1,429 research outputs found

    Semantics-driven event clustering in Twitter feeds

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    Detecting events using social media such as Twitter has many useful applications in real-life situations. Many algorithms which all use different information sources - either textual, temporal, geographic or community features - have been developed to achieve this task. Semantic information is often added at the end of the event detection to classify events into semantic topics. But semantic information can also be used to drive the actual event detection, which is less covered by academic research. We therefore supplemented an existing baseline event clustering algorithm with semantic information about the tweets in order to improve its performance. This paper lays out the details of the semantics-driven event clustering algorithms developed, discusses a novel method to aid in the creation of a ground truth for event detection purposes, and analyses how well the algorithms improve over baseline. We find that assigning semantic information to every individual tweet results in just a worse performance in F1 measure compared to baseline. If however semantics are assigned on a coarser, hashtag level the improvement over baseline is substantial and significant in both precision and recall

    Tracking Dengue Epidemics using Twitter Content Classification and Topic Modelling

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    Detecting and preventing outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue and Zika in Brasil and other tropical regions has long been a priority for governments in affected areas. Streaming social media content, such as Twitter, is increasingly being used for health vigilance applications such as flu detection. However, previous work has not addressed the complexity of drastic seasonal changes on Twitter content across multiple epidemic outbreaks. In order to address this gap, this paper contrasts two complementary approaches to detecting Twitter content that is relevant for Dengue outbreak detection, namely supervised classification and unsupervised clustering using topic modelling. Each approach has benefits and shortcomings. Our classifier achieves a prediction accuracy of about 80\% based on a small training set of about 1,000 instances, but the need for manual annotation makes it hard to track seasonal changes in the nature of the epidemics, such as the emergence of new types of virus in certain geographical locations. In contrast, LDA-based topic modelling scales well, generating cohesive and well-separated clusters from larger samples. While clusters can be easily re-generated following changes in epidemics, however, this approach makes it hard to clearly segregate relevant tweets into well-defined clusters.Comment: Procs. SoWeMine - co-located with ICWE 2016. 2016, Lugano, Switzerlan

    Viewpoint Discovery and Understanding in Social Networks

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    The Web has evolved to a dominant platform where everyone has the opportunity to express their opinions, to interact with other users, and to debate on emerging events happening around the world. On the one hand, this has enabled the presence of different viewpoints and opinions about a - usually controversial - topic (like Brexit), but at the same time, it has led to phenomena like media bias, echo chambers and filter bubbles, where users are exposed to only one point of view on the same topic. Therefore, there is the need for methods that are able to detect and explain the different viewpoints. In this paper, we propose a graph partitioning method that exploits social interactions to enable the discovery of different communities (representing different viewpoints) discussing about a controversial topic in a social network like Twitter. To explain the discovered viewpoints, we describe a method, called Iterative Rank Difference (IRD), which allows detecting descriptive terms that characterize the different viewpoints as well as understanding how a specific term is related to a viewpoint (by detecting other related descriptive terms). The results of an experimental evaluation showed that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on viewpoint discovery, while a qualitative analysis of the proposed IRD method on three different controversial topics showed that IRD provides comprehensive and deep representations of the different viewpoints

    Language in Our Time: An Empirical Analysis of Hashtags

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    Hashtags in online social networks have gained tremendous popularity during the past five years. The resulting large quantity of data has provided a new lens into modern society. Previously, researchers mainly rely on data collected from Twitter to study either a certain type of hashtags or a certain property of hashtags. In this paper, we perform the first large-scale empirical analysis of hashtags shared on Instagram, the major platform for hashtag-sharing. We study hashtags from three different dimensions including the temporal-spatial dimension, the semantic dimension, and the social dimension. Extensive experiments performed on three large-scale datasets with more than 7 million hashtags in total provide a series of interesting observations. First, we show that the temporal patterns of hashtags can be categorized into four different clusters, and people tend to share fewer hashtags at certain places and more hashtags at others. Second, we observe that a non-negligible proportion of hashtags exhibit large semantic displacement. We demonstrate hashtags that are more uniformly shared among users, as quantified by the proposed hashtag entropy, are less prone to semantic displacement. In the end, we propose a bipartite graph embedding model to summarize users' hashtag profiles, and rely on these profiles to perform friendship prediction. Evaluation results show that our approach achieves an effective prediction with AUC (area under the ROC curve) above 0.8 which demonstrates the strong social signals possessed in hashtags.Comment: WWW 201

    A survey of data mining techniques for social media analysis

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    Social network has gained remarkable attention in the last decade. Accessing social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook LinkedIn and Google+ through the internet and the web 2.0 technologies has become more affordable. People are becoming more interested in and relying on social network for information, news and opinion of other users on diverse subject matters. The heavy reliance on social network sites causes them to generate massive data characterised by three computational issues namely; size, noise and dynamism. These issues often make social network data very complex to analyse manually, resulting in the pertinent use of computational means of analysing them. Data mining provides a wide range of techniques for detecting useful knowledge from massive datasets like trends, patterns and rules [44]. Data mining techniques are used for information retrieval, statistical modelling and machine learning. These techniques employ data pre-processing, data analysis, and data interpretation processes in the course of data analysis. This survey discusses different data mining techniques used in mining diverse aspects of the social network over decades going from the historical techniques to the up-to-date models, including our novel technique named TRCM. All the techniques covered in this survey are listed in the Table.1 including the tools employed as well as names of their authors

    Unsupervised improvement of named entity extraction in short informal context using disambiguation clues

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    Short context messages (like tweets and SMS’s) are a potentially rich source of continuously and instantly updated information. Shortness and informality of such messages are challenges for Natural Language Processing tasks. Most efforts done in this direction rely on machine learning techniques which are expensive in terms of data collection and training. In this paper we present an unsupervised Semantic Web-driven approach to improve the extraction process by using clues from the disambiguation process. For extraction we used a simple Knowledge-Base matching technique combined with a clustering-based approach for disambiguation. Experimental results on a self-collected set of tweets (as an example of short context messages) show improvement in extraction results when using unsupervised feedback from the disambiguation process
