20 research outputs found

    The State of Practice for Security Unit Testing: Towards Data Driven Strategies to Shift Security into Developer\u27s Automated Testing Workflows

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    The pressing need to “shift security left” in the software development lifecycle has motivated efforts to adapt the iterative and continuous process models used in practice today. Security unit testing is praised by practitioners and recommended by expert groups, usually in the context of DevSecOps and achieving “continuous security”. In addition to vulnerability testing and standards adherence, this technique can help developers verify that security controls are implemented correctly, i.e. functional security testing. Further, the means by which security unit testing can be integrated into developer workflows is unique from other standalone tools as it is an adaptation of practices and infrastructure developers are already familiar with. Yet, software engineering researchers have so far failed to include this technique in their empirical studies on secure development and little is known about the state of practice for security unit testing. This dissertation is motivated by the disconnect between promotion of security unit testing and the lack of empirical evidence on how it is and can be applied. The goal of this work was to address the disconnect towards identifying actionable strategies to promote wider adoption and mitigate observed challenges. Three mixed-method empirical studies were conducted wherein practitioner-authored unit test code, Q&A posts, and grey literature were analyzed through three lenses: Practices (what they do), Perspectives and Guidelines (what and how they think it should be done), and Pain Points (what challenges they face) to incorporate both technical and human factors of this phenomena. Accordingly, this work contributes novel and important insights into how developers write functional unit tests for at least nine security controls, including a taxonomy of 53 authentication unit test cases derived from real code and a detailed analysis of seven unique pain points that developers seek help with from peers on Q&A sites. Recommendations given herein for conducting and adopting security unit testing, including mitigating challenges and addressing gaps between available and needed support, are grounded in the guidelines and perspectives on the benefits, limitations, use cases, and integration strategies shared in grey literature authored by practitioners

    Automating Test Case Identification in Open Source Projects on GitHub

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    Software testing is one of the very important Quality Assurance (QA) components. A lot of researchers deal with the testing process in terms of tester motivation and how tests should or should not be written. However, it is not known from the recommendations how the tests are actually written in real projects. In this paper the following was investigated: (i) the denotation of the test word in different natural languages; (ii) whether the test word correlates with the presence of test cases; and (iii) what testing frameworks are mostly used. The analysis was performed on 38 GitHub open source repositories thoroughly selected from the set of 4.3M GitHub projects. We analyzed 20,340 test cases in 803 classes manually and 170k classes using an automated approach. The results show that: (i) there exists weak correlation (r = 0.655) between the word test and test cases presence in a class; (ii) the proposed algorithm using static file analysis correctly detected 95\% of test cases; (iii) 15\% of the analyzed classes used main() function whose represent regular Java programs that test the production code without using any third-party framework. The identification of such tests is very low due to implementation diversity. The results may be leveraged to more quickly identify and locate test cases in a repository, to understand practices in customized testing solutions and to mine tests to improve program comprehension in the future.Comment: 31 page

    A framework to test interval arithmetic libraries and their IEEE 1788-2015 compliance

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    As developers of libraries implementing interval arithmetic, we faced the same difficulties when it comes to testing our libraries. What must be tested? How can we devise relevant test cases for unit testing? How can we ensure a high (and possibly 100%) test coverage? Before considering these questions, we briefly recall the main features of interval arithmetic and of the IEEE 1788-2015 standard for interval arithmetic. After listing the different aspects that, in our opinion, must be tested, we contribute a first step towards offering a test suite for an interval arithmetic library. First we define a format that enables the exchange of test cases, so that they can be read and tried easily. Then we offer a first set of test cases, for a selected set of mathematical functions. Next, we examine how the Julia interval arithmetic library, IntervalArithmetic.jl, actually performs to these tests. As this is an ongoing work, we list extra tests that we deem important to perform.Comment: 2 figure

    Reproducibility is Nothing without Correctness: The Importance of Testing Code in NLP

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    Despite its pivotal role in research experiments, code correctness is often presumed only on the basis of the perceived quality of the results. This comes with the risk of erroneous outcomes and potentially misleading findings. To address this issue, we posit that the current focus on result reproducibility should go hand in hand with the emphasis on coding best practices. We bolster our call to the NLP community by presenting a case study, in which we identify (and correct) three bugs in widely used open-source implementations of the state-of-the-art Conformer architecture. Through comparative experiments on automatic speech recognition and translation in various language settings, we demonstrate that the existence of bugs does not prevent the achievement of good and reproducible results and can lead to incorrect conclusions that potentially misguide future research. In response to this, this study is a call to action toward the adoption of coding best practices aimed at fostering correctness and improving the quality of the developed software

    Service oriented architecture for real time data fusion.

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    This project will provide a service-oriented architecture to handle sensor data in real time as the information comes in. There are two types of sensors we\u27re implementing into our project, mobile sensors and stationary sensors. These sensors attach unto motes to gather data about temperature, light and acoustics. The fusion part of the topic is taking both types of sensors, bringing the data together and storing the data in a SQL Database. This project will focus on the gathering, storing and preprocessing of the data. The data from the sensors is stored every three minutes using the BULK INSERT command. We found that storing the data every three minutes is about the most efficient for our implementation

    An overview of Ciao and its design philosophy

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    We provide an overall description of the Ciao multiparadigm programming sy stem emphasizing some of the novel aspects and motivations behind its design and implementation. An important aspect of Ciao is that, in addition to supporting logic programming (and, in particular, Prolog), it provides the programmer with a large number of useful features from different programming paradigms and styles, and that the use of each of these features (including those of Prolog) can be turned on and off at will for each program module. Thus, a given module may be using, e.g., higher order functions and constraints, while another module may be using assignment, predicates, Prolog meta-programming, and concurrency. Furthermore, the language is designed to be extensible in a simple and modular way. Another important aspect of Ciao is its programming environment, which provides a powerful preprocessor (with an associated assertion language) capable of statically flnding non-trivial bugs, verifying that programs comply with speciflcations, and performing many types of optimizations (including automatic parallelization). Such optimizations produce code that is highly competitive with other dynamic languages or, with the (experimental) optimizing compiler, even that of static languages, all while retaining the flexibility and interactive development of a dynamic language. This compilation architecture supports modularity and sepárate compilation throughout. The environment also includes a powerful auto-documenter and a unit testing framework, both closely integrated with the assertion system. The paper provides an informal overview of the language and program development environment. It aims at illustrating the design philosophy rather than at being exhaustive, which would be impossible in a single journal paper, pointing instead to previous Ciao literature

    An overview of ciao and its design philosophy

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    We provide an overall description of the Ciao multiparadigm programming system emphasizing some of the novel aspects and motivations behind its design and implementation. An important aspect of Ciao is that, in addition to supporting logic programming (and, in particular, Prolog), it provides the programmer with a large number of useful features from different programming paradigms and styles and that the use of each of these features (including those of Prolog) can be turned on and off at will for each program module. Thus, a given module may be using, e.g., higher order functions and constraints, while another module may be using assignment, predicates, Prolog meta-programming, and concurrency. Furthermore, the language is designed to be extensible in a simple and modular way. Another important aspect of Ciao is its programming environment, which provides a powerful preprocessor (with an associated assertion language) capable of statically finding non-trivial bugs, verifying that programs comply with specifications, and performing many types of optimizations (including automatic parallelization). Such optimizations produce code that is highly competitive with other dynamic languages or, with the (experimental) optimizing compiler, even that of static languages, all while retaining the flexibility and interactive development of a dynamic language. This compilation architecture supports modularity and separate compilation throughout. The environment also includes a powerful autodocumenter and a unit testing framework, both closely integrated with the assertion system. The paper provides an informal overview of the language and program development environment. It aims at illustrating the design philosophy rather than at being exhaustive, which would be impossible in a single journal paper, pointing instead to previous Ciao literature