6,713 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Relative Visual Attributes

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    Semi-Supervised Speech Emotion Recognition with Ladder Networks

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    Speech emotion recognition (SER) systems find applications in various fields such as healthcare, education, and security and defense. A major drawback of these systems is their lack of generalization across different conditions. This problem can be solved by training models on large amounts of labeled data from the target domain, which is expensive and time-consuming. Another approach is to increase the generalization of the models. An effective way to achieve this goal is by regularizing the models through multitask learning (MTL), where auxiliary tasks are learned along with the primary task. These methods often require the use of labeled data which is computationally expensive to collect for emotion recognition (gender, speaker identity, age or other emotional descriptors). This study proposes the use of ladder networks for emotion recognition, which utilizes an unsupervised auxiliary task. The primary task is a regression problem to predict emotional attributes. The auxiliary task is the reconstruction of intermediate feature representations using a denoising autoencoder. This auxiliary task does not require labels so it is possible to train the framework in a semi-supervised fashion with abundant unlabeled data from the target domain. This study shows that the proposed approach creates a powerful framework for SER, achieving superior performance than fully supervised single-task learning (STL) and MTL baselines. The approach is implemented with several acoustic features, showing that ladder networks generalize significantly better in cross-corpus settings. Compared to the STL baselines, the proposed approach achieves relative gains in concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) between 3.0% and 3.5% for within corpus evaluations, and between 16.1% and 74.1% for cross corpus evaluations, highlighting the power of the architecture

    A Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition

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    Indoor scene recognition is a multi-faceted and challenging problem due to the diverse intra-class variations and the confusing inter-class similarities. This paper presents a novel approach which exploits rich mid-level convolutional features to categorize indoor scenes. Traditionally used convolutional features preserve the global spatial structure, which is a desirable property for general object recognition. However, we argue that this structuredness is not much helpful when we have large variations in scene layouts, e.g., in indoor scenes. We propose to transform the structured convolutional activations to another highly discriminative feature space. The representation in the transformed space not only incorporates the discriminative aspects of the target dataset, but it also encodes the features in terms of the general object categories that are present in indoor scenes. To this end, we introduce a new large-scale dataset of 1300 object categories which are commonly present in indoor scenes. Our proposed approach achieves a significant performance boost over previous state of the art approaches on five major scene classification datasets

    Learning Visual Attributes

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    We present a probabilistic generative model of visual attributes, together with an efficient learning algorithm. Attributes are visual qualities of objects, such as ā€˜redā€™, ā€˜stripedā€™, or ā€˜spottedā€™. The model sees attributes as patterns of image segments, repeatedly sharing some characteristic properties. These can be any combination of appearance, shape, or the layout of segments within the pattern. Moreover, attributes with general appearance are taken into account, such as the pattern of alternation of any two colors which is characteristic for stripes. To enable learning from unsegmented training images, the model is learnt discriminatively, by optimizing a likelihood ratio. As demonstrated in the experimental evaluation, our model can learn in a weakly supervised setting and encompasses a broad range of attributes. We show that attributes can be learnt starting from a text query to Google image search, and can then be used to recognize the attribute and determine its spatial extent in novel real-world images.

    Structure propagation for zero-shot learning

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    The key of zero-shot learning (ZSL) is how to find the information transfer model for bridging the gap between images and semantic information (texts or attributes). Existing ZSL methods usually construct the compatibility function between images and class labels with the consideration of the relevance on the semantic classes (the manifold structure of semantic classes). However, the relationship of image classes (the manifold structure of image classes) is also very important for the compatibility model construction. It is difficult to capture the relationship among image classes due to unseen classes, so that the manifold structure of image classes often is ignored in ZSL. To complement each other between the manifold structure of image classes and that of semantic classes information, we propose structure propagation (SP) for improving the performance of ZSL for classification. SP can jointly consider the manifold structure of image classes and that of semantic classes for approximating to the intrinsic structure of object classes. Moreover, the SP can describe the constrain condition between the compatibility function and these manifold structures for balancing the influence of the structure propagation iteration. The SP solution provides not only unseen class labels but also the relationship of two manifold structures that encode the positive transfer in structure propagation. Experimental results demonstrate that SP can attain the promising results on the AwA, CUB, Dogs and SUN databases

    Evaluation of Output Embeddings for Fine-Grained Image Classification

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    Image classification has advanced significantly in recent years with the availability of large-scale image sets. However, fine-grained classification remains a major challenge due to the annotation cost of large numbers of fine-grained categories. This project shows that compelling classification performance can be achieved on such categories even without labeled training data. Given image and class embeddings, we learn a compatibility function such that matching embeddings are assigned a higher score than mismatching ones; zero-shot classification of an image proceeds by finding the label yielding the highest joint compatibility score. We use state-of-the-art image features and focus on different supervised attributes and unsupervised output embeddings either derived from hierarchies or learned from unlabeled text corpora. We establish a substantially improved state-of-the-art on the Animals with Attributes and Caltech-UCSD Birds datasets. Most encouragingly, we demonstrate that purely unsupervised output embeddings (learned from Wikipedia and improved with fine-grained text) achieve compelling results, even outperforming the previous supervised state-of-the-art. By combining different output embeddings, we further improve results.Comment: @inproceedings {ARWLS15, title = {Evaluation of Output Embeddings for Fine-Grained Image Classification}, booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, year = {2015}, author = {Zeynep Akata and Scott Reed and Daniel Walter and Honglak Lee and Bernt Schiele}
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