de aprendizaje, haciendo que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sea motivador y efectivo. Se utiliza la escala GAMEX (Gameful Experience in Gamification) para medir la experiencia gamificada. Se analizó la experiencia de 255 estudiantes y profesores en total. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos, destacamos como conclusiones que la gamificación facilita el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo, una reducción del afecto negativo y una mejora en la colaboración. El efecto de este tipo de experiencias es similar tanto en estudiantes como en maestros.One of the currently booming methodologies is gamification. Gamification in education involves the use of game mechanics in classroom. The game is treated as a motivating element in the classroom, while this methodology is considered active because the student must be active in the learning process. This methodology is considered active because it encourages students to be active in their learning process, making the teaching-learning process motivating and effective. To develop the research GAMEX scale (Gameful Experience in Gamification) is used to measures the gamified experience, this research analysed the gamification experience of 255 students and teachers in Andalusia in the area of Physical Education, a subject in which game-based learning is a widely used methodology. Among the main results obtained, we highlight as conclusions that gamification facilitates the development of creative thinking, a reduction in negative affect, and an improvement in collaboration. The effect of these types of experiences are similar in both students and teachers

    Gamification in higher education: an educational trend with digital needs

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    The last decade has shown the potential and limitations that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) represent in society. During these years it has been possible to appreciate the birth and development of devices whose incorporation into the daily routine has been almost immediate. Some of the most relevant cases are laptops and smartphones, media that have significantly altered the human paradigm. Its presence has meant the origin of new habits and the adaptation of others towards digital terrain, alternating face-to-face and virtual. The impact and repercussions can be observed in numerous areas, however, education is one of the most cohesive with these new ways of living. Gamification is one of the didactic strategies that are most closely linked with ICTs, an interaction that is conceived as natural as it is the translation of a methodology towards tools with resources that can be unlimited and asynchronous. However, as always happens when technology is incorporated into the educational field, these new teaching-learning paths require new ap- proaches and reflections on the needs they demand. It is in the case of Higher Education that its implementation must involve an analysis of the past, present, and future in order to favor the true personal development of those who make up the process: teachers and students

    Blockchain Education Concept 4.0: Student-Centered iLearning Blockchain Framework

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    Technological developments encourage digitization in the learning process. Inversely proportional to the results of competency evaluation which are still centralized. Cause competitiveness and competence of students that are not measured quantitatively. The application of micro-teaching can be an option in solving existing problems. Combining gamification and blockchain makes the learning process more enjoyable with game techniques, where activities such as learning, lecture assignments, and assessments are documented transparently and have reliable security. This student-centered learning process is called GamiChain (Gamification Blockchain). This blockchain gamification-based learning application is also an important activity that can be a brilliant breakthrough in education. This application aims to encourage the student creativity ecosystem, to make students have a more competitive spirit to compete with maximum capabilities. And can display learning outcomes in the form of certificates that are accurate in authenticity and can be used in the industrial world. GamiChain can form an official standard of learning by documenting lectures permanently, transparently, and distributed formally and informally into the Blockchain network with the help of smart contracts. The Gamification method in education is used in this research. Results Evaluation of blockchain application in education through GamiChain (Gamification Blockchain) can benefit universities to create official certifications and increase confidence in student scores transparently and sustainably that they can control

    English for Specific Purpose: Revitalizing Climate Change Awareness Using Digital Literacy and Gamification for Engineering Faculty in Papua

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    The air quality index (AQI) in Papua has the best index among other provinces in Indonesia. Papua has different geographical and social conditions than western Indonesia. In particular, forests in Papua are more numerous with fewer industries and automobiles than provinces in western Indonesia. The article aims to determine respondents' perceptions related to climate change awareness and pro-environmental behavior (PEB) in regions that have AQI in Indonesia, namely Papua. This study uses a survey strategy through a questionnaire instrument for students who have received the application of digital literacy and gamification in the English for Specific Purposes class. The questionnaire was distributed to be filled in by respondents with a total number of responses totaling 164 responses from students of engineering faculty. This study identified that respondents' awareness of climate change was in the moderately aware category (M = 3.8). These findings are directly proportional to PEB respondents who are at the middle level (M = 3.9). Furthermore, analysis of the data shows that respondents are highly aware (M = 4.3) that humans have a responsibility for climate change, and respondents are highly concern (M = 4.4) to carry out forestation both by individuals and community. The finding implication of this study is learning through digital literacy and gamification has a positive potential to be applied through policy and developed into a learning model to increase awareness of climate change and PEB. Keywords:  Climate Change, Pro-environmental Behavior, Digital Literacy, Englsih for Specific Puprpose

    Evaluating Activation and Absence of Negative Effect: Gamification and Escape Rooms for Learning

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    Innovation has allowed for and developed new ways of teaching and learning. Gamification is among the new training methodologies, which is a didactic approach based on the game structure with an attractive component for students. Within gamification, flipped learning and problem-based learning, escape rooms can be found as a technical aspect, which is focused on providing enigmas and tracks for the various educational content that students have assimilated through learning based on problem solving. The aim of this study is to identify how the use of gamification with the use of educational escape rooms affects activation and absence of a negative effect on students. 61 Master students of the Autonomous City of Ceuta participated in this case study. They were divided into three study groups (1 control group; 2 experimental groups) that followed different formative actions (control group—traditional; experimental groups—escape rooms). To achieve the objectives, a mixed research design based on quantitative and qualitative techniques was followed. The instrument used for data collection was the GAMEX (Gameful Experience Scale). The results reveal that the students who had taken a gamified formative action through escape rooms obtained better assessment results in the indicators concerning motivation, teamwork, commitment, activation, and absence of a negative effect on the learning process than those with the traditional methodology

    Learning Mathematics with Emerging Methodologies-The Escape Room as a Case Study

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    Nowadays, different methodologies are booming in the field of education, and active gamification-based methodologies such as the Escape Room are an example of these methodologies, which is the base of this research. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of an Escape Room as an active methodology to learn mathematics. A quantitative research method was performed through an experimental design. Two study groups were set up. With the control group, a traditional training methodology was used, and with the experimental group, an innovative one was used through an Escape room experience. A total of 62 students of the 3rd level of Secondary Education from an educational center in Ceuta (Spain) participated. Results show how the experience developed through the escape room improved achievement, motivation and autonomy in a significant way. It has also reduced learning anxiety significantly. It is concluded that the use of the Escape room in Mathematics improves learning achievement, anxiety, motivation and autonomy, with gender being a variable to be taken into account, especially in motivation and autonomy. Therefore, the escape room has a greater potential than a traditional methodology in Mathematics

    Effects on Personal Factors Through Flipped Learning and Gamification as Combined Methodologies in Secondary Education

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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effects of a flipped and gamified program on the autonomy, competence, relation with others, satisfaction/enjoyment, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and boredom of students of Physical Education. Method: The study used a control group and an experimental group to compare pretest and posttest data in both of them. Instruments used were the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale, Sport Motivation Scale, and Sport Satisfaction Instrument, all of them validated in academic literature. Results: On one hand, data indicated that autonomy has been increased with the application of these teaching methodologies. On the other hand, students’ satisfaction, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation have improved based on the interaction with gamification and flipped learning. Finally, with all dimensions, it seems that academic performance has been improved, although not in a significative way. Discussion/Conclusion: Results of the study provide to educational researchers valuable information for a better understanding of how flipped learning and gamification influence personal performance of Physical Education students