6 research outputs found


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    We discuss the little-explored construct of situational awareness, which will arguably become increasingly important for strategic decision-making in the age of distributed service ecosystems, digital infrastructures, and microservices. Guided by a design science approach, we introduce a mapping artefact with the ability to enhance situational awareness within, and across, horizontal value chains, and evaluate its application in the field amongst both IS practitioners and IS researchers. We make suggestions for further research into both construct and artefact, and provide insights on their use in practice

    Understanding international users' library experience in the Digital Age – joining the behavioral and experiential aspects

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe, analyze and understand international users' library experience in the Digital Age in order to inform library service design and ensure it provides an inclusive environment. In this study, the behavioral and experiential aspects of user library experience are merged to develop essential interconnections between information behavior (IB) and user experience (UX) in the context of the academic library with the goal of constructing a more holistic understanding of ‘library experience. Design/methodology/approach: The study was built on the concept “library experience” through analyzing its essential components of IB and UX. It was developed through findings from mixed methods research, consisting of the quantitative investigation from a library log analysis, and qualitative investigations via cognitive mapping exercises and semi-structured interviews, both targeted on the largest single group of international students in United Kingdom – international Chinese students. Findings: The findings demonstrated the complexity and multilayered characteristics of international Chinese students' library context, and three unique contexts emerged from the data shaping their library experience. Building on the previous findings on the connections between IB and UX, the work attempted to redefine “library experience” by joining both behavioral and experiential aspects. It is found that the key components of cultural library experience are the multilayered context, cultural group's perception needs, sense-making process and subjective evaluations. Originality/value: This study joins the behavioral and experiential perspectives together to explore library experience in a more holistic way and proposes a systematic structure to understand and analyze library experience, especially that of international users in a cross-cultural context, which, in turn, will better serve their information needs and inform the design of a more equal and inclusive library system

    The Influence of Analyst Communication in IS Projects

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    Information system (IS) researchers have long noted that IS analysts need to understand users’ needs if they are to design better systems and improve project outcomes. While researchers agree that analyst communication activities are an important prerequisite for such an understanding, little is known about the nature of different communication behaviors IS analysts can undertake to learn about users’ system needs and the impact of such behaviors on IS projects. To address this gap, this paper draws from the learning literature to articulate the information transmission activities IS analysts can undertake and the content of the information they can transmit when learning about users’ organizational tasks and information needs. The influence of analyst communication activities on the generation of valid information regarding user needs, analyst learning, and IS project outcomes are then investigated via a case study of two IS projects. The analysis of the two cases suggests that analysts who encourage the use of concrete examples, testing, and validation, and who solicit feedback about users’ business processes are likely to better understand users’ tasks, and in turn design systems that better meet users’ task needs than analysts who do not

    A Pedagogy of Hope: Levers of Change in Transformative Place-based Learning Systems

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    In response to mounting wicked environmental problems and an outdated U.S. educational system, this dissertation investigates transformative place-based education as an adaptive boundary system that connects individual learning to positive social-ecological change. The research approaches learning through a systems lens through a novel framework of Social-ecological Systems, Place-based Education, and Transformative Learning Theories. A three-part mixed methods approach, including content analysis of the literature, phenomenological interviews with experts in place-based education, and fuzzy-logic cognitive mapping with educators at three schools practicing the principles of place-based education, is used to examine transformative place-based education from the perspectives of current U.S. place-based educators. Twenty-four components of a transformative place-based learning system are identified in the research and used in constructing fuzzy-logic cognitive maps. Four essential themes emerge from the data that are discussed as levers that link individual learning to positive social-ecological change: active engagement, context and connection to place, collaborative real-world problem solving, and courageous leadership. The research indicates that most central to transformative place-based learning experiences is real-world problem solving. The causal relationships between real-world problem solving and almost every other learning system component, including agency, change, and place, creates the strongest link in this study between individual learning and positive social-ecological change

    A creativity support system based on causal mapping.

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    Theory development is a very complex process that requires creativity and highly specialized analytical skills. This article presents a new algorithm, based on causal mapping, for assisting in the creation of qualitative theories. This algorithm is able to conjecture and prove new theorems, to test for consistency and completeness of the theory, and to derive meta-theorems comparing the different concepts in it. The use of the algorithm is exemplified in developing a theory to explain structural inertia in organizations

    Empirical evidence and economic implications of language communities

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    Eine effektive Zusammenarbeit in interdisziplinĂ€ren Projektteams ist nur möglich, wenn die involvierten Personen miteinander kommunizieren und zudem ein intersubjektives, d. h. ein gemeinsames und einheitliches, VerstĂ€ndnis der Anforderungen, Aufgaben, Arbeitsschritte und der zur VerfĂŒgung stehenden Ressourcen besitzen. Der Aufbau eines intersubjektiven VerstĂ€ndnisses kann nur durch Sprache gelingen, indem zwei oder mehrere Personen mit den von ihnen verwendeten sprachlichen Zeichen die gleichen GegenstĂ€nde der Realwelt assoziieren und im umgekehrten Fall den GegenstĂ€nden die gleichen Zeichen zuordnen. Ist das intersubjektive VerstĂ€ndnis dieser Personen hergestellt, verwenden sie eine gemeinsame Sprache (im engeren Sinne) und bilden eine sogenannte Sprachgemeinschaft. Diese Arbeit widmet sich dem Konzept der Sprachgemeinschaft. Nach der theoretischen Fundierung wird im Rahmen einer explorativen Fallstudie untersucht, wie sich sprachliche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede auf den Erfolg eines IS-Projekts auswirken können. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Studie motivieren das Ziel dieser Arbeit, Sprachgemeinschaften empirisch nachzuweisen. Der Nachweis gelingt mit Hilfe von zwei sprachwissenschaftlichen Experimenten und dem Einsatz der Latent Semantischen Analyse, mit der sich die semantische Ähnlichkeit von Textdokumenten auf Basis von WorthĂ€ufigkeiten bestimmen lĂ€sst. Die beiden Experimente werden ferner dazu benutzt, Sprachgemeinschaften einer Effizienzanalyse zu unterziehen. Hierbei wird untersucht, ob die Mitglieder im Vergleich zu Nichtmitgliedern einer Sprachgemeinschaft mit einem geringeren sprachlichen Aufwand kommunizieren