57 research outputs found

    Manifold Constrained Low-Rank Decomposition

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    Low-rank decomposition (LRD) is a state-of-the-art method for visual data reconstruction and modelling. However, it is a very challenging problem when the image data contains significant occlusion, noise, illumination variation, and misalignment from rotation or viewpoint changes. We leverage the specific structure of data in order to improve the performance of LRD when the data are not ideal. To this end, we propose a new framework that embeds manifold priors into LRD. To implement the framework, we design an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) method which efficiently integrates the manifold constraints during the optimization process. The proposed approach is successfully used to calculate low-rank models from face images, hand-written digits and planar surface images. The results show a consistent increase of performance when compared to the state-of-the-art over a wide range of realistic image misalignments and corruptions

    Attention-Aware Face Hallucination via Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Face hallucination is a domain-specific super-resolution problem with the goal to generate high-resolution (HR) faces from low-resolution (LR) input images. In contrast to existing methods that often learn a single patch-to-patch mapping from LR to HR images and are regardless of the contextual interdependency between patches, we propose a novel Attention-aware Face Hallucination (Attention-FH) framework which resorts to deep reinforcement learning for sequentially discovering attended patches and then performing the facial part enhancement by fully exploiting the global interdependency of the image. Specifically, in each time step, the recurrent policy network is proposed to dynamically specify a new attended region by incorporating what happened in the past. The state (i.e., face hallucination result for the whole image) can thus be exploited and updated by the local enhancement network on the selected region. The Attention-FH approach jointly learns the recurrent policy network and local enhancement network through maximizing the long-term reward that reflects the hallucination performance over the whole image. Therefore, our proposed Attention-FH is capable of adaptively personalizing an optimal searching path for each face image according to its own characteristic. Extensive experiments show our approach significantly surpasses the state-of-the-arts on in-the-wild faces with large pose and illumination variations

    Deep Learning for Semantic Part Segmentation with High-Level Guidance

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    In this work we address the task of segmenting an object into its parts, or semantic part segmentation. We start by adapting a state-of-the-art semantic segmentation system to this task, and show that a combination of a fully-convolutional Deep CNN system coupled with Dense CRF labelling provides excellent results for a broad range of object categories. Still, this approach remains agnostic to high-level constraints between object parts. We introduce such prior information by means of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine, adapted to our task and train our model in an discriminative fashion, as a hidden CRF, demonstrating that prior information can yield additional improvements. We also investigate the performance of our approach ``in the wild'', without information concerning the objects' bounding boxes, using an object detector to guide a multi-scale segmentation scheme. We evaluate the performance of our approach on the Penn-Fudan and LFW datasets for the tasks of pedestrian parsing and face labelling respectively. We show superior performance with respect to competitive methods that have been extensively engineered on these benchmarks, as well as realistic qualitative results on part segmentation, even for occluded or deformable objects. We also provide quantitative and extensive qualitative results on three classes from the PASCAL Parts dataset. Finally, we show that our multi-scale segmentation scheme can boost accuracy, recovering segmentations for finer parts.Comment: 11 pages (including references), 3 figures, 2 table

    Some like it hot - visual guidance for preference prediction

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    For people first impressions of someone are of determining importance. They are hard to alter through further information. This begs the question if a computer can reach the same judgement. Earlier research has already pointed out that age, gender, and average attractiveness can be estimated with reasonable precision. We improve the state-of-the-art, but also predict - based on someone's known preferences - how much that particular person is attracted to a novel face. Our computational pipeline comprises a face detector, convolutional neural networks for the extraction of deep features, standard support vector regression for gender, age and facial beauty, and - as the main novelties - visual regularized collaborative filtering to infer inter-person preferences as well as a novel regression technique for handling visual queries without rating history. We validate the method using a very large dataset from a dating site as well as images from celebrities. Our experiments yield convincing results, i.e. we predict 76% of the ratings correctly solely based on an image, and reveal some sociologically relevant conclusions. We also validate our collaborative filtering solution on the standard MovieLens rating dataset, augmented with movie posters, to predict an individual's movie rating. We demonstrate our algorithms on howhot.io which went viral around the Internet with more than 50 million pictures evaluated in the first month.Comment: accepted for publication at CVPR 201