1,119 research outputs found

    Uniform Mixed Equilibria in Network Congestion Games with Link Failures

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    Motivated by possible applications in fault-tolerant routing, we introduce the notion of uniform mixed equilibria in network congestion games with adversarial link failures, where players need to route traffic from a source to a destination node. Given an integer rho >= 1, a rho-uniform mixed strategy is a mixed strategy in which a player plays exactly rho edge disjoint paths with uniform probabilities, so that a rho-uniform mixed equilibrium is a tuple of rho-uniform mixed strategies, one for each player, in which no player can lower her cost by deviating to another rho-uniform mixed strategy. For games with weighted players and affine latency functions, we show existence of rho-uniform mixed equilibria and provide a tight characterization of their price of anarchy. For games with unweighted players, instead, we extend the existential guarantee to any class of latency functions and, restricted to games with affine latencies, we derive a tight characterization of both the prices of anarchy and stability

    Price of Anarchy in Bernoulli Congestion Games with Affine Costs

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    We consider an atomic congestion game in which each player participates in the game with an exogenous and known probability pi[0,1]p_{i}\in[0,1], independently of everybody else, or stays out and incurs no cost. We first prove that the resulting game is potential. Then, we compute the parameterized price of anarchy to characterize the impact of demand uncertainty on the efficiency of selfish behavior. It turns out that the price of anarchy as a function of the maximum participation probability p=maxipip=\max_{i} p_{i} is a nondecreasing function. The worst case is attained when players have the same participation probabilities pipp_{i}\equiv p. For the case of affine costs, we provide an analytic expression for the parameterized price of anarchy as a function of pp. This function is continuous on (0,1](0,1], is equal to 4/34/3 for 0<p1/40<p\leq 1/4, and increases towards 5/25/2 when p1p\to 1. Our work can be interpreted as providing a continuous transition between the price of anarchy of nonatomic and atomic games, which are the extremes of the price of anarchy function we characterize. We show that these bounds are tight and are attained on routing games -- as opposed to general congestion games -- with purely linear costs (i.e., with no constant terms).Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Network uncertainty in selfish routing

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    We study the problem of selfish routing in the presence of incomplete network information. Our model consists of a number of users who wish to route their traffic on a network of m parallel links with the objective of minimizing their latency. However, in doing so, they face the challenge of lack of precise information on the capacity of the network links. This uncertainty is modelled via a set of probability distributions over all the possibilities, one for each user. The resulting model is an amalgamation of the KP-model of [13] and the congestion games with user-specific functions of [17]. We embark on a study of Nash equilibria and the price of anarchy in this new model. In particular, we propose polynomial-time algorithms for computing some special cases of pure Nash equilibria and we show that negative results of [17], for the non-existence of pure Nash equilibria in the case of three users, do not apply to our model. Consequently, we propose an interesting open problem in this area, that of the existence of pure Nash equilibria in the general case of our model. Furthermore, we consider appropriate notions for the social cost and the price of anarchy and obtain upper bounds for the latter. With respect to fully mixed Nash equilibria, we propose a method to compute them and show that when they exist they are unique. Finally we prove that the fully mixed Nash equilibrium maximizes the social welfare. 1

    Decentralized Protection Strategies against SIS Epidemics in Networks

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    Defining an optimal protection strategy against viruses, spam propagation or any other kind of contamination process is an important feature for designing new networks and architectures. In this work, we consider decentralized optimal protection strategies when a virus is propagating over a network through a SIS epidemic process. We assume that each node in the network can fully protect itself from infection at a constant cost, or the node can use recovery software, once it is infected. We model our system using a game theoretic framework and find pure, mixed equilibria, and the Price of Anarchy (PoA) in several network topologies. Further, we propose both a decentralized algorithm and an iterative procedure to compute a pure equilibrium in the general case of a multiple communities network. Finally, we evaluate the algorithms and give numerical illustrations of all our results.Comment: accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network System

    Designing Network Protocols for Good Equilibria

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    Designing and deploying a network protocol determines the rules by which end users interact with each other and with the network. We consider the problem of designing a protocol to optimize the equilibrium behavior of a network with selfish users. We consider network cost-sharing games, where the set of Nash equilibria depends fundamentally on the choice of an edge cost-sharing protocol. Previous research focused on the Shapley protocol, in which the cost of each edge is shared equally among its users. We systematically study the design of optimal cost-sharing protocols for undirected and directed graphs, single-sink and multicommodity networks, and different measures of the inefficiency of equilibria. Our primary technical tool is a precise characterization of the cost-sharing protocols that induce only network games with pure-strategy Nash equilibria. We use this characterization to prove, among other results, that the Shapley protocol is optimal in directed graphs and that simple priority protocols are essentially optimal in undirected graphs

    05011 Abstracts Collection -- Computing and Markets

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    From 03.01.05 to 07.01.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05011``Computing and Markets\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Nash Social Welfare in Selfish and Online Load Balancing (Short Paper)

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    In load balancing problems there is a set of clients, each wishing to select a resource from a set of permissible ones, in order to execute a certain task. Each resource has a latency function, which depends on its workload, and a client's cost is the completion time of her chosen resource. Two fundamental variants of load balancing problems are selfish load balancing (aka. load balancing games), where clients are non-cooperative selfish players aimed at minimizing their own cost solely, and online load balancing, where clients appear online and have to be irrevocably assigned to a resource without any knowledge about future requests. We revisit both problems under the objective of minimizing the Nash Social Welfare, i.e., the geometric mean of the clients' costs. To the best of our knowledge, despite being a celebrated welfare estimator in many social contexts, the Nash Social Welfare has not been considered so far as a benchmarking quality measure in load balancing problems. We provide tight bounds on the price of anarchy of pure Nash equilibria and on the competitive ratio of the greedy algorithm under very general latency functions, including polynomial ones. For this particular class, we also prove that the greedy strategy is optimal, as it matches the performance of any possible online algorithm

    Private Peering Among Internet Backbone Providers

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    We develop a model, in which Internet backbone providers decide on private peering agreements, comparing the benefits of private peering relative to being connected only through National Access Points. Backbone providers compete by setting capacities for their networks, capacities on the private peering links, if they choose to peer privately, and access prices. The model is formulated as a multistage game. We examine the model from two alternative modelling perspectives - a purely non-cooperative game, where we solve for Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria through backward induction, and a network theoretic perspective, where we examine pairwise stable and efficient networks. While there are a large number of Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria, both the pairwise stable and the efficient network are unique and the stable network is not efficient and vice versa. The stable network is the complete network, where all the backbone providers choose to peer with each other, while the efficient network is the one, where the backbone providers are connected to each other only through the National Access Points.Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium, networks, pairwise stability, efficiency

    Private Peering Among Internet Backbone Providers

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    We develop a model, in which Internet backbone providers decide on private peering agreements, comparing the benefits of private peering relative to being connected only through National Access Points. Backbone providers compete by setting capacities for their networks, capacities on the private peering links, if they choose to peer privately, and access prices. The model is formulated as a multistage game. We examine the model from two alternative modelling perspectives - a purely non-cooperative game, where we solve for Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria through backward induction, and a network theoretic perspective, where we examine pairwise stable and efficient networks. While there are a large number of Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria, both the pairwise stable and the efficient network are unique and the stable network is not efficient and vice versa. The stable network is the complete network, where all the backbone providers choose to peer with each other, while the efficient network is the one, where the backbone providers are connected to each other only through the National Access Points.Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium, networks, pairwise stability, efficiency