6 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Student Satisfaction with Online Learning: A Systematic Review

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    Abstrak: Kepuasan belajar online merupakan konstruk yang dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan layanan pembelajaran online. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor kepuasan belajar online siswa. Sistematika literature review ini menganalisis 34 jurnal yang dikumpulkan dari dua situs, yaitu Google Scholar dan Semantic Scholar. Pada bagian pertama studi ini didiskusikan isu akademik pembelajaran online, kemudian model kepuasan belajar online yang digunakan para peneliti, dan terakhir menjelaskan prediktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan belajar online siswa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor eksternal yang paling signifikan adalah learner content dan interaksi guru dengan siswa. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan kepuasan belajar siswa, guru diharapkan dapat menyajikan materi digital yang menarik serta meningkatkan kualitas komunikasi yang positif dikelas virtual. Abstract: Online learning satisfaction can be used to assess how well online learning programs work. This research can help education professionals in their efforts to develop adaptive online learning in dealing with future educational disruptions and challenges through the analysis of various literatures. This systematic literature review explored 34 journals from two sites: Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar. The first part of this study discusses the academic issue of online learning, the second section describes the online learning satisfaction model used by the researchers, and the last part describes the predictors that can affect students' online learning satisfaction. Learner content interaction and teacher-student interactions are the most primary external determinants on online learning satisfaction, according to the analysis' findings. Therefore, teachers are expected to be able to deliver engaging digital contents and enhance positive communication in online setting to increase students’ learning satisfaction

    Perception of Undergraduate Students Toward Mode of Learning in Higher Education Institution: The Impact of COVID-19

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    Hybrid mode of learning is an education method that combines online learning and traditional learning (face to face). In semester A212, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) was conducted hybrid mode of learning in delivering classes. This selection of method has raised different opinions from the students. Therefore, this study examines the UUM undergraduate students perception towards mode of learning in the university. Convenience sampling method was used to collect the data. While frequency analysis and simple logistic regression analysis were adopted as statistical methods in analysing the data. Whereas R programming, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Excel software was used as data analysis tools. Two hundred sixtyeight (268) UUM undergraduate students were chosen as respondents in this study. They were given a set of question regarding the mode of learning. Student’s academics in the form of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), their major reasons to support and against hybrid mode of learning, student’s preference of study environment, and their total daily hours spending on their study during hybrid mode of learning are investigated to determine the relationship between the mode of learning and respondents CGPA. The result indicates that the major reason that students supported hybrid mode learning is because this mode of learning helps in a way of reducing the internet connection problem. This is because the university took seriously in making sure that the internet facilities is at the best condition. Overall, students have a preference for hybrid mode learning and there is no relationship between total daily hours that they spent on study during hybrid mode learning towards their CGP

    Perception of Undergraduate Students Toward Mode of Learning in Higher Education Institution: The Impact of COVID-19

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    Hybrid mode of learning is an education method that combines online learning and traditional learning (face to face). In semester A212, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) was conducted hybrid mode of learning in delivering classes. This selection of method has raised different opinions from the students. Therefore, this study examines the UUM undergraduate students perception towards mode of learning in the university. Convenience sampling method was used to collect the data. While frequency analysis and simple logistic regression analysis were adopted as statistical methods in analysing the data. Whereas R programming, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Excel software was used as data analysis tools. Two hundred sixtyeight (268) UUM undergraduate students were chosen as respondents in this study. They were given a set of question regarding the mode of learning. Student’s academics in the form of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), their major reasons to support and against hybrid mode of learning, student’s preference of study environment, and their total daily hours spending on their study during hybrid mode of learning are investigated to determine the relationship between the mode of learning and respondents CGPA. The result indicates that the major reason that students supported hybrid mode learning is because this mode of learning helps in a way of reducing the internet connection problem. This is because the university took seriously in making sure that the internet facilities is at the best condition. Overall, students have a preference for hybrid mode learning and there is no relationship between total daily hours that they spent on study during hybrid mode learning towards their CGP

    Gifted Students in Poverty\u27s Perceptions of Blended Learning

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    Students who are raised in poverty and are not adapted to technology use have less positive learning experiences with technology usage than other students. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore students\u27 perceptions of blended learning among gifted students who are enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program in a public high school district in the southeastern United States. Davis\u27s version of the technology acceptance model was used as the conceptual framework. The research questions explored the perceptions of these gifted students when they are taught using blended learning in terms of their attitudes, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and behavioral intentions. For this exploratory case study, interviews were conducted with 10 gifted high school students. After manual and digital coding, the emergent themes were an overall positive perception of blended learning. The participants had a positive attitude toward educational technology and also an overwhelmingly positive outlook on behavioral intentions of using education technology. The participants also felt that the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease of use of blended learning platforms were attainable for them. This research may encourage positive social change by providing a needed resource for teachers, parents, and technology coordinators who work in low socioeconomic areas because there is very little research on gifted students in poverty and their use of blended learning. The results of this study indicate that students in poverty could use blended learning for gifted programs and advanced courses that might not be available at their local school in a low-income area