128 research outputs found

    Evaluating recommender systems from the user's perspective: survey of the state of the art

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    A recommender system is a Web technology that proactively suggests items of interest to users based on their objective behavior or explicitly stated preferences. Evaluations of recommender systems (RS) have traditionally focused on the performance of algorithms. However, many researchers have recently started investigating system effectiveness and evaluation criteria from users' perspectives. In this paper, we survey the state of the art of user experience research in RS by examining how researchers have evaluated design methods that augment RS's ability to help users find the information or product that they truly prefer, interact with ease with the system, and form trust with RS through system transparency, control and privacy preserving mechanisms finally, we examine how these system design features influence users' adoption of the technology. We summarize existing work concerning three crucial interaction activities between the user and the system: the initial preference elicitation process, the preference refinement process, and the presentation of the system's recommendation results. Additionally, we will also cover recent evaluation frameworks that measure a recommender system's overall perceptive qualities and how these qualities influence users' behavioral intentions. The key results are summarized in a set of design guidelines that can provide useful suggestions to scholars and practitioners concerning the design and development of effective recommender systems. The survey also lays groundwork for researchers to pursue future topics that have not been covered by existing method

    Evaluating recommender systems from the user's perspective: survey of the state of the art

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    A recommender system is a Web technology that proactively suggests items of interest to users based on their objective behavior or explicitly stated preferences. Evaluations of recommender systems (RS) have traditionally focused on the performance of algorithms. However, many researchers have recently started investigating system effectiveness and evaluation criteria from users' perspectives. In this paper, we survey the state of the art of user experience research in RS by examining how researchers have evaluated design methods that augment RS's ability to help users find the information or product that they truly prefer, interact with ease with the system, and form trust with RS through system transparency, control and privacy preserving mechanisms finally, we examine how these system design features influence users' adoption of the technology. We summarize existing work concerning three crucial interaction activities between the user and the system: the initial preference elicitation process, the preference refinement process, and the presentation of the system's recommendation results. Additionally, we will also cover recent evaluation frameworks that measure a recommender system's overall perceptive qualities and how these qualities influence users' behavioral intentions. The key results are summarized in a set of design guidelines that can provide useful suggestions to scholars and practitioners concerning the design and development of effective recommender systems. The survey also lays groundwork for researchers to pursue future topics that have not been covered by existing methods

    Data-driven decision making in Critique-based recommenders: from a critique to social media data

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    In the last decade there have been a large number of proposals in the field of Critique-based Recommenders. Critique-based recommenders are data-driven in their nature sincethey use a conversational cyclical recommendation process to elicit user feedback. In theliterature, the proposals made differ mainly in two aspects: in the source of data and in howthis data is analyzed to extract knowledge for providing users with recommendations. Inthis paper, we propose new algorithms that address these two aspects. Firstly, we propose anew algorithm, called HOR, which integrates several data sources, such as current user pref-erences (i.e., a critique), product descriptions, previous critiquing sessions by other users,and users' opinions expressed as ratings on social media web sites. Secondly, we propose adding compatibility and weighting scores to turn user behavior into knowledge to HOR and a previous state-of-the-art approach named HGR to help both algorithms make smarter recommendations. We have evaluated our proposals in two ways: with a simulator and withreal users. A comparison of our proposals with state-of-the-art approaches shows that thenew recommendation algorithms significantly outperform previous ones

    Evaluating Conversational Recommender Systems: A Landscape of Research

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    Conversational recommender systems aim to interactively support online users in their information search and decision-making processes in an intuitive way. With the latest advances in voice-controlled devices, natural language processing, and AI in general, such systems received increased attention in recent years. Technically, conversational recommenders are usually complex multi-component applications and often consist of multiple machine learning models and a natural language user interface. Evaluating such a complex system in a holistic way can therefore be challenging, as it requires (i) the assessment of the quality of the different learning components, and (ii) the quality perception of the system as a whole by users. Thus, a mixed methods approach is often required, which may combine objective (computational) and subjective (perception-oriented) evaluation techniques. In this paper, we review common evaluation approaches for conversational recommender systems, identify possible limitations, and outline future directions towards more holistic evaluation practices

    A Cognitively Inspired Clustering Approach for Critique-Based Recommenders

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    The purpose of recommender systems is to support humans in the purchasing decision-making process. Decision-making is a human activity based on cognitive information. In the field of recommender systems, critiquing has been widely applied as an effective approach for obtaining users' feedback on recommended products. In the last decade, there have been a large number of proposals in the field of critique-based recommenders. These proposals mainly differ in two aspects: in the source of data and in how it is mined to provide the user with recommendations. To date, no approach has mined data using an adaptive clustering algorithm to increase the recommender's performance. In this paper, we describe how we added a clustering process to a critique-based recommender, thereby adapting the recommendation process and how we defined a cognitive user preference model based on the preferences (i.e., defined by critiques) received by the user. We have developed several proposals based on clustering, whose acronyms are MCP, CUM, CUM-I, and HGR-CUM-I. We compare our proposals with two well-known state-of-the-art approaches: incremental critiquing (IC) and history-guided recommendation (HGR). The results of our experiments showed that using clustering in a critique-based recommender leads to an improvement in their recommendation efficiency, since all the proposals outperform the baseline IC algorithm. Moreover, the performance of the best proposal, HGR-CUM-I, is significantly superior to both the IC and HGR algorithms. Our results indicate that introducing clustering into the critique-based recommender is an appealing option since it enhances overall efficiency, especially with a large data set

    User Perceived Qualities and Acceptance of Recommender Systems:The Role of Diversity

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    Recommender systems have become important, as users are faced with an ever-increasing amount of information available on internet. Much of the research work on the topic has been focused on recommendation techniques, aiming at improving the accuracy of recommended items. Today, researchers use accuracy-metrics for evaluating goodness, when in fact these do not capture users' expectations and criteria for evaluating recommendation usefulness. We must ask ourselves whether a less accurate recommendation is necessarily a less valuable one for the user. To support this, we centre our investigations in this thesis on users, and explore their acceptance behaviours when using recommendations, and their perceived qualities. We present results in four areas. First, we study users' perceptions leading to the acceptance of recommendations and the possible long-term adoption of the system. We run two user studies using two online music recommenders relying on different recommendation techniques. Our results show that the perceived usefulness in terms of quality, and the perceived ease of use in terms of effort, are directly correlated with the users' acceptance of the recommendations. The results also show the necessity for low-involvement recommenders to be highly reactive, helping to take the users' search context into account. Secondly, we evaluate a behavioural recommender, where recommendations are made from implicitly expressed user preferences. We take profile sizes into account and compare such recommendations to an explicit search & browse interface. Our experiment reveals that users perceive the smaller effort required to use a behavioural recommender, but find the explicit solution to yield more diverse suggestions and gives them more control. Overall, users perceive both approaches as being satisfactory, providing the profile size is big enough. Thirdly, we analyse the impact on users' perceptions of a visual rendering. We designed an iconised representation of compound critiques, usually textual, and observed the differences in users' appreciation. Our results reveal that users prefer the visual interface, that it reduces their interaction efforts, and that users are attracted to apply the critiques more frequently in complex product domains, which have more product-features. In a fourth area, we examine the role of diversity of recommendations in users' acceptance. A first study shows that diversity is the dimension which most influences users' satisfaction. We also highlight that users have more confidence in their choice using an organised layout interface for the same perceived ease of use as with a list view, even though the organised layout creates longer interactions. For the first time in a study, we show that diversity correlates with the trust of users. In a second study, we use an eye-tracker to carry out an in-depth study of users' decision process. We show how the influence of a recommender increases throughout a user's purchase decision process until the decision is close to being taken. At this moment, we observed that users rely on the recommender to enhance their confidence in the purchase decision, and that they need diversity to prioritise the suggestions. To end our work, we propose a theoretical diversity-model for maximising users' overall satisfaction by balancing users' needs for recommendation accuracy and diversity throughout the decision process. In addition, we derive a set of design guidelines from all of the experimental results. They are elaborated around four primary axes: user effort, purchase intentions, complex systems and diversity

    A user-centric evaluation framework for recommender systems

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    Interaction design guidelines on critiquing-based recommender systems

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    A critiquing-based recommender system acts like an artificial salesperson. It engages users in a conversational dialog where users can provide feedback in the form of critiques to the sample items that were shown to them. The feedback, in turn, enables the system to refine its understanding of the user's preferences and prediction of what the user truly wants. The system is then able to recommend products that may better stimulate the user's interest in the next interaction cycle. In this paper, we report our extensive investigation of comparing various approaches in devising critiquing opportunities designed in these recommender systems. More specifically, we have investigated two major design elements which are necessary for a critiquing-based recommender system: critiquing coverage—one vs. multiple items that are returned during each recommendation cycle to be critiqued; and critiquing aid—system-suggested critiques (i.e., a set of critique suggestions for users to select) vs. user-initiated critiquing facility (i.e., facilitating users to create critiques on their own). Through a series of three user trials, we have measured how real-users reacted to systems with varied setups of the two elements. In particular, it was found that giving users the choice of critiquing one of multiple items (as opposed to just one) has significantly positive impacts on increasing users' decision accuracy (particularly in the first recommendation cycle) and saving their objective effort (in the later critiquing cycles). As for critiquing aids, the hybrid design with both system-suggested critiques and user-initiated critiquing support exhibits the best performance in inspiring users' decision confidence and increasing their intention to return, in comparison with the uncombined exclusive approaches. Therefore, the results from our studies shed light on the design guidelines for determining the sweetspot balancing user initiative and system support in the development of an effective and user-centric critiquing-based recommender syste

    Interaction design guidelines on critiquing-based recommender systems

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    A critiquing-based recommender system acts like an artificial salesperson. It engages users in a conversational dialog where users can provide feedback in the form of critiques to the sample items that were shown to them. The feedback, in turn, enables the system to refine its understanding of the user's preferences and prediction of what the user truly wants. The system is then able to recommend products that may better stimulate the user's interest in the next interaction cycle. In this paper, we report our extensive investigation of comparing various approaches in devising critiquing opportunities designed in these recommender systems. More specifically, we have investigated two major design elements which are necessary for a critiquing-based recommender system: critiquing coverage-one vs. multiple items that are returned during each recommendation cycle to be critiqued; and critiquing aid-system-suggested critiques (i.e., a set of critique suggestions for users to select) vs. user-initiated critiquing facility (i.e., facilitating users to create critiques on their own). Through a series of three user trials, we have measured how real-users reacted to systems with varied setups of the two elements. In particular, it was found that giving users the choice of critiquing one of multiple items (as opposed to just one) has significantly positive impacts on increasing users' decision accuracy (particularly in the first recommendation cycle) and saving their objective effort (in the later critiquing cycles). As for critiquing aids, the hybrid design with both system-suggested critiques and user-initiated critiquing support exhibits the best performance in inspiring users' decision confidence and increasing their intention to return, in comparison with the uncombined exclusive approaches. Therefore, the results from our studies shed light on the design guidelines for determining the sweetspot balancing user initiative and system support in the development of an effective and user-centric critiquing-based recommender system
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