5 research outputs found

    SE4AI issues on social media agent design with use cases

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    This paper is the result of an endeavor of specifying a social media agent through Use Case 2.0 (the “agile Use Case”). That what was expected to be a straightforward specification task revealed issues that subverts a critical foundation of the Use Case conception, nonexistent use-case between the SuD and the actor, yielding to the extensions proposed in this paper.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    Aproximación a una ontología para lenguajes de modelado gráfico

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    UML, SysML y WebML son lenguajes de modelado gráfico (LMG) similares que no se pueden interpretar conjuntamente, pues tienen diferencias en tipos de modelos y diagramas. En la literatura se encuentran técnicas que estudian las características de algunos LMG, pero se aplican sobre lenguajes particulares, sin considerar sus características comunes. En este artículo se propone el diseño e implementación de una ontología que resuma los principales conceptos y relaciones de los LMG, utilizando una metodología creada en la Universidad de Stanford. La ontología desarrollada responde 35 preguntas de competencia, de las cuales algunas se ejemplifican en el artículo./ UML, SysML, and WebML are graphical modeling languages (GML). Despite their similarities, these languages can not be jointly interpreted, since they exhibit different kinds of models and diagrams. Some studies for examining the features of some GML are proposed in the state of the art, but applied to individual languages, avoiding the common features among such languages. In this paper, we propose an ontology design and implementation for summarizing GML concepts and relations. We use a methodology created in the Stanford University. The developed ontology can successfully answer 35 competence questions, some of them exemplified in this paper

    Use Case Concepts using a Clear, Consistent, Concise Ontology.

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