8 research outputs found

    ECHOFS: a scheduler-guided temporary filesystem to leverage node-local NVMS

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The growth in data-intensive scientific applications poses strong demands on the HPC storage subsystem, as data needs to be copied from compute nodes to I/O nodes and vice versa for jobs to run. The emerging trend of adding denser, NVM-based burst buffers to compute nodes, however, offers the possibility of using these resources to build temporary file systems with specific I/O optimizations for a batch job. In this work, we present echofs, a temporary filesystem that coordinates with the job scheduler to preload a job's input files into node-local burst buffers. We present the results measured with NVM emulation, and different FS backends with DAX/FUSE on a local node, to show the benefits of our proposal and such coordination.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the TIN2015–65316 grant, the Generalitat de Catalunya under contract 2014– SGR–1051, as well as the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement no. 671951 (NEXTGenIO). Source code available at https://github.com/bsc-ssrg/echofs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Plate : persistent memory management for nonvolatile main memory

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    Over the past few years, nonvolatile memory has actively been researched and developed. Therefore, studying operating system (OS) designs predicated on the main memory in the form of a nonvolatile memory and studying methods to manage persistent data in a virtual memory are crucial to encourage the widespread use of nonvolatile memory in the future. However, the main memory in most computers today is volatile, and replacing highcapacity main memory with nonvolatile memory is extremely cost-prohibitive. This paper proposes an OS structure for nonvolatile main memory. The proposed OS structure consists of three functions to study and develop OSs for nonvolatile main memory computers. First, a structure, which is called plate, is proposed whereby persistent data are managed assuming that nonvolatile main memory is present in a computer. Second, we propose a persistent-data mechanism to make a volatile memory function as nonvolatile main memory, which serves as a basis for the development of OSs for computers with nonvolatile main memory. Third, we propose a continuous operation control using the persistent-data mechanism and plates. This paper describes the design and implementation of the OS structure based on the three functions on The ENduring operating system for Distributed EnviRonment and describes the evaluation results of the proposed functions

    Persistent Database Buffer Caching and Logging with Slotted Page Structure

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringEmerging byte-addressable persistent memory (PM) will be effective to improve the performance of computer system by reducing the redundant write operations. Traditional database management system uses recovery techniques to prevent data loss. The techniques copy the entire page into the block device storage several times for one insertion, so the amount of I/O is not negligible. In this work, we consider PM as main memory. Then, the durability of data in the buffer cache is ensured. To guarantee consistency, we exploit slotted page structure which is commonly used in database systems. We revisit that the slot header, which stores the metadata of the page in the slotted page structure, can act like a commit mark in the persistent database buffer cache. We then present two novel database management schemes using persistent buffer cache and slotted page. In-place commit scheme updates the page atomically using hardware transactional memory. It doesn't make any other copies and has optimal performance. Slot header logging scheme is needed for the case of updating pages more than one. Unlike the existing logging technique, slot header logging reduces the write operations by logging only commit mark. We implemented these schemes in SQLite and evaluate the performance compared with NVWAL, which is the state-of-the-art scheme. Our experiments show that in-place commit scheme needs only 3 cache line flush instructions for one insertion and slot header logging scheme reduces logging overhead at least 1/4.ope

    NVB-tree: Failure-Atomic B+-tree for Persistent Memory

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    Department of Computer EngineeringEmerging non-volatile memory has opened new opportunities to re-design the entire system software stack and it is expected to break the boundaries between memory and storage devices to enable storage-less systems. Traditionally, B-tree has been used to organize data blocks in storage systems. However, B-tree is optimized for disk-based systems that read and write large blocks of data. When byte-addressable non-volatile memory replaces the block device storage systems, the byte-addressability of NVRAM makes it challenge to enforce the failure-atomicity of B-tree nodes. In this work, we present NVB-tree that addresses this challenge, reducing cache line flush overhead and avoiding expensive logging methods. NVB-tree is a hybrid tree that combines the binary search tree and the B+-tree, i.e., keys in each NVB-tree node are stored as a binary search tree so that it can benefit from the byte-addressability of binary search trees. We also present a logging-less split/merge scheme that guarantees failure-atomicity with 8-byte memory writes. Our performance study shows that NVB-tree outperforms the state-of-the-art persistent index - wB+-tree by a large margin.ope

    On the Energy Overhead of Mobile Storage Systems

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    Abstract Secure digital cards and embedded multimedia cards are pervasively used as secondary storage devices in portable electronics, such as smartphones and tablets. These devices cost under 70 cents per gigabyte. They deliver more than 4000 random IOPS and 70 MBps of sequential access bandwidth. Additionally, they operate at a peak power lower than 250 milliwatts. However, software storage stack above the device level on most existing mobile platforms is not optimized to exploit the low-energy characteristics of such devices. This paper examines the energy consumption of the storage stack on mobile platforms. We conduct several experiments on mobile platforms to analyze the energy requirements of their respective storage stacks. Software storage stack consumes up to 200 times more energy when compared to storage hardware, and the security and privacy requirements of mobile apps are a major cause. A storage energy model for mobile platforms is proposed to help developers optimize the energy requirements of storage intensive applications. Finally, a few optimizations are proposed to reduce the energy consumption of storage systems on these platforms

    Improving Storage Performance with Non-Volatile Memory-based Caching Systems

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. April 2017. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: David Du. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 104 pages.With the rapid development of new types of non-volatile memory (NVRAM), e.g., 3D Xpoint, NVDIMM, and STT-MRAM, these technologies have been or will be integrated into current computer systems to work together with traditional DRAM. Compared with DRAM, which can cause data loss when the power fails or the system crashes, NVRAM's non-volatile nature makes it a better candidate as caching material. In the meantime, storage performance needs to keep up to process and accommodate the rapidly generated amounts of data around the world (a.k.a the big data problem). Throughout my Ph.D. research, I have been focusing on building novel NVRAM-based caching systems to provide cost-effective ways to improve storage system performance. To show the benefits of designing novel NVRAM-based caching systems, I target four representative storage devices and systems: solid state drives (SSDs), hard disk drives (HDDs), disk arrays, and high-performance computing (HPC) parallel file systems (PFSs). For SSDs, to mitigate their wear out problem and extend their lifespan, we propose two NVRAM-based buffer cache policies which can work together in different layers to maximally reduce SSD write traffic: a main memory buffer cache design named Hierarchical Adaptive Replacement Cache (H-ARC) and an internal SSD write buffer design named Write Traffic Reduction Buffer (WRB). H-ARC considers four factors (dirty, clean, recency, and frequency) to reduce write traffic and improve cache hit ratios in the host. WRB reduces block erasures and write traffic further inside an SSD by effectively exploiting temporal and spatial localities. For HDDs, to exploit their fast sequential access speed to improve I/O throughput, we propose a buffer cache policy, named I/O-Cache, that regroups and synchronizes long sets of consecutive dirty pages to take advantage of HDDs' fast sequential access speed and the non-volatile property of NVRAM. In addition, our new policy can dynamically separate the whole cache into a dirty cache and a clean cache, according to the characteristics of the workload, to decrease storage writes. For disk arrays, although numerous cache policies have been proposed, most are either targeted at main memory buffer caches or manage NVRAM as write buffers and separately manage DRAM as read caches. To the best of our knowledge, cooperative hybrid volatile and non-volatile memory buffer cache policies specifically designed for storage systems using newer NVRAM technologies have not been well studied. Based on our elaborate study of storage server block I/O traces, we propose a novel cooperative HybrId NVRAM and DRAM Buffer cACHe polIcy for storage arrays, named Hibachi. Hibachi treats read cache hits and write cache hits differently to maximize cache hit rates and judiciously adjusts the clean and the dirty cache sizes to capture workloads' tendencies. In addition, it converts random writes to sequential writes for high disk write throughput and further exploits storage server I/O workload characteristics to improve read performance. For modern complex HPC systems (e.g., supercomputers), data generated during checkpointing are bursty and so dominate HPC I/O traffic that relying solely on PFSs will slow down the whole HPC system. In order to increase HPC checkpointing speed, we propose an NVRAM-based burst buffer coordination system for PFSs, named collaborative distributed burst buffer (CDBB). Inspired by our observations of HPC application execution patterns and experimentations on HPC clusters, we design CDBB to coordinate all the available burst buffers, based on their priorities and states, to help overburdened burst buffers and maximize resource utilization

    Unioning of the Buffer Cache and Journaling Layers with Non-volatile Memory

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    Journaling techniques are widely used in modern file systems as they provide high reliability and fast recovery from system failures. However, it reduces the performance benefit of buffer caching as journaling accounts for a bulk of the storage writes in real system environments. In this paper, we present a novel buffer cache architecture that subsumes the functionality of caching and journaling by making use of non-volatile memory such as PCM or STT-MRAM. Specifically, our buffer cache supports what we call the in-place commit scheme. This scheme avoids logging, but still provides the same journaling effect by simply altering the state of the cached block to frozen. As a frozen block still performs the function of caching, we show that in-place commit does not degrade cache performance. We implement our scheme on Linux 2.6.38 and measure the throughput and execution time of the scheme with various file I/O benchmarks. The results show that our scheme improves I/O performance by 76% on average and up to 240% compared to the existing Linux buffer cache with ext4 without any loss of reliability