1,549,500 research outputs found

    Inferring Unusual Crowd Events From Mobile Phone Call Detail Records

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    The pervasiveness and availability of mobile phone data offer the opportunity of discovering usable knowledge about crowd behaviors in urban environments. Cities can leverage such knowledge in order to provide better services (e.g., public transport planning, optimized resource allocation) and safer cities. Call Detail Record (CDR) data represents a practical data source to detect and monitor unusual events considering the high level of mobile phone penetration, compared with GPS equipped and open devices. In this paper, we provide a methodology that is able to detect unusual events from CDR data that typically has low accuracy in terms of space and time resolution. Moreover, we introduce a concept of unusual event that involves a large amount of people who expose an unusual mobility behavior. Our careful consideration of the issues that come from coarse-grained CDR data ultimately leads to a completely general framework that can detect unusual crowd events from CDR data effectively and efficiently. Through extensive experiments on real-world CDR data for a large city in Africa, we demonstrate that our method can detect unusual events with 16% higher recall and over 10 times higher precision, compared to state-of-the-art methods. We implement a visual analytics prototype system to help end users analyze detected unusual crowd events to best suit different application scenarios. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on the detection of unusual events from CDR data with considerations of its temporal and spatial sparseness and distinction between user unusual activities and daily routines.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Unusual Events in GitHub Repositories

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    In large and active software projects, it becomes impractical for a developer to stay aware of all project activity. While it might not be necessary to know about each commit or issue, it is arguably important to know about the ones that are unusual. To investigate this hypothesis, we identified unusual events in 200 GitHub projects using a comprehensive list of ways in which an artifact can be unusual and asked 140 developers responsible for or affected by these events to comment on the usefulness of the corresponding information. Based on 2,096 answers, we identify the subset of unusual events that developers consider particularly useful, including large code modifications and unusual amounts of reviewing activity, along with qualitative evidence on the reasons behind these answers. Our findings provide a means for reducing the amount of information that developers need to parse in order to stay up to date with development activity in their projects.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Systems and Softwar

    Implications of the B20 Crystal Structure for the Magneto-electronic Structure of MnSi

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    Due to increased interest in the unusual magnetic and transport behavior of MnSi and its possible relation to its crystal structure (B20) which has unusual coordination and lacks inversion symmetry, we provide a detailed analysis of the electronic and magnetic structure of MnSi. The non-symmorphic P2_13 spacegroup leads to unusual fourfold degenerate states at the zone corner R point, as well as ``sticking'' of pairs of bands throughout the entire Brillouin zone surface. The resulting Fermi surface acquires unusual features as a result of the band sticking. For the ferromagnetic system (neglecting the long wavelength spin spiral) with the observed moment of 0.4 \mu_B/Mn, one of the fourfold levels at R in the minority bands falls at the Fermi energy (E_F), and a threefold majority level at k=0 also falls at E_F. The band sticking and presence of bands with vanishing velocity at E_F imply an unusually large phase space for long wavelength, low energy interband transitions that will be important for understanding the unusual resistivity and far infrared optical behavior.Comment: Nine two-column pages with eight figures include

    On unusual narrow transmission bands for a multi-layered periodic structure containing left-handed materials

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    A multi-layered structure consisting of alternate right-handed material (RHM) and left-handed material (LHM)is considered and the unusual narrow transmission bands are explained as the competitive results of the Bragg condition and the transparent condition. These unusual narrow transmission bands may exist regardless whether the optical length of the LHM layer cancels the optical length of the RHM layer or not. This unusual transmission property may disappear when the reflection coefficient for each interface is small and the optical length of the LHM layer does not cancel the optical length of the RHM layer. An non-ideal model when the LHM is dispersive and lossy is also employed to confirm the unusual transmission phenomenon.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Resonant scattering of energetic electrons by unusual low-frequency hiss

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    Abstract We quantify the resonant scattering effects of the unusual low-frequency dawnside plasmaspheric hiss observed on 30 September 2012 by the Van Allen Probes. In contrast to normal (∼100-2000 Hz) hiss emissions, this unusual hiss event contained most of its wave power at ∼20-200 Hz. Compared to the scattering by normal hiss, the unusual hiss scattering speeds up the loss of ∼50-200 keV electrons and produces more pronounced pancake distributions of ∼50-100 keV electrons. It is demonstrated that such unusual low-frequency hiss, even with a duration of a couple of hours, plays a particularly important role in the decay and loss process of energetic electrons, resulting in shorter electron lifetimes for ∼50-400 keV electrons than normal hiss, and should be carefully incorporated into global modeling of radiation belt electron dynamics during periods of intense injections

    Monochromatic knots and other unusual electromagnetic disturbances: light localised in 3D

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    We introduce and examine a collection of unusual electromagnetic disturbances. Each of these is an exact, monochromatic solution of Maxwell's equations in free space with looped electric and magnetic field lines of finite extent and a localised appearance in all three spatial dimensions. Included are the first explicit examples of monochromatic electromagnetic knots. We also consider the generation of our unusual electromagnetic disturbances in the laboratory, at both low and high frequencies, and highlight possible directions for future research, including the use of unusual electromagnetic disturbances as the basis of a new form of three-dimensional display

    Some Unusual Locus Problems

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    The Intrinsically X-ray Weak Quasar PHL 1811. II. Optical and UV Spectra and Analysis

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    This is the second of two papers reporting observations and analysis of the unusually bright (m_b=14.4), luminous (M_B=-25.5), nearby (z=0.192) narrow-line quasar PHL 1811. The first paper reported that PHL 1811 is intrinsically X-ray weak, and presented a spectral energy distribution (SED). Here we present HST STIS optical and UV spectra, and ground-based optical spectra. The optical and UV line emission is very unusual. There is no evidence for forbidden or semiforbidden lines. The near-UV spectrum is dominated by very strong FeII and FeIII, and unusual low-ionization lines such as NaID and CaII H&K are observed. High-ionization lines are very weak; CIV has an equivalent width of 6.6A, a factor of ~5 smaller than measured from quasar composite spectra. An unusual feature near 1200A can be deblended in terms of Ly\alpha, NV, SiII, and CIII* using the blueshifted CIV profile as a template. Photoionization modeling shows that the unusual line emission can be explained qualitatively by the unusually soft SED. Principally, a low gas temperature results in inefficient emission of collisionally excited lines, including the semiforbidden lines generally used as density diagnostics. The emission resembles that of high-density gas; in both cases this is a consequence of inefficient cooling. PHL 1811 is very unusual, but we note that quasar surveys are generally biased against finding similar objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS. Full resolution figures available here: http://www.nhn.ou.edu/~leighly/phl1811_paper1.pd

    An Unusual Moving Boundary Condition Arising in Anomalous Diffusion Problems

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    In the context of analyzing a new model for nonlinear diffusion in polymers, an unusual condition appears at the moving interface between the glassy and rubbery phases of the polymer. This condition, which arises from the inclusion of a viscoelastic memory term in our equations, has received very little attention in the mathematical literature. Due to the unusual form of the moving-boundary condition, further study is needed as to the existence and uniqueness of solutions satisfying such a condition. The moving boundary condition which results is not solvable by similarity solutions, but can be solved by integral equation techniques. A solution process is outlined to illustrate the unusual nature of the condition; the profiles which result are characteristic of a dissolving polymer
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