3 research outputs found

    Characteristics for verifying 5G applications in production

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    5G offers the manufacturing industry a wireless, fast and secure transmission technology with high range, low latency and the ability to connect a large number of devices. Existing transmission technologies are reaching their limits due to the increasing number of networked devices and high demands on reliability, data volume, security and latency. 5G fulfills these requirements and also combines the potential and use cases of previous transmission technologies so that unwanted isolated solutions can be merged. Use cases of transmission technologies that previously required a multitude of solutions can now be realized with a single technology. However, the general literature often refers to 5G use cases that can also be realized over cables in particular. In this paper, a literature review presents the current state of research on the various 5G application scenarios in production . Furthermore, concrete characteristics of 5G use cases are identified and assigned to the identified application scenarios. The goal is to verify the identified 5G use cases and to work out their 5G relevance in order to be able to concretely differentiate them from already existing Industrie 4.0 applications

    Proposta de algoritmo de escalonamento de mensagens para redes sem fio aplicadas à automação de fábrica

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    As redes sem fio industriais são uma alternativa às redes comfio para automação de fábrica. Nesse tipo de rede, geralmente um gerenciador central é responsável por criar e manter a rede de forma segura e eficiente, garantindo confiabilidade e determinismo temporal. Uma das tarefas do gerenciador é propiciar o escalonamento de mensagens, que é reservar os recursos da rede para que os dispositivos possam acessar o meio físico e transmitir seus dados. Para que o gerenciador de rede atenda aos requisitos de automação de fábrica é necessário que o processo de escalonamento seja executado o mais rápido possível. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o processo de escalonamento de enlaces em redes industriais sem fio, comparando diferentes técnicas e apresentando uma proposta de algoritmo de escalonamento que visa reduzir o tempo necessário para gerar o escalonamento. A técnica proposta realiza umprocesso de préescalonamento reservando recursos previamente. As informações geradas nesta etapa são utilizadas no escalonamento final, reduzindo o tempo de execução do processo. Além disso, é apresentada uma comparação entre a técnica proposta neste trabalho que utiliza múltiplos agrupamento de enlaces (superframes) com o obtido de um gateway que utiliza um único agrupamento de enlaces. Os resultados mostram que a utilização de uma etapa antecessora ao escalonamento reduz o tempo necessário para a execução do processo de escalonamento final, habilitando a rede a operar em aplicações de automação de fábrica. A utilização demúltiplos superframes apresenta vantagens ao método comumente empregado uma vez que propicia economia de recursos, aumentando a escalonabilidade da rede, além de reduzir o consumo de energia dos rádios.Industrial wireless networks are an alternative to wired networks for factory automation. In this type of network, a central manager is usually responsible for creating and maintaining the network safely and efficiently, ensuring reliability and temporal determinism. One of the tasks of this central manager is to provide the message scheduling, which is reserving network resources so that devices can access the physical medium and transmit their data. For the network manager to meet the factory automation requirements, it is necessary that the scheduling process is performed as quickly as possible. This work aims to evaluate the link scheduling in industrial wireless networks, comparing different techniques and presenting a proposed scheduling algorithm that aims to reduce the time needed to generate the schedule. The proposed technique performs a process of pre-scheduling by reserving resources in advance. The information generated in this step are used in the final scheduling, reducing the execution time of the process. In addition, a comparison is presented between the proposed technique in this work that uses multiple grouping of links (superframes) with the one obtained from a gateway that uses a single group of links. The results show that using a predecessor step reduces the time necessary for the execution of the final scheduling process, enabling the network to operate in factory automation applications. The use of multiple superframes presents advantages to the commonly usedmethod since provides resource savings, increasing network scalability, besides the fact to reduce radio power consumption

    one6G white paper, 6G technology overview:Second Edition, November 2022

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    6G is supposed to address the demands for consumption of mobile networking services in 2030 and beyond. These are characterized by a variety of diverse, often conflicting requirements, from technical ones such as extremely high data rates, unprecedented scale of communicating devices, high coverage, low communicating latency, flexibility of extension, etc., to non-technical ones such as enabling sustainable growth of the society as a whole, e.g., through energy efficiency of deployed networks. On the one hand, 6G is expected to fulfil all these individual requirements, extending thus the limits set by the previous generations of mobile networks (e.g., ten times lower latencies, or hundred times higher data rates than in 5G). On the other hand, 6G should also enable use cases characterized by combinations of these requirements never seen before, e.g., both extremely high data rates and extremely low communication latency). In this white paper, we give an overview of the key enabling technologies that constitute the pillars for the evolution towards 6G. They include: terahertz frequencies (Section 1), 6G radio access (Section 2), next generation MIMO (Section 3), integrated sensing and communication (Section 4), distributed and federated artificial intelligence (Section 5), intelligent user plane (Section 6) and flexible programmable infrastructures (Section 7). For each enabling technology, we first give the background on how and why the technology is relevant to 6G, backed up by a number of relevant use cases. After that, we describe the technology in detail, outline the key problems and difficulties, and give a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in that technology. 6G is, however, not limited to these seven technologies. They merely present our current understanding of the technological environment in which 6G is being born. Future versions of this white paper may include other relevant technologies too, as well as discuss how these technologies can be glued together in a coherent system