9 research outputs found

    Use Of Electronic Resources By Postgraduate Users in Kenyan Selected Academic Libraries

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    Electronic resources have presented many benefits alongside challenges to information consumers. The advent of new technologies facilitates virtual resource sharing by diverse users compared to print resources. However, despite academic libraries spending a huge sum of money subscribing to various e-resources, it has been noted that some of these resources are under-utilized due to low levels of awareness and lack of access and skills. This study used a mixed-method design in four (4) Kenyan university academic libraries. SPSS software was used to analyze data and information. It was established that 73% of respondents have access to e-journals while 29.7% reported that the high cost of the subscription to some resources was a challenge to them. It was however concluded that electronic resources are heavily used and are vital to support the objectives of universities by improving the performance of postgraduate students.&nbsp

    Identifying Electronic Information Resources in Economics: A Content Analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the availability of various types of E-resources in the field of Economics on select library websites of Universities in Delhi. It highlights both the common and different types of E-resources available on three different library websites with special reference to Economics. The paper is primarily based on a content analysis conducted to explore the Library Websites/Subject Portal of the three select Universities in Delhi for finding out the availability of E-resources in the field of Economics

    Usage of E-Databases and E-Journals by Research Community in Pakistani Universities: Issues and Perspectives

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    Purpose: This research was conducted to achieve three objectives; 1) to investigate the usage and acceptability of e-databases and e-journals among the research scholars in selected universities of Pakistan, 2) to indicate the preferred information resource being used by researchers, and 3) to explore barriers faced by them when consulting these resources for research endeavors. Methodology: A Quantitative research method was adopted. The population of the study was MS/MPhil & PhD researchers enrolled in the public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. A structured questionnaire was distributed randomly by the principal researcher to a sample of 1031 (out of 4282) scholars at these universities. The sample included 397 social science researchers, 246 engineering scientists, 208 applied science researchers and 180 agricultural scientists. The response rate of the respondents was 981 out of 1031 distributed questionnaires with a percentage of 95.2 percent. Findings: The study reveals that most of the respondents accessed e-databases and e-Journals ā€œ2-3 timesā€ a week and widely accepted the ā€œimportanceā€ of these resources in research activities. In addition, the respondents were usually preferred to use electronic databases, e-books and e-journals (open access) over printed collection. Though, restrictions on e-resources, slow internet connection, studentsā€™ awareness and training were the major obstacles in using e-resources effectively. Practical implications: The outcomes of this study could enable competent authorities, university librarians and LIS professionals to further explore the tendency of research scholars towards adopting e-resources for learning and research purposes. Originality: The outcomes of this study are valuable to LIS community as it contributes to the body of existing knowledge on e-resources usage in developing country including Pakistan. Keywords: E-databases usage, e-journals usage, research scholars, accessibility issues, universities, Pakistan

    Technology Options for Sustainable Livestock Production in India Proceedings of the Workshop on Documentation, Adoption, and Impact of Livestock Technologies in India ICRISAT-Patancheru, India 18ā€“19 January 2001

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    introduction and overview of the conclusions (Birthal, P.S.; Rao, P.P); economic contributions of the livestock subsector in India (Birthal, P.S.; Rao, P.P.); technological change in India's livestock subsector: evidence and issues (Birthal, P.S); cross breeding of indigenous Indian cattle with exotic breeds to increase milk production: a critical analysis (Kurup, M.P.G.); milk production technology and its impact on dairying in Tamil Nadu (Dhas, R.A.C.); impact of mechanization on draught animal power use in agriculture (Singh, G.); livestock technologies for small farm systems (Arya, H.P.S.; Yadav, M.P.; Tiwari, R.); technological developments in the poultry subsector (Singh, R.V.; Saxena, V.K.; Sharma, D.); goats in India: status and technological possibilities for improvement (Kumar, S.; Pant, K.P.); enhancing productivity of sheep: technology dimensions (Khan, B.U.; Arora, A.L.; Sharma, R.C.); conservation of farm animals in India: challenges and strategies (Sahai, R.); potential of nutritional technologies in improving livestock productivity (Singh, K.; Prasad, C.S.); Oilseed cakes for improving animal nutrition (Hegde, D.M.); status of forage breeding technologies in India (Melkania, N.P.; Shukla, G.P.); potential technologies and management interventions for improving the productivity of grasslands (Pathak, P.S.); conversion from free range grazing to managed feeding: technological and institutional issues (Puskur, R.); food processing technologies for the sustained growth of dairying (Mathur, B.N.; Jha, A.)

    Students' satisfaction with the availability of e-resources, infrastructure, staff commitment and students involvement in colleges of education in Northeastern Nigeria

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    The study attempted to examine the studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of eresources, studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of infrastructure, studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the staff commitment and studentsā€˜ involvement in using the e-resources in Colleges of Education in Northeastern Nigeria. This is a descriptive correlational study and using questionnaires as the instruments. The study covers 5 colleges of education, and only NCE level 3 students were involved in Northeastern Nigeria, which gives the total population (N) of 439. Out of 439 students population, 406 were chosen samples and convient sampling technique. The SPSS version 22 was used to run the analysis. Descriptive analysis was used to determine the level of studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources is moderate (M = 2.75; SD= 0.57), studentā€˜s satisfaction with the availability of infrastructure is low (M =1.09; SD= 0.56), studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the staff commitment is moderate (M = 3.11; SD= 0.71) and the studentsā€˜ involvement in using the e-resources is also at a moderate level (M = 3.10; SD= 0.70). An independent sample t-test was conducted to compare the difference in studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources based on gender. The findings show that there is no significant difference in the mean scores for males (M=2.31; SD= 0.68) and that of females (M=2.31; SD= 0.69); t (406) = 3.42, p =.001. The analysis shows that there is a significant difference in age groups on studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of e-resource (F (2, 403) = 11.109, p = .000). Therefore, the Post-Hoc Multiple comparison test based on Tukey HSD indicated a significant difference between the respondents in age groups of 18 ā€“ 24 year (M = 2.53, p.05); and COE Biu (M = 2.55, p< .05). Also, the findings indicated that there is a weak and significant relationship between studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources and infrastructure in colleges of education (r= .192, p<.05); there is a medium and significant relationship between students satisfaction with the availability of e-resources and staff' commitment in colleges of education (r = .455, p < .05); and there is a medium and significant relationship between studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources and studentsā€˜ involvement in Colleges of Education (r = .430, p <.05). However, based on the findings of this study, there is a need to improve the studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources in Colleges of Education in Northeastern Nigeria. Also, the needs to improve the studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the availability of infrastructure, studentsā€˜ satisfaction with the staff commitment and studentsā€˜ involvement in using the e-resources among students in Colleges of Education in Northeastern Nigeria in order to meet up with the needs and demands of the students

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    Information and communication technologies and academic library services and operations

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    Magister Artium - MAInformation Communication Technologies (ICTs) continue to have a major influence in the promotion and dissemination of information, which has and continues to shape new realities of virtual campuses and virtual libraries, thus allowing students access to information and encouraging participation. This study aims to investigate the impact of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) on academic library services provision and operations, as well as how this has influenced the use of library information resources by undergraduate and postgraduate students at the university. The objectives of the research were to: assess the impact of ICTs on academic library operations and the academic librariansā€™ functions, assess how ICTs have influenced undergraduate and postgraduate studentsā€™ use of library information resources, identify the challenges of ICT-based library operations and services; and identify how conventional library and information services can be delivered more efficiently through ICTs

    Access to and use of library electronic resources at the National Open University of Nigeria

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of access to and use of library electronic resources and their implications on remote users at the National Open University of Nigeria. Specific objectives were formulated to: find out the different types of electronic resources available in the NOUN Library; investigate academic staffsā€™ and studentsā€™ level of awareness of electronic resources available in the NOUN library; explore the various types of electronic resources used by academic staffs and students of NOUN; find out how academic staffs and students access and use electronic resources in NOUN library; analyze the policies that enable access to and use of electronic resources by academic staffs and students at NOUN; find out the perceptions and attitudes of academic staffs and students toward the electronic resources available in the NOUN library; and identify the challenges associated with access to and use of electronic resources by the academic staffs and students of NOUN. The study adopted a quantitative research approach and survey research method was employed. The study targeted 1,680 population samples of which include 1,513 Students, 140 Academic staffs, and 27 Academic Librarians. Probability (Stratified random and systematic) sampling and nonprobability (purposive) sampling methods were adopted. Two sample frames were used: Students - classified into subgroups (Level) in each selected study centers and Academic staff - classified into subgroups (academic staff/academic librarian). Online (Google form) self-administered closed-ended questionnaire was sent to participantsā€™ email. Data collected were analyzed through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). This finding revealed that electronic journals and electronic books are readily available in the NOUN library. Academic staff most likely, interact with the library staff or visit the library to be aware of library electronic resources, however, the students struggled to be aware through personal efforts. NOUN library creates awareness through the email and notice boards. The academic staff and students access and use the library electronic resources for various multidimensional purposes, however, there is a low patronage of these electronic resources by academic staff and students as less than 40% of academic staff and students access and use the library electronic resources. Electricity outage, low internet connectivity speed and high cost of access to internet were presented as challenges encountered while accessing and using electronic resources. Recommendations: the library management should develop awareness programmes that is appropriate for an ODL university community through the use of modern communication tools, and emphasy should be on the use of electronic resources in the university curriculum.Information Scienc