10 research outputs found

    Unsupervised detection of regions of interest using iterative link analysis

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    This paper proposes a fast and scalable alternating optimization technique to detect regions of interest (ROIs) in cluttered Web images without labels. The proposed approach discovers highly probable regions of object instances by iteratively repeating the following two functions: (1) choose the exemplar set (i.e. a small number of highly ranked reference ROIs) across the dataset and (2) refine the ROIs of each image with respect to the exemplar set. These two subproblems are formulated as ranking in two different similarity networks of ROI hypotheses by link analysis. The experiments with the PASCAL 06 dataset show that our unsupervised localization performance is better than one of state-of-the-art techniques and comparable to supervised methods. Also, we test the scalability of our approach with five objects in Flickr dataset consisting of more than 200K images

    Unsupervised Object Discovery and Tracking in Video Collections

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    This paper addresses the problem of automatically localizing dominant objects as spatio-temporal tubes in a noisy collection of videos with minimal or even no supervision. We formulate the problem as a combination of two complementary processes: discovery and tracking. The first one establishes correspondences between prominent regions across videos, and the second one associates successive similar object regions within the same video. Interestingly, our algorithm also discovers the implicit topology of frames associated with instances of the same object class across different videos, a role normally left to supervisory information in the form of class labels in conventional image and video understanding methods. Indeed, as demonstrated by our experiments, our method can handle video collections featuring multiple object classes, and substantially outperforms the state of the art in colocalization, even though it tackles a broader problem with much less supervision

    Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization in the Wild: Part-based Matching with Bottom-up Region Proposals

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    This paper addresses unsupervised discovery and localization of dominant objects from a noisy image collection with multiple object classes. The setting of this problem is fully unsupervised, without even image-level annotations or any assumption of a single dominant class. This is far more general than typical colocalization, cosegmentation, or weakly-supervised localization tasks. We tackle the discovery and localization problem using a part-based region matching approach: We use off-the-shelf region proposals to form a set of candidate bounding boxes for objects and object parts. These regions are efficiently matched across images using a probabilistic Hough transform that evaluates the confidence for each candidate correspondence considering both appearance and spatial consistency. Dominant objects are discovered and localized by comparing the scores of candidate regions and selecting those that stand out over other regions containing them. Extensive experimental evaluations on standard benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the current state of the art in colocalization, and achieves robust object discovery in challenging mixed-class datasets.Comment: CVPR 201

    Revisiting knowledge transfer for training object class detectors

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    We propose to revisit knowledge transfer for training object detectors on target classes from weakly supervised training images, helped by a set of source classes with bounding-box annotations. We present a unified knowledge transfer framework based on training a single neural network multi-class object detector over all source classes, organized in a semantic hierarchy. This generates proposals with scores at multiple levels in the hierarchy, which we use to explore knowledge transfer over a broad range of generality, ranging from class-specific (bicycle to motorbike) to class-generic (objectness to any class). Experiments on the 200 object classes in the ILSVRC 2013 detection dataset show that our technique: (1) leads to much better performance on the target classes (70.3% CorLoc, 36.9% mAP) than a weakly supervised baseline which uses manually engineered objectness [11] (50.5% CorLoc, 25.4% mAP). (2) delivers target object detectors reaching 80% of the mAP of their fully supervised counterparts. (3) outperforms the best reported transfer learning results on this dataset (+41% CorLoc and +3% mAP over [18, 46], +16.2% mAP over [32]). Moreover, we also carry out several across-dataset knowledge transfer experiments [27, 24, 35] and find that (4) our technique outperforms the weakly supervised baseline in all dataset pairs by 1.5x-1.9x, establishing its general applicability.Comment: CVPR 1

    Joint Inference in Weakly-Annotated Image Datasets via Dense Correspondence

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    We present a principled framework for inferring pixel labels in weakly-annotated image datasets. Most previous, example-based approaches to computer vision rely on a large corpus of densely labeled images. However, for large, modern image datasets, such labels are expensive to obtain and are often unavailable. We establish a large-scale graphical model spanning all labeled and unlabeled images, then solve it to infer pixel labels jointly for all images in the dataset while enforcing consistent annotations over similar visual patterns. This model requires significantly less labeled data and assists in resolving ambiguities by propagating inferred annotations from images with stronger local visual evidences to images with weaker local evidences. We apply our proposed framework to two computer vision problems, namely image annotation with semantic segmentation, and object discovery and co-segmentation (segmenting multiple images containing a common object). Extensive numerical evaluations and comparisons show that our method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art in automatic annotation and semantic labeling, while requiring significantly less labeled data. In contrast to previous co-segmentation techniques, our method manages to discover and segment objects well even in the presence of substantial amounts of noise images (images not containing the common object), as typical for datasets collected from Internet search

    Interest Detection in Image, Video and Multiple Videos: Model and Applications

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    Interest detection is detecting an object, event, or process that draws attention. In this dissertation, we focus on interest detection in images, video and multiple videos. Interest detection in an image or a video is closely related to visual attention. However, the interest detection in multiple videos needs to consider all the videos as a whole rather than considering the attention in each single video independently. Visual attention is an important mechanism of human vision. The computational model of visual attention has recently attracted a lot of interest in the computer vision community mainly because it helps find the objects or regions that efficiently represent a scene and thus aids in solving complex vision problems such as scene understanding. In this dissertation, we first introduce a new computational visual-attention model for detecting region of interest in static images and/or videos. This model constructs the saliency map for each image and takes the region with the highest saliency value as the region of interest. Specifically, we use the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) to measure the center-surround difference in the receptive field. Furthermore, we propose to take two steps of biologically-inspired nonlinear operations for combining different features: combining subsets of basic features into a set of super features using the Lm-norm and then combining the super features using the Winner-Take- All mechanism. Then, we extend the proposed model to construct dynamic saliency maps from videos by computing the center-surround difference in the spatio-temporal receptive field. Motivated by the natural relation between visual saliency and object/region of interest, we then propose an algorithm to isolate infrequently moving foreground from background with frequent local motions, in which the saliency detection technique is used to identify the foreground (object/region of interest) and background. Traditional motion detection usually assumes that the background is static while the foreground objects are moving most of the time. However, in practice, especially in surveillance, the foreground objects may show infrequent motion. For example, a person may stand in the same place for most of the time. Meanwhile, the background may contain frequent local motions, such as trees and/or grass waving in the breeze. Such complexities may prevent the existing background subtraction algorithms from correctly identifying the foreground objects. In this dissertation, we propose a background subtraction approach that can detect the foreground objects with frequent and/or infrequent motions. Finally, we focus on the task of locating the co-interest person from multiple temporally synchronized videos taken by the multiple wearable cameras. More specifically, we propose a co-interest detection algorithm that can find persons that draw attention from most camera wearers, even if multiple similar-appearance persons are present in the videos. Our basic idea is to exploit the motion pattern, location, and size of persons detected in different synchronized videos and use them to correlate the detected persons across different videos – one person in a video may be the same person in another video at the same time. We utilized a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to achieve this goal, by taking each frame as a node and the detected persons as the states at each node. We collect three sets of wearable-camera videos for testing the proposed algorithm where each set consists of six temporally synchronized videos

    3D Robotic Sensing of People: Human Perception, Representation and Activity Recognition

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    The robots are coming. Their presence will eventually bridge the digital-physical divide and dramatically impact human life by taking over tasks where our current society has shortcomings (e.g., search and rescue, elderly care, and child education). Human-centered robotics (HCR) is a vision to address how robots can coexist with humans and help people live safer, simpler and more independent lives. As humans, we have a remarkable ability to perceive the world around us, perceive people, and interpret their behaviors. Endowing robots with these critical capabilities in highly dynamic human social environments is a significant but very challenging problem in practical human-centered robotics applications. This research focuses on robotic sensing of people, that is, how robots can perceive and represent humans and understand their behaviors, primarily through 3D robotic vision. In this dissertation, I begin with a broad perspective on human-centered robotics by discussing its real-world applications and significant challenges. Then, I will introduce a real-time perception system, based on the concept of Depth of Interest, to detect and track multiple individuals using a color-depth camera that is installed on moving robotic platforms. In addition, I will discuss human representation approaches, based on local spatio-temporal features, including new “CoDe4D” features that incorporate both color and depth information, a new “SOD” descriptor to efficiently quantize 3D visual features, and the novel AdHuC features, which are capable of representing the activities of multiple individuals. Several new algorithms to recognize human activities are also discussed, including the RG-PLSA model, which allows us to discover activity patterns without supervision, the MC-HCRF model, which can explicitly investigate certainty in latent temporal patterns, and the FuzzySR model, which is used to segment continuous data into events and probabilistically recognize human activities. Cognition models based on recognition results are also implemented for decision making that allow robotic systems to react to human activities. Finally, I will conclude with a discussion of future directions that will accelerate the upcoming technological revolution of human-centered robotics