493 research outputs found

    Inferring Narrative Causality between Event Pairs in Films

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    To understand narrative, humans draw inferences about the underlying relations between narrative events. Cognitive theories of narrative understanding define these inferences as four different types of causality, that include pairs of events A, B where A physically causes B (X drop, X break), to pairs of events where A causes emotional state B (Y saw X, Y felt fear). Previous work on learning narrative relations from text has either focused on "strict" physical causality, or has been vague about what relation is being learned. This paper learns pairs of causal events from a corpus of film scene descriptions which are action rich and tend to be told in chronological order. We show that event pairs induced using our methods are of high quality and are judged to have a stronger causal relation than event pairs from Rel-grams

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    A Narrative Sentence Planner and Structurer for Domain Independent, Parameterizable Storytelling

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    Storytelling is an integral part of daily life and a key part of how we share information and connect with others. The ability to use Natural Language Generation (NLG) to produce stories that are tailored and adapted to the individual reader could have large impact in many different applications. However, one reason that this has not become a reality to date is the NLG story gap, a disconnect between the plan-type representations that story generation engines produce, and the linguistic representations needed by NLG engines. Here we describe Fabula Tales, a storytelling system supporting both story generation and NLG. With manual annotation of texts from existing stories using an intuitive user interface, Fabula Tales automatically extracts the underlying story representation and its accompanying syntactically grounded representation. Narratological and sentence planning parameters are applied to these structures to generate different versions of the story. We show how our storytelling system can alter the story at the sentence level, as well as the discourse level. We also show that our approach can be applied to different kinds of stories by testing our approach on both Aesop’s Fables and first-person blogs posted on social media. The content and genre of such stories varies widely, supporting our claim that our approach is general and domain independent. We then conduct several user studies to evaluate the generated story variations and show that Fabula Tales’ automatically produced variations are perceived as more immediate, interesting, and correct, and are preferred to a baseline generation system that does not use narrative parameters

    Attention Restraint, Working Memory Capacity, and Mind Wandering: Do Emotional Valence or Intentionality Matter?

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    Attention restraint appears to mediate the relationship between working memory capacity (WMC) and mind wandering (Kane et al., 2016). Prior work has identifed two dimensions of mind wandering—emotional valence and intentionality. However, less is known about how WMC and attention restraint correlate with these dimensions. Te current study examined the relationship between WMC, attention restraint, and mind wandering by emotional valence and intentionality. A confrmatory factor analysis demonstrated that WMC and attention restraint were strongly correlated, but only attention restraint was related to overall mind wandering, consistent with prior fndings. However, when examining the emotional valence of mind wandering, attention restraint and WMC were related to negatively and positively valenced, but not neutral, mind wandering. Attention restraint was also related to intentional but not unintentional mind wandering. Tese results suggest that WMC and attention restraint predict some, but not all, types of mind wandering

    Weakly-supervised Learning Approaches for Event Knowledge Acquisition and Event Detection

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    Capabilities of detecting events and recognizing temporal, subevent, or causality relations among events can facilitate many applications in natural language understanding. However, supervised learning approaches that previous research mainly uses have two problems. First, due to the limited size of annotated data, supervised systems cannot sufficiently capture diverse contexts to distill universal event knowledge. Second, under certain application circumstances such as event recognition during emergent natural disasters, it is infeasible to spend days or weeks to annotate enough data to train a system. My research aims to use weakly-supervised learning to address these problems and to achieve automatic event knowledge acquisition and event recognition. In this dissertation, I first introduce three weakly-supervised learning approaches that have been shown effective in acquiring event relational knowledge. Firstly, I explore the observation that regular event pairs show a consistent temporal relation despite of their various contexts, and these rich contexts can be used to train a contextual temporal relation classifier to further recognize new temporal relation knowledge. Secondly, inspired by the double temporality characteristic of narrative texts, I propose a weakly supervised approach that identifies 287k narrative paragraphs using narratology principles and then extract rich temporal event knowledge from identified narratives. Lastly, I develop a subevent knowledge acquisition approach by exploiting two observations that 1) subevents are temporally contained by the parent event and 2) the definitions of the parent event can be used to guide the identification of subevents. I collect rich weak supervision to train a contextual BERT classifier and apply the classifier to identify new subevent knowledge. Recognizing texts that describe specific categories of events is also challenging due to language ambiguity and diverse descriptions of events. So I also propose a novel method to rapidly build a fine-grained event recognition system on social media texts for disaster management. My method creates high-quality weak supervision based on clustering-assisted word sense disambiguation and enriches tweet message representations using preceding context tweets and reply tweets in building event recognition classifiers

    Data and Methods for Reference Resolution in Different Modalities

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    One foundational goal of artificial intelligence is to build intelligent agents which interact with humans, and to do so, they must have the capacity to infer from human communication what concept is being referred to in a span of symbols. They should be able, like humans, to map these representations to perceptual inputs, visual or otherwise. In NLP, this problem of discovering which spans of text are referring to the same real-world entity is called Coreference Resolution. This dissertation expands this problem to go beyond text and maps concepts referred to by text spans to concepts represented in images. This dissertation also investigates the complex and hard nature of real world coreference resolution. Lastly, this dissertation expands upon the definition of references to include abstractions referred by non-contiguous text distributions. A central theme throughout this thesis is the paucity of data in solving hard problems of reference, which it addresses by designing several datasets. To investigate hard text coreference this dissertation analyses a domain of coreference heavy text, namely questions present in the trivia game of quiz bowl and creates a novel dataset. Solving quiz bowl questions requires robust coreference resolution and world knowledge, something humans possess but current models do not. This work uses distributional semantics for world knowledge. Also, this work addresses the sub-problems of coreference like mention detection. Next, to investigate complex visual representations of concepts, this dissertation uses the domain of paintings. Mapping spans of text in descriptions of paintings to regions of paintings being described by that text is a non-trivial problem because paintings are sufficiently harder than natural images. Distributional semantics are again used here. Finally, to discover prototypical concepts present in distributed rather than contiguous spans of text, this dissertation investigates a source which is rich in prototypical concepts, namely movie scripts. All movie narratives, character arcs, and character relationships, are distilled to sequences of interconnected prototypical concepts which are discovered using unsupervised deep learning models, also using distributional semantics. I conclude this dissertation by discussing potential future research in downstream tasks which can be aided by discovery of referring multi-modal concepts
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