13 research outputs found

    Wardrobes That Work

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    This publication discusses ways to economically build a wardrobe with clothes that fit for any occasion. It explains how to assess body type and build as well as colors to make clothing choices. It also includes a wardrobe planning worksheet and suggests making a clothing inventory

    Mustang Daily, October 2, 1987

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    Student newspaper of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/studentnewspaper/4690/thumbnail.jp

    Mustang Daily, September 25, 1987

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    Student newspaper of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/studentnewspaper/4685/thumbnail.jp

    Designing wearable sensors for Preventative Health: An exploration of material, form and function

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    The financial burden on global healthcare systems has reached unprecedented levels and as a result, attention has been shifting from the traditional approach of disease management and treatment towards prevention (Swan, 2012). Wearable devices for Preventative Health have become a focus for innovation across academia and industry, thus this thesis explores the design of wearable biochemical and environmental sensors, which can provide users with an early warning, detection and monitoring system that could integrate easily into their existing lives. The research aims to generate new practical knowledge for the design and development of wearable sensors and, motivated by the identification of compelling design opportunities, merges three strands of enquiry. The research methodology supports this investigation into material, form and function through the use of key practice-based methods, which include Participatory Action Research (active immersion and participation in a particular community and user workshops) and the generation and evaluation of a diverse range of artefacts. Based on the user-centred investigation of the use case for biochemical and environmental sensing, the final collection of artefacts demonstrates a diverse range of concepts, which present biodegradable and recyclable nonwoven material substrates for the use in non-integrated sensors. These sensors can be skin-worn, body-worn or clothing-attached for in-situ detection and monitoring of both internal (from the wearer) and external (from the environment) stimuli. The research proposes that in order to engage a broad section of the population in a preventative lifestyle to significantly reduce the pressure on global healthcare systems, wearable sensors need to be designed so they can appeal to as many users as possible and integrate easily into their existing lifestyles, routines and outfits. The thesis argues that this objective could be achieved through the design and development of end-of-life considered and cost-effective substrate materials, non-integrated wearable form factors and meticulous consideration of a divergent range of user needs and preferences, during the early stages of design practice

    Os cinco sentidos através do vestuário

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    Tese de Mestrado em Design de ModaVisão, paladar, audição, tacto e olfacto, cada um dos cinco sentidos é um luxo em si mesmo, insubstituível. O projecto prático “Os cinco sentidos através do vestuário” analisa e observa como o vestuário estimula os cinco sentidos humanos através dos materiais têxteis e não têxteis, da silhueta, da forma e da cor. As peças de vestuário elaboradas, são criadas para estimular cada sentido através do design de moda. Os nossos sentidos são o ponto-chave para um bom design de moda: visualmente a cor que chama a atenção, a forma que é fabulosa e extravagante; tactilmente, a suavidade, a frescura ou a agressividade das texturas dos tecidos; o olfacto que nos faz identificar odores característicos nos tecidos; a audição que nos permite reconhecer as ondas sonoras transmitidas por certos tecidos e o paladar que nos poderá fazer degustar uma peça de vestuário. O ser humano percebe o mundo através dos seus cinco sentidos. Quando a informação chega ao nosso cérebro através dos sentidos, atribuímos-lhe uma interpretação e sentido, e um afecto de valência positiva (pode atingir o prazer) ou de valência negativa (pode atingir a dor).ABSTRACT - Vision, taste, hearing, touch, smell, each of the five senses is a luxury in itself, irreplaceable. The experimental study "Five senses through clothing", analyses how clothing stimulates the five human senses through the textile and other materials, silhouette, shape and color. The produced garments are designed to stimulate each sense. Our senses are the key to a good fashion design, visual color that draws attention, the form that fabulous and extravagant, the that is touch soft or fresh or the aggressiveness of the textures of some fabrics, the smell that makes us identify odors typical in the tissues, the hearing that allows us to recognize the sound waves transmitted by certain tissues and taste that allow us taste a piece of clothing. Human beings perceive the world through their five senses. When the information reaches the brain through the senses, we give a detailed interpretation and meaning, and assigned a positive valence (can achieve pleasure) or negative valence (can reach the pain)

    Text and Texture: An Arts-Based Exploration of Transformation in Adult Learning: A Dissertation

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    This research explored the transformational and co-transformational potential of collage, assemblage and mixed media in an accelerated undergraduate adult course on imagination and creativity. The methods were qualitative and arts-based artist-teacher inquiry within a constructivist art class for ten, female adult learners. Informed by the researcher\u27s living inquiry through visual auto-ethnography, a collagist methodology shaped the research, including syllabus construction, course delivery and data gathering. Process was an emergent and interpretative analytic tool, drawn from multiple perspectives of artwork and reflections by the students, and the multiple identities inherent to the artist-teacher researcher

    Landscape of artistic specialties in arts based research and artistic research

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    Actas de la II Conferencia Internacional sobre Investigación basada en Arte e Investigación Artística, Universidad de Granada, 27-30 de enero de 2014.Los tres principales objetivos de la 2ª Conferencia, fueron: 1) explorar y debatir el desarrollo actual de la Investigación basada en las Artes y de la Investigación Artística en las diferentes especialidades artísticas: artes visuales, música, literatura, performance, teatro, etc. 2) profundizar en las intersecciones entre las metodologías cuantitativas, cualitativas y artísticas de investigación en las artes y en las ciencias humanas y sociales. 3) identificar tendencias y problemas en el desarrollo de estrategias de investigación características de la Investigación basada en las Artes y de la Investigación Artística, tales como la A/r/tografía, Investigación basada en la Práctica Artística, etc.El presente 4º volumen, dedicado a las especialidades artísticas, presenta un total de veinte aportaciones. Han sido ordenadas en función de las diferentes disciplinas artísticas que utilizan. El conjunto constituye un panorama del incipiente desarrollo que actualmente presentan la Investigación Basada en las Artes y la Investigación Artística en los diferentes medios y disciplinas artísticas.Este libro ha sido posible gracias a un proyecto de Investigación Básica no orientada (2012) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España, Referencia: HAR2012-35050 (2013-2015)

    Investigating the design of Smart Objects in the domain of forgetfulness

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    PhDWhen we forget things, we feel anxious which can impact our day negatively. Some individuals believe they are forgetful, so emphatically, it disrupts their day. There has been little discussion about perceived forgetfulness in design and HCI, combined with few studied smart objects to aid with memory. However, embedded systems, radio frequency identification (RFID) and HCI research provides inspiration towards creating a solution. Challenges of creating a day-to-day smart object that can enhance a user’s lifestyle are explored and recommended design guidelines for creating a smart object in a specific domain are the focus of this thesis. Using an experience-centred approach, ‘Message Bag’ and ‘Tag Along’ are two purpose built object-based memory aids that have emerged as a result of investigating the design processes for smart objects. The work examines smart objects in the context of forgetting what items to pack in a bag. A solution presented is a device consisting of an RFID system involving (a) pre-tagging essential items; (b) scanning those tagged items and; (c) viewing a corresponding light illuminate, to communicate to the user. Although the conceptual model is simple, success depends on a combination of technical design, usability and aesthetics. These scanning interactions result in a person feeling more confident as suggested through autoethnography reporting, real-world, third person engagements - single user walkouts, conference demos, professional critiques, and residential weekends with potential users (focus group) studies conducted. My work involved extensive autobiographical research and design-led enquiries. Testing was undertaken with investigative prototypes, followed by field testing high-fidelity prototypes. This involved an in-the-wild comparative study involving six users over several months. Results show that people feel more confident and respondents claim no longer needing to continually check items are packed, thus ‘gaining time’, and feeling less forgetful. Although the application of RFID is not new to ubiquitous computing, this implementation, styling and system immediacy is novel. This thesis presents the development of ten prototypes as well as design guidelines. The research provides a solid base for further exploration, and includes discovery of the importance of a user’s style universe and extreme ease-of-use. I conclude with the presentation of early positive results including; (i) the unique form factor becomes a reminder itself and; (ii) usability coupled with the intuitive nature of the system is shown to be essential. We found that when you are creating a smart object, usability and an intuitive nature is even more important than in a standard system. When dealing within the domain of forgetfulness, this is paramount.This research was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the Media and Arts Technology Doctoral Training Centre from the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London