3 research outputs found

    The role of university teachers in providing support to their students with disabilities

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    University academic teachers have the responsibility to ensure the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in their classrooms. To this end, as has been confirmed in several studies, it is necessary to incorporate competences in the teaching CVs; specific training on disability, social, communicative and pedagogical skills among others... Also, university teaching staff must be supported by their institutions and be predisposed to be trained in such competences. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is responsible for facilitating flexible and inclusive educational practice; it aims to respond to the training needs of both students and teaching staff in all their diversity.This paper is result of the Erasmus + project “Training university teachers for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities” 2019-1-ES01-KA203-065823. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uloga univerzitetskih nastavnika U pružanju podrške studentima sa teškoćama

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    University academic teachers have the responsibility to ensure the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in their classrooms. To this end, as has been confirmed in several studies, it is necessary to incorporate competences in the teaching CVs; specific training on disability, social, communicative and pedagogical skills among others... Also, university teaching staff must be supported by their institutions and be predisposed to be trained in such competences. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is responsible for facilitating flexible and inclusive educational practice; it aims to respond to the training needs of both students and teaching staff in all their diversity.Univerzitetski nastavnici imaju odgovornost da obezbede uključivanje studenata sa intelektualnim teškoćama u učionice. U tom cilju, kao što je i potvrđeno u nekoliko studija, neophodno je, između ostalog, u biografije nastavnika dodati određene kompetencije; specifične obuke o invalidnosti, socijalnim, komunikativnim i pedagoškim veštinama... Takođe, univerzitetsko nastavno osoblje mora imati podršku svojih institucija i biti sklono sticanju ovih kompetencija. Univerzalni dizajn za učenje (UDU) je odgovoran za omogućavanje fleksibilne i inkluzivne obrazovne prakse; ima za cilj da odgovori na potrebe obuke kako studenata tako i nastavnog osoblja u svoj njihovoj različitosti

    Uloga univerzitetskih nastavnika U pružanju podrške studentima sa teškoćama

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    University academic teachers have the responsibility to ensure the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in their classrooms. To this end, as has been confirmed in several studies, it is necessary to incorporate competences in the teaching CVs; specific training on disability, social, communicative and pedagogical skills among others... Also, university teaching staff must be supported by their institutions and be predisposed to be trained in such competences. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is responsible for facilitating flexible and inclusive educational practice; it aims to respond to the training needs of both students and teaching staff in all their diversity.Univerzitetski nastavnici imaju odgovornost da obezbede uključivanje studenata sa intelektualnim teškoćama u učionice. U tom cilju, kao što je i potvrđeno u nekoliko studija, neophodno je, između ostalog, u biografije nastavnika dodati određene kompetencije; specifične obuke o invalidnosti, socijalnim, komunikativnim i pedagoškim veštinama... Takođe, univerzitetsko nastavno osoblje mora imati podršku svojih institucija i biti sklono sticanju ovih kompetencija. Univerzalni dizajn za učenje (UDU) je odgovoran za omogućavanje fleksibilne i inkluzivne obrazovne prakse; ima za cilj da odgovori na potrebe obuke kako studenata tako i nastavnog osoblja u svoj njihovoj različitosti