149 research outputs found

    Computing parametric rational generating functions with a primal Barvinok algorithm

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    Computations with Barvinok's short rational generating functions are traditionally being performed in the dual space, to avoid the combinatorial complexity of inclusion--exclusion formulas for the intersecting proper faces of cones. We prove that, on the level of indicator functions of polyhedra, there is no need for using inclusion--exclusion formulas to account for boundary effects: All linear identities in the space of indicator functions can be purely expressed using half-open variants of the full-dimensional polyhedra in the identity. This gives rise to a practically efficient, parametric Barvinok algorithm in the primal space.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure; v2: Minor corrections, new example and summary of algorithm; submitted to journa

    Challenging computations of Hilbert bases of cones associated with algebraic statistics

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    In this paper we present two independent computational proofs that the monoid derived from 5×5×35\times 5\times 3 contingency tables is normal, completing the classification by Hibi and Ohsugi. We show that Vlach's vector disproving normality for the monoid derived from 6×4×36\times 4\times 3 contingency tables is the unique minimal such vector up to symmetry. Finally, we compute the full Hilbert basis of the cone associated with the non-normal monoid of the semi-graphoid for ∣N∣=5|N|=5. The computations are based on extensions of the packages LattE-4ti2 and Normaliz.Comment: 10 page

    A Generating Function for all Semi-Magic Squares and the Volume of the Birkhoff Polytope

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    We present a multivariate generating function for all n x n nonnegative integral matrices with all row and column sums equal to a positive integer t, the so called semi-magic squares. As a consequence we obtain formulas for all coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial of the polytope B_n of n x n doubly-stochastic matrices, also known as the Birkhoff polytope. In particular we derive formulas for the volumes of B_n and any of its faces.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric

    Integer Carath\'eodory results with bounded multiplicity

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    The integer Carath\'eodory rank of a pointed rational cone CC is the smallest number kk such that every integer vector contained in CC is an integral non-negative combination of at most kk Hilbert basis elements. We investigate the integer Carath\'eodory rank of simplicial cones with respect to their multiplicity, i.e., the determinant of the integral generators of the cone. One of the main results states that simplicial cones with multiplicity bounded by five have the integral Carath\'eodory property, that is, the integer Carath\'eodory rank equals the dimension. Furthermore, we present a novel upper bound on the integer Carath\'eodory rank which depends on the dimension and the multiplicity. This bound improves upon the best known upper bound on the integer Carath\'eodory rank if the dimension exceeds the multiplicity. At last, we present special cones which have the integral Carath\'eodory property such as certain dual cones of Gorenstein cones
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