52 research outputs found

    Universally Composable Firewall Architectures using Trusted Hardware

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    Network firewalls are a standard security measure in computer networks that connect to the Internet. Often, ready-to-use firewall appliances are trusted to protect the network from malicious Internet traffic. However, because of their black-box nature, no one can be sure of their exact functionality. We address the possibility of actively compromised firewalls. That is, we consider the possibility that a network firewall might collaborate with an outside adversary to attack the network. To alleviate this threat, we suggest composing multiple firewalls from different suppliers to obtain a secure firewall architecture. We rigorously treat the composition of potentially malicious network firewalls in a formal model based on the Universal Composability framework. Our security assumption is trusted hardware. We show that a serial concatenation of firewalls is insecure even when trusted hardware ensures that no new packages are generated by the compromised firewall. Further, we show that the parallel composition of two firewalls is only secure when the order of packets is not considered. We prove that the parallel composition of three firewalls is insecure, unless a modified trusted hardware is used

    Towards Applying Cryptographic Security Models to Real-World Systems

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    The cryptographic methodology of formal security analysis usually works in three steps: choosing a security model, describing a system and its intended security properties, and creating a formal proof of security. For basic cryptographic primitives and simple protocols this is a well understood process and is performed regularly. For more complex systems, as they are in use in real-world settings it is rarely applied, however. In practice, this often leads to missing or incomplete descriptions of the security properties and requirements of such systems, which in turn can lead to insecure implementations and consequent security breaches. One of the main reasons for the lack of application of formal models in practice is that they are particularly difficult to use and to adapt to new use cases. With this work, we therefore aim to investigate how cryptographic security models can be used to argue about the security of real-world systems. To this end, we perform case studies of three important types of real-world systems: data outsourcing, computer networks and electronic payment. First, we give a unified framework to express and analyze the security of data outsourcing schemes. Within this framework, we define three privacy objectives: \emph{data privacy}, \emph{query privacy}, and \emph{result privacy}. We show that data privacy and query privacy are independent concepts, while result privacy is consequential to them. We then extend our framework to allow the modeling of \emph{integrity} for the specific use case of file systems. To validate our model, we show that existing security notions can be expressed within our framework and we prove the security of CryFS---a cryptographic cloud file system. Second, we introduce a model, based on the Universal Composability (UC) framework, in which computer networks and their security properties can be described We extend it to incorporate time, which cannot be expressed in the basic UC framework, and give formal tools to facilitate its application. For validation, we use this model to argue about the security of architectures of multiple firewalls in the presence of an active adversary. We show that a parallel composition of firewalls exhibits strictly better security properties than other variants. Finally, we introduce a formal model for the security of electronic payment protocols within the UC framework. Using this model, we prove a set of necessary requirements for secure electronic payment. Based on these findings, we discuss the security of current payment protocols and find that most are insecure. We then give a simple payment protocol inspired by chipTAN and photoTAN and prove its security within our model. We conclude that cryptographic security models can indeed be used to describe the security of real-world systems. They are, however, difficult to apply and always need to be adapted to the specific use case

    On Provable Security for Complex Systems

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    We investigate the contribution of cryptographic proofs of security to a systematic security engineering process. To this end we study how to model and prove security for concrete applications in three practical domains: computer networks, data outsourcing, and electronic voting. We conclude that cryptographic proofs of security can benefit a security engineering process in formulating requirements, influencing design, and identifying constraints for the implementation

    Exploring the firewall security consistency in cloud computing during live migration

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    Virtualization technology adds great opportunities and challenges to the cloud computing paradigm. Resource management can be efficiently enhanced by employing Live Virtual Machine Migration (LVMM) techniques. Based on the literature of LVMM implementation in the virtualization environment, middle-boxes such as firewalls do not work effectively after LVMM as it introduces dynamic changes in network status and traffic, which may lead to critical security vulnerabilities. One key security hole is that the security context of the firewall do not move with the Virtual Machine after LVMM is triggered. This leads to inconsistency in the firewall level of protection of the migrated Virtual Machine. There is a lack in the literature of practical studies that address this problem in cloud computing platform. This paper demonstrates a practical analysis using OpenStack testbed to study the firewalls limitations in protecting virtual machines after LVMM. Two network scenarios are used to evaluate this problem. The results show that the security context problem does not exist in the stateless firewall but can exist in the stateful firewall

    Fortified Multi-Party Computation: Taking Advantage of Simple Secure Hardware Modules

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    In practice, there are numerous settings where mutually distrusting parties need to perform distributed computations on their private inputs. For instance, participants in a first-price sealed-bid online auction do not want their bids to be disclosed. This problem can be addressed using secure multi-party computation (MPC), where parties can evaluate a publicly known function on their private inputs by executing a specific protocol that only reveals the correct output, but nothing else about the private inputs. Such distributed computations performed over the Internet are susceptible to remote hacks that may take place during the computation. As a consequence, sensitive data such as private bids may leak. All existing MPC protocols do not provide any protection against the consequences of such remote hacks. We present the first MPC protocols that protect the remotely hacked parties’ inputs and outputs from leaking. More specifically, unless the remote hack takes place before the party received its input or all parties are corrupted, a hacker is unable to learn the parties’ inputs and outputs, and is also unable to modify them. We achieve these strong (privacy) guarantees by utilizing the fact that in practice parties may not be susceptible to remote attacks at every point in time, but only while they are online, i.e. able to receive messages. To this end, we model communication via explicit channels. In particular, we introduce channels with an airgap switch (disconnectable by the party in control of the switch), and unidirectional data diodes. These channels and their isolation properties, together with very few, similarly simple and plausibly remotely unhackable hardware modules serve as the main ingredient for attaining such strong security guarantees. In order to formalize these strong guarantees, we propose the UC with Fortified Security (UC#) framework, a variant of the Universal Composability (UC) framework

    Fortified Universal Composability: Taking Advantage of Simple Secure Hardware Modules

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    Adaptive security is the established way to capture adversaries breaking into computers during secure computations. However, adaptive security does not prevent remote hacks where adversaries learn and modify a party’s secret inputs and outputs. We initiate the study of security notions which go beyond adaptive security. To achieve such a strong security notion, we utilize realistic simple remotely unhackable hardware modules such as air-gap switches and data diodes together with isolation assumptions. Such hardware modules have, to the best of our knowledge, not been used for secure multi-party computation so far. As a result, we are able to construct protocols with very strong composable security guarantees against remote hacks, which are not provided by mere adaptive security. We call our new notion Fortified UC security. Using only very few and very simple remotely unhackable hardware modules, we construct protocols where mounting remote attacks does not enable an adversary to learn or modify a party’s inputs and outputs unless he hacks a party via the input port before it has received its (first) input (or gains control over all parties). Hence, our protocols protect inputs and outputs against all remote attacks, except for hacks via the input port while a party is waiting for input. To achieve this level of security, the parties’ inputs and outputs are authenticated, masked and shared in our protocols in such a way that an adversary is unable to learn or modify them when gaining control over a party via a remote hack. It is important to note that the remotely unhackable hardware modules applied in this work are based on substantially weaker assumptions than the hardware tokens proposed by Katz at EUROCRYPT ‘07. In particular, they are not assumed to be physically tamper-proof, can thus not be passed to other (possibly malicious) parties, and are therefore not sufficient to circumvent the impossibility results in the Universal Composability (UC) framework. Our protocols therefore rely on well-established UC-complete setup assumptions in tandem with our remotely unhackable hardware modules to achieve composability

    New Frameworks for Concurrently Composable Multi-Party Computation

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