3 research outputs found

    Towards Reliable Stochastic Data-Driven Models Applied to the Energy Saving in Buildings

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    We aim at the elaboration of Information Systems able to optimize energy consumption in buildings while preserving human comfort. Our focus is in the use of state-based stochastic modeling applied to temporal signals acquired from heterogeneous sources such as distributed sensors, weather web services, calendar information and user triggered events. Our general scientic objectives are: (1) global instead of local optimization of building automation sub-systems (heating, ventilation, cooling, solar shadings, electric lightings), (2) generalization to unseen building conguration or usage through self-learning data-driven algorithms and (3) inclusion of stochastic state-based modeling to better cope with seasonal and building activity patterns. We leverage on state-based models such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to be able to capture the spatial (states) and temporal (sequence of states) characteristics of the signals. We envision several application layers as per the intrinsic nature of the signals to be modeled. We also envision room-level systems able to leverage on a set of distributed sensors (temperature, presence, electricity consumption, etc.). A typical example of room-level system is to infer room occupancy information or activities done in the rooms as a function of time. Finally, building-level systems can be composed to infer global usage and to propose optimization strategies for the building as a whole. In our approach, each layer may be fed by the output of the previous layers. More specically in this paper, we report on the design, conception and validation of several machine learning applications. We present three different applications of state-based modeling. In the rst case we report on the identication of consumer appliances through an analysis of their electric loads. In the second case we perform the activity recognition task, representing human activities through state-based models. The third case concerns the season prediction using building data, building characteristic parameters and meteorological data

    Identificação não intrusiva de cargas por floresta aleatória com otimização fogos de artifício

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    The control of expenses related to electricity has been showing a great growth, especially in residential environments. Monitoring of electrical loads that are turning on and off from a home are often performed using smart-plugs, providing to the consumers information about operation intervals and power consumed by each device. Despite a practical solution to control and reduce electricity costs, it has a high cost due to the amount of meters required. The high cost problem can be worked around by using a non-intrusive load monitoring proposal (NILM), where voltage and current measurements are taken at the home entrance, in counterpart demand a extra processing step. In this extra step, it is necessary to calculate the powers, identification of the occurrence of events and finally, the identification of which equipment was turned on or off. The proposals of this work were to use a new power calculation standard proposed by the IEEE (1459-2010), the elaboration of a heuristic event detector using floating analysis windows to locate stability zones in the power signals after indicating a power variation above a predetermined value, testing the best way to dispose of event identifier data to identify which load has been added or removed from the monitored circuit, and optimization of the parameters of the Random Forest classifier using the fireworks optimization algorithm (FA). The proposed event identifier and classifier tests were performed on the dataset BLUED, which contains data collected at a north american residence over a period of one week. For the classifier tests, four different forms of data entry were used, and subsequently the two forms that obtained the best performances were used in the classifier optimization process. The event identifier results were compared with other publications that used different approaches and obtained satisfactory results. And the results of the classifications were compared to each other, for using different data entry forms, and also as an ideal classifier, where an improvement in the results was also observed when compared with the results of a classifier with commonly used parameters, presenting a larger number of trees used in each RF, but with a limited depth of each tree. And the importance of the variables involved in the classification process were calculated.Agência 1O controle de gastos relacionado à energia elétrica vem apresentando um grande crescimento, principalmente em ambientes residenciais. O monitoramento das cargas elétricas acionadas e removidas de uma residência é realizado frequentemente através de smartplugs, fornecendo aos consumidores o intervalo de funcionamento e a potência consumida por cada equipamento. Apesar de uma solução prática de controle e redução de gastos de energia elétrica, possui um custo elevado devido à quantidade de medidores necessários. O problema do custo elevado pode ser contornado utilizando uma proposta de monitoramento de cargas não intrusivo (NILM), onde as medições de tensão e corrente são realizadas na entrada da residência, em contra partida demanda uma etapa extra de processamento. Nessa etapa extra, é necessário calcular a potência, identificar a ocorrência dos eventos e por fim, a identificar qual equipamento foi ligado ou desligado. As propostas desse trabalho foram utilizar um novo padrão de cálculo de potência proposto pela IEEE (1459-2010), a elaboração de um detector de evento do tipo heurístico utilizando janelas de análise flutuante para localização de zonas de estabilidade nos sinais de potência após indicação de uma variação de potência acima de um valor pré-determinado, testes da melhor forma de disposição dos dados do identificador de eventos para a identificação de qual carga foi adicionada ou removida do circuito monitorado, e otimização dos parâmetros do classificador Floresta Aleatória (RF-Random Forest) utilizando o algoritmo de otimização fogos de artifício (Fireworks Algorithm- FA). Os testes do identificador de eventos proposto e do classificador utilizado foram realizados no dataset BLUED, que contém dados coletados em uma residência norte-americana em um período de uma semana. Para os testes do classificador foram utilizados quatro formas diferentes de entrada de dados inicialmente, e posteriormente as duas formas que obtiveram melhores desempenhos foram utilizadas no processo de otimização do classificador. O desempenho do identificador de evento proposto foi comparado com outras publicação que utilizaram abordagens diferentes e obtiveram resultados satisfatórios. E os resultados das classificações foram comparadas entre si, por utilizarem formas de entrada de dados diferentes, e como também um classificador ideal, onde também foram observados uma melhora dos resultados quando comparados com os resultados de um classificador com parâmetros normalmente utilizados, um número maior de árvores foi utilizada em cada RF, mas com limitação na profundidade de cada árvore. E a importância das variáveis envolvidas no processo de classificação também foi calculada, destacando a importância da utilização do novo padrão de potência proposto pela IEEE

    Unseen appliances identification

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    We assess the feasibility of unseen appliance recognition through the analysis of their electrical signatures recorded using low-cost smart plugs. By unseen, we stress that our approach focuses on the identification of appliances that are of different brands or models than the one in training phase. We follow a strictly defined protocol in order to provide comparable results to the scientific community. We first evaluate the drop of performance when going from seen to unseen appliances. We then analyze the results of different machine learning algorithms, as the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). Several tunings allow us to achieve 74% correct accuracy using GMMs which is our current best system